Straight From The Heart

September 5,  2024


Dear Ground Crew:

Here’s the latest from Apollo: “Greetings, this is Apollo. I have been waiting for you. There is much to tell you because there is such rapid change occurring now. You are transitioning from the old world into the new. It can feel strange at times like you are walking blindfolded. You may feel off-balance, ungrounded, tired, sleepy, forgetful, feel the need to daydream a lot, experience the need to be alone, or feel overwhelmed. These are clearly the symptoms of walking from the old world into the new. What brought you satisfaction and happiness from the old material world seems to have lost its luster for many. Some of you are imagining the New World with its far advanced technologies. You are ready for them because you are tired of much of the old way of doing things. You are waiting for the new. This may make your head spin since sometimes you may get tripped up in your mind and not be in the full imagination of your future. It is your future that you are creating now. This future is the promise of your future self remembering who you are, and in creating that future you will have a glimpse of how things will be. It is an exciting time because the new will continue to come in stronger and you will willingly release the past. You will only be involved in the New Earth, the fifth dimension, the Golden Age, or whatever you choose to call it. This energy is the most important for you and for the ascension of the planet. You are already beginning to see what I am telling you.

Dear ground crew, on August 28, 2024, I, Valerie Donner along with Lumina, who is responsible for the luminescence of creation, was given the order to create the following Proclamation of Abundance:










This Proclamation is copyrighted by Valerie Donner from It is to be shared with others so they can all be in joy and receive the many gifts that are coming to them from our Creator. September 5, 2024


The Progress of the Light

The past two months have seemed like we were in a void. I’m sure some of you know what I’m talking about. Many have had to slow down, go on retreat, look in depth at what is occurring around them and see the magic and miracles that are happening.

This Rainbow occurred at 8 o’clock on August 2, 2024. I saw it when I was in downtown Walnut Creek, California. There had  been no rain and it was a huge rainbow that lasted for over 20 minutes. The sky was also lavender in town. Here’s a couple of pictures. It was truly a miracle. I found out the next day that it was also seen over the City of San Francisco and other cities around where I live.


Instead of having my regular annual retreat at Mount Shasta in the summer, I did a personal retreat for the August 8, (8-8) Lionsgate opening. It was beautiful and here’s a couple of pictures from Panther Meadows.

Over Labor Day weekend, I went to Santa Cruz California and took these beautiful pictures of the light over the ocean.



On the Lookout for the Light

By Valerie Donner

Open your eyes.
Look out and see
The light is here
As bright as can be.

It shows up
In the sparkle of your eyes.
Maybe can you see purple
Or some blue in the skies?

The light leaves it’s mark
In the presence of your sun.
You will be guided to look
Where you can have some fun.

Sit still.
Look up at the trees.
The light is there
Kissing the leaves.

Pay attention
To what is bright and clear.
The light is letting you know
That it is near.

Be on the lookout
For the light.
It will be rewarding
Day or night.

As everything speeds up
While you slow down,
You will sparkle
All around town.



A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner on September 5, 2024

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I greet you today with songs in my heart as we celebrate you and the Earth’s return to the light. Many steps have been made and there is monumental progress for this transformation.

Some of you may have felt set in your ways and stuck in the past. Hanging on to this is not going to serve you in the future. The old material third dimensional world no longer exists. It is time for a fresh start.

This New World is an extension from the old world but it is completely different in frequency, consciousness, form and substance. The New World will meet all of your needs and your hearts will be healed. You will know and understand the kindness and goodness of others with whom you will live. You will be living in the light filled agenda which is simply to express creativity, love, unlimited abundance, joy and unity with each other. You will be tied in love to the Creator.

You are moving from the limited to the unlimited. You will be freed from restrictions. You will manifest instantaneously everything that you need. You will get to know yourself and use your gifts and abilities in this self discovery process in a magnitude that you could not have imagined.

On the Earth Council we have observed your rapid progress with your ascension. You are truly becoming the stellar beings that you came to be. This can make you feel more awake than others, which you are, and it can make you happier as you become more of who you are intended to be.

The world is your playground of light. The light is the playground of the Creator. This is where you fit together in the wonders of creativity and self satisfaction. Soon you will know what I am saying and you will be so happy.

I am Mira sending you love, support and guidance as you move through these powerful shifts.

Other Comments From Valerie

In someways it seems like we’ve had to slow down for our summer here and I’m sure this is true across the world. We’ve had to go within and listen to integrate these ascension energies, which can be quite intense. The sun has been different and many are feeling big changes on the way. These changes need to occur for us to be free.

Many are observing craziness in the world by other peoples’ behavior who are not exactly examples of light like us. It is impossible to comprehend everything because it is happening in such multi dimensional energies. The energies have been intense and many are uncomfortable with them.

It is important for us to take care of ourselves, be in nature, rest, eat well, meditate and to find other like-minded ones. We are emptying the shelves of the past from old relationships and wounds,  as we step back into our power. Some of us are connecting with more of our galactic family. It is fun and we are recognizing each other’s hearts and the joy and laughter of this reuniting.

We are also open to the magic and miracles that happen every day. These are the unexpected manifestations of our needs and wants. We are learning how quickly we can manifest. It is wonderful and it is something for us to be grateful about.

Some of you may be interested in having a session with me. I am also running the energies of Lumina that bring powerful healing and transformation. The answers to questions seem to be much more at my fingertips and I have been doing this type of work for over for 30 years.

Here’s a few examples of how I can help you: discover the emotional causes of your health issues, energy healing, clearing energies, insight into relationships whether they are work or personal, a look into what you may be doing as your future self,

readings, counseling, spiritual guidance, and other information that may come through.

In addition to working with Lumina, I work with the energies of the Christ, Mother Mary, St. Germain, Kuthumi, Djwal Khul, the Archangels Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael and Michael, along with your team of guides and angels. I am also connected with the energies of Telos, the Lemurian city one mile underneath Mount Shasta in the fifth dimension.

My rates are: 

  • $30 for 15 minutes
  • $70 for $30 minutes
  • $105 for 45 minutes
  • $140 for 60 minutes

You can reach me at: 925-287-8976 or

Valerie’s Zoom Calls for September

Lumina, Wednesday, September 11 from 4 PM to 5:30 PM Pacific time. Lumina transmits her light frequencies for healing and accelerating your spiritual path.

The Master Djwal Khul, September 12 from 5:00 to 6:30 PM Pacific time. Djwal Khul is the master who came to me many years ago and taught me to channel. He is a master healer and extremely knowledgeable about healing, the Seven Rays, initiations and has great energy. He was the one behind the Alice bailey writings for the Theosophical Society.

Mother Mary and Saint Germain, Thursday, September 19 from 5:00 to 6:30 PM. Mother Mary represents the Divine feminine energy and she and Saint Germain come together for your healing. St. Germain is usually funny and has many comments to make about the political and governmental states of affairs in the US.

Lumina, Wednesday, September 25 from 4:00 to 5:30 PM Pacific time.

Mira from the Pleiadian High Council, Thursday, September 26 from 5:00 to 6:30 PM. Most of you probably know who Mira is since I’ve been writing with her for a long time. She gives us a galactic viewpoint and also usually offers us to come visit her on her ship in our etheric bodies.

Each each call is $33 and payable to me through PayPal at Please let me know if you are interested in attending one of these calls and I will send you the link after receiving payment.

Each one of these transmissions is powerful, healing, and experiential. You can also ask personal questions on these calls.

In Conclusion

The light is with us. We are in transition into our New World. It can be confusing at times, however, if you go with the flow it will be much easier. Please understand that all of our needs will be taken care of and this process is in the hands of the Creator.

Many good things are happening and the rewards for our great work and dedication to the ascension of the Earth are numerous. We are the focus of creation because what happens here affects all of creation. Even though we are filled with light, we are not lightweights when it comes to this process of taking a planet out of the darkness back into the light.

It’s time to get excited everyone, so we can live in our new Golden Age that we have been long promised.

If you choose to make a contribution to the ground crew, you can do it through my PayPal account: VDonner

Your appreciation through a donation helps me feel appreciated for the work that I have been doing for over 30 years online. Thank you so much if you choose to respond to this.  My mailing address is: P.O. Box 5705, Walnut Creek California, 94596

Lots of love and all good things.

In the light,





Straight From The Heart

June 28,  2024


Dear Ground Crew:

Here’s the latest from Apollo: “The times of great change are upon you. Every star in the sky is interested and looking upon you. All of creation is observing and reacting to what is going on with the Earth. You will never be the same again and neither shall the Earth. These monumental changes are a requisite for your full ascension and the Earth. There are many different levels in the process of moving into the Golden Age. You are there now. Some are still being pulled down by the density of the third dimension. It is  heavy and full of negative energies like fear, anger, depression, defeat, and all of the negative emotions with which many have lived for a long time. It takes a monumental feat to become your sovereign, authentic self. And this is exactly what you are doing. You have been coated with different programs that are contrary to you becoming your true co-creator with the Creator. Suffice to say, these energies from the past have held you back. You have suffered from self amnesia where you completely forgot your true nature and oneness with Source. Try like you might, you were prevented from removing the sorcerer’s clothes. Now you are you are deeply involved with this self discovery.  Your souls are intent upon you becoming your future self where you will be doing your full creative expression and even more. This is why you came to shift the consciousness and energy and move the Earth back into the light. It is your light that has permitted the planet to finally rise again back into the 5th dimension and higher. Continue to focus on the light and the love that you are feeling. All is in the hands of the Creator.”

As I have told you before, Apollo and Lumina are Divine Complements. They are together now to uplift you into freedom and love. They are working together with many to balance the divine feminine and the divine masculine energies. This is important work because the masculine energy has been out of balance with everyone and particularly, the Earth. Therefore, you can understand this is a time of great healing. Harmony and divine balance are required for every next step that is taking place in the ascension process.

With more of  Lumina and Apollo’s love, those of you who have been longing for your beloveds will find each other. You won’t have to look under a rock or behind a tree, you will find each other. They will come to you. This is the divine right timing as a gift from Source for you to be happy. In this process you will also help many others find love and healing. This type of love would have truly struggled in a third dimensional programmed dysfunctional relationship. There are some couples from Divine origin who have managed to break free from the dysfunctional relationships, and have tried to lay this type of blueprint. It has been challenging but now the energy is in place. It is time.


From Lumina through Valerie Donner, June 28, 2024

Dear ones. You are beginning to lean into the brilliant light that is coming to the Earth right now. This light has beneficial results that will make your hearts sing. The days of stress and loneliness are coming to an end. You are coming into the oneness of being with your beloved. This will require some adjustment and adaption but it will be fully worth it.

These relationships are not the Hollywood style romance type of relationship that has been portrayed through the main stream. They flow and are original and you will remember. You will do your dance together and live in harmony and bliss. These are happening as a result of the Creator’s love for you. It is unceasing and never ending. It is brilliant and divine.

You may want to pause and reflect upon these words that I am saying. You might want to breathe them in and let them sink in to your heart and consciousness. Having your beloved is part of the self realization aspect of Ascension. It is a gift from Source for all of the hard work that you have done, for the sacrifices you have made, and for your good work for being kind and loving beings of light.

The light takes precedence now and is everywhere present full of spectacular colors and hues you have not seen before. You might be able to feel into these energies and be a part of the glory of our Creator in the true splendor of yourself. You are becoming you true God Self.

What an assignment you have been in on living on the Earth through these turbulent, harsh and challenging times! The rewards will be great, your creativity will soar and you will live the happily in the New World. We thank you so much for all that you have done. You are loved into eternity and beyond.


Strie Up The Band

By Valerie Donner

Strike up the band.
Live in the light.

Something wonderful
Is happening tonight.

You were here.
Now you’re someplace else.
You are coming together
As your true God self.

This was meant to be.
It’s a part of the plan
For you to become your true self
As fast as you can.

This is big.
It is something to reveal
On the way
To becoming real.

Little did you know
How far you could see
That you would be living here
In a new reality.

Let the fireworks explode.
Become your true and free you.
Strike up the band.
That’s all you have to do.



A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner on June 28, 2024

Greetings: I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I am here to speak with you today to give you an update about what is occurring on the Earth. I speak as a member of the Earth Council. I work full-time with this council and have been for many years.

I recommend that you look around and view these occurrences from a different viewpoint than perhaps your current perspective. Maybe you can see the world of the old third dimension crumbling? You might see the strangeness of the old world as you advance in to higher consciousness in the fifth dimension or higher.

Yes, the energies are strange and can be a bit uprooting. Some of you are observing humanities behavior as bizarre and maybe even stupid. You might wonder what has been short circuited in some peoples’ brains when they make the decisions they make. These behaviors can actually push you to your limits.

These unreasonable irrational behaviors are showing you the end of the third dimensional Earth. You see some people taking risks you would never take. Many have lost their bearings. The old fill in factors that kept everyone under control are ceasing to exist.

The reason for this is that in the higher consciousness none of these old factors are necessary. You will be living in divine flow without the need for the use of lower technology and certainly without lower consciousness. Your blinders are off now and you are seeing it with  real time vision.

This means you are awake. Congratulations! The more nonsensical the world becomes, the further you will have risen into the fifth dimension. The time of the old world leaders, organizations, systems, and controls, etc. are departing, thereby giving you the freedom  you have long needed and deserved. As your galactic family, we celebrate with you the new beginnings. We cheer you on in every way and we assist where we are needed. You are not alone.

We love you, applaud you and are here for you. I am Mira.

Valerie’s Zoom Calls for July

The Master Djwal Khul, Thursday, July 11, from 5:00 to 6:30 PM Pacific time. This beautiful master is the one who came to me to teach me to channel many years ago. He was known as the Tibetan and was the source of information for Alice Bailey and The Theosophical Society teachings. He is the master who brings strength and that is why he’s here now to help us be strong as we move through these culminating changes.

Mother Mary and the Master St. Germain, Thursday, July 18, from 5:00 to 6:30 PM Pacific time. Mother Mary represents the Divine feminine energy. The Master St. Germain and Mother Mary are close friends. They have come together in my transmissions for many years. St. Germain likes to be called Mr. Wonderful and in these calls he can be very funny and entertaining in addition to being informative. St. Germain stands for freedom and you know how much we need that now.

Mira from the Pleiadian High Council, Thursday, July 25 from 5:00 to 6:30 PM Pacific time. Many know and love Mira. In these transmissions Mira bring us wonderful energy and information. At the end she invites us up to her ship in our etheric bodies to have an experience. This is optional.

“Illuminate your life with Lumina,” Wednesdays, July 3, and July 17, from 4:00 to 5:30 PM Pacific time. This transmission is for special people who want to have a deep experience with Lumina.

All of these calls are experiential and highly energetic. They are $33 each and are payable with PayPal: Please email me if you want to attend at: or call me to let me know if you want to be on the call: Phone: 925-287-8976 I will send you the link.


Valerie’s Work

As an energy healer, spiritual counselor, reader, and teacher, I have been working with very powerful energies with Lumina. With this work I am clear, fast and quite accurate with the information that is provided. The focus can be on relationships both personal and at work, healing, releasing the past, and your future self. The sessions usually include humor as a part of the healing.

I have been doing this work for over 25 years but it has really accelerated lately. If you need some help you might want to give me a call at: 925-287-8976 or email me at:

My rates are:

$35 for 15 minutes
$70 for 30 minutes
$105 for 45 minutes
$140 for an hour

Heart of the Mountain Retreat at Mount Shasta

Thursday, August 8, the Lions Gate, to Sunday, August 11, 2024.
I have been told this will be a very auspicious time to be at the mountain and that I have to be there.

I am making some changes to the retreat. Our Lemurian experience will not be on private property it will be someplace else. I am also extending the time for the 10% discount of the cost of the retreat from $639 to $575 that I will honor until July 18.

Here’s what the retreat includes:

  • A Lemurian experience (from Telos the Lemurian city that is in the fifth dimension a mile under the mountain) on private property in the area
  • Transmissions from masters such as St. Germain, Kuthumi, perhaps Adama, the High Priest of Telos, and Lumina
  • Healing
  • You will leave with a higher frequency
  • Expanded awareness and consciousness
  • Swimming in lakes
  • Visits to waterfalls
  • Joy, fun and laughter, with your new galactic friends who will be at the retreat
  • A free dinner
  • Snacks and much more

The retreat is $639. If paid for by July 18, there is a 10% discount making the cost making it $576.

If you are interested please contact me at: or call me at: 925-287-8976

Accommodations are not included in the fee.

In Conclusion

The light is clearly with us to the fullest extent now. We are moving  into the Golden Age at warp speed. We are being given everything we need and then some. The old broken pieces of the puzzle are being removed. We are remembering that we are all a part of the Creator. This is being amplified in a myriad of ways. It’s been a part of the Divine Plan all along and now we are remembering. Let’s make it real and create our new world.

Thank you for doing such a spectacular job, ground crew. We’ve got it and we are being held in the arms of the light of creation with bountiful joyful love, peace, harmony and bliss.

Let freedom ring!

I am sending you love and all good things.

In the light,





Straight From The Heart

February 1, 2024


Dear Ground Crew:

Here’s the latest from Apollo: “I greet you today with a captivating spirit. The ground crew and the forces of light are lockstep and barrel standing together holding the Earth in the most profound light imaginable. We are the steady anchors connected with our ground crew, along with all forces of light, to shift the Earth into the fifth dimension. The Earth is ready and we are ready. Although we know more of the details that are going on right now, we honor what you know and what choices you are making for the light. The forces of light are standing together in unison to change the Earth and to bring it to freedom. The dark forces are being held accountable and are being removed rapidly. The people are taking their power back in massive awakenings. The saturation point is here, compelling humanity to make new choices and to come together in unity. The truth and the light are returning humanity to sovereignty. The lies will no longer be tolerated and humanity is ready to be free. We are with you en masse. Feel our strength, commitment and our love for this mission, for you and for the Earth. We are victorious!

How are you doing, beloved ones? Can you feel the difference in the energies from this year to the same time last year? Can you see how much you have grown, come together and healed? Do you understand the greater wisdom that you now have compared to last year? Is it sensible to you that even though you are still living in the material world, that you are not in the third dimension any longer? You are much more in the fourth and fifth dimensions, which is an energy, and is certainly higher than the third dimension.

Have you noticed how quickly time has sped up? Have you needed more time for yourself? Here in America it is Winter and some of us are feeling like hibernating. The animals have it right. The plants, trees and flowers are dormant right now. They are holding the anchor for the spring time to come and bring forth new growth.

Imagine the growth of the season within you regardless of what your season of the year is where you live. Are you following the energies daily? What are you doing with nature? Are you observing the natural flow and following that flow? Are you aware when the weather seems off? What are we being told? Whatever the mainstream may be telling us may not be true. We are a part of nature and our hearts know the truth and sense it. It’s all too easy to be thrown off by external verbiage when we know otherwise.

Some ground crew report more ascension symptoms, like sleep issues, headaches, muscle aches and pains and increased sensitivity. The sun has been extremely active.The Schumann Resonance was down for ten days recently. Some ground crew report being aware of working at night in the dream state. They are getting downloads and are in special meetings involving important decisions. We are being looked after, loved and taken care of in unfathomable ways. It’s all because our Creator is in charge and loves everyone of us beyond measure.

This is truly the time when many are awakening and re-kindling their relationship with Source. This is so important. It is why we are here. We came back from the future to go home back into the heart of the Creator. We are the bravest of the brave and the most dedicated and committed ground crew ever created. We shall all be remembered in the halls of history for freeing the enslaved planet Earth. I hope you realize how important your presence here is, dear ones.

You were each specifically chosen to be on the planet at this time. Only a minuscule percentage of the souls who requested to participate in this project were chosen. It has taken bravery, perseverance, intelligence, patience, strength, love, courage, compassion, dedication, devotion, resilience, commitment, power and presence to achieve all that we have achieved.

We had to forget everything about who we were until now. We are beginning to remember our mastery. We are activating our gifts and our abilities. We are being activated into our avatar selves, angelic selves, and our galactic aspects. It’s kind of fun! We are turning around our opinions about ourselves that came from programming.

Many of us had to do an enormous amount of inner work to make it through the programming and to realize the truth. The old core wounds such as not being good enough, fear of abandonment, fear of not being lovable, fear of being alone, fear of not fitting in, etc. no longer apply. Even though they may come up as old thoughts, they are not true.The new you is what is true. Ask to remember who you are as a divine being. This is part of our awakening process.

Please remember what the master Djwal Khul recently told us in a transmission that I did, “The light can do anything!” The light is creation. It is powerful. You might want to remind yourself of these words when you are challenged. They will give you strength.

Hold Steady
By Valerie Donner

Hold steady.
Hold fast.
What’s happening now
Won’t last.

It’s time
To turn things around.
The Earth needs to be
On more steady ground.

Wherever you look.
Whatever you do.
The light is here
Lifting us through.

Stand strong.
Stand tall.
It’s our strength
That will hold the wall.

What is right is right.
What is wrong is wrong.
If it’s not of the light
It doesn’t belong.

Let go of the lies
And untruth.
The way we’ve been living
Has been quite uncouth.

The magic and miracles
Have just begun.

Stand in the light
And have some fun.


Transmission from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council February 1, 2024 Through Valerie Donner

Greetings: I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council currently serving full-time on the Earth Council for the Earth’s ascension.

You may have begun to notice more disorder and chaos everywhere on the planet. This is not intended to alarm you, but to make you aware of the necessary shifts in consciousness that one must go through during ascension. In some ways it is like walking through a field and pulling weeds that don’t belong there. They are there for a reason so that you can pick and choose what feels right and what looks better. This is all about new creation and a whole new focus for the Earth.

You will begin to stop saying “We’ve always done it this way!” This is clearly a pivotal point when you realize that you are no longer in the third dimension. What was done in the past no longer applies. This becomes even more clear when you realize how the matrix is breaking down and things are no longer working the way they used to work.

There are many clues that you experience every day to show you how different things have become. You have been programmed to believe that the third dimensional material world would perpetuate into eternity. Humanity is beginning to realize what tey bought “as a program” is no longer applicable. There are many reasons for this. An example could be purchasing a brand new vehicle that has problems within the first few months of a warranty only to discover it is unfixable. New household appliances can be untrustworthy, yet no one takes responsibility. It’s almost like you are surviving in a vacuum that doesn’t work.

These are just a couple of examples about what is happening every day through shoddy workmanship, lack of responsibility and ownership. The inability to follow through and make things right, lack of integrity, greed, and perhaps even an exhausted labor force. Maybe humanity is tired of being enslaved and has reached the point of exhaustion and does not care about the work they have been doing?

From a galactic perspective, I will tell you that you will be doing your true and most important work as an expression of your soul’s energy. This does not mean that some of the work you have done in the material world has been worthless, but what it means is conditions on the planet will be changing. An increasing number of people will find ways to follow their hearts and do what they came to do instead of having to do things just to make money. The planet is moving into abundance mode and everyone will have everything they need. They will joyfully learn to express themselves and to create from the magic within. The playing field will be leveling off for everyone.

When peoples’ survival needs have been met, they can be creative and free to experience life in the precious world in which they live. In the Earth Council we can see how ready humanity is ready to live this new way. It appears that there is no more energy left for forcing people to do something that is not true for them. Imagine what it will be like when you will live in peace, harmony, joy, abundance, health, beauty, cooperation, caring, love, and respect for each other and for the Earth. You have a bright future ahead, ground crew. We shall meet and have a wondrous time.

I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council sending you love, strength, and lots of magic and miracles.

Valerie’s Zoom Call Transmissions for February 2024

The Master Djwal Khul, was known as the Tibetan, Thursday, February 1, from 5:00 to 6:30 PM Pacific Time. He was responsible for channeling the Alice Bailey books for the Theosophical Society. His focus is on strength. DK is an expert on healing, initiations, and the Seven Rays. He is supportive and provides important information for our well-being at this time.

Mother Mary and Saint Germain, Thursday, February 8, from 5:00 to 6:30 PM Pacific Time. Mother Mary represents the divine feminine energy, which is where we need a lot of healing, for both men and women. It is so important to bring balance of the divine masculine and divine feminine. Saint Germain, is always with Mother Mary when I work with him. He usually tells us to wear more purple and lightens up our conversation. He is a masterful alchemist and is a founding father of the U.S. devoted to America.

Mira, from the Pleiadian High Council, Thursday, February 15, from 5:00 to 6:30 PM Pacific Time.  Mira always seems to tune in to what we need to hear. In this experiential call she also invites us up to her ship in our etheric bodies. We always love being there and benefit in many ways from these experiences.

Classes are $33 are payable with PayPal. vdonner99@gmail.comCredit cards are acceptable but you must call me with the card number: 925-287-8976Calls are recorded and can be emailed to you. For anyone interested in just listening to a call it is $33. This is payable via PayPal also as above. After payment is received, I will send you the link to the Zoom Call or the recording.

How I Can Help You

As a spiritual counselor, reader, energy healer, channel, teacher, and speaker,  I work deeply at the heart and soul level, so I feel things, see things and information comes. I’ve been meditating twice daily for over 40 years. I work with your team of angels, guides and masters, as well as my team, which includes Mother Mary, St. Germain, the Christ energy, Santa Kumara, Djwal Khul, and the archangels Gabriel, Michael, Raphael and Ariel. I also work with Lumina who is responsible for the luminescence of creation. She provides powerful light activations in my sessions that will assist your consciousness and raise your frequency. I am also good at finding emotional causes for illness.

My rates: $70 for 30 minutes, $105 for 45 minutes and $140 for an hour. I may be reached at the or calls at 925-287-8976.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, it appears the year 2024 is going to be full of surprises and life-changing events that will improve our lives. The truth and the light will prevail. The darkness will disappear. Humanity will come together in oneness and unity. Everyone will be where they are meant to be and will do what they are called to do. Much of humanity will need help from the ground crew. We will be working in tandem with the Light Alliance, which includes our galactic friends and family. Our lives will be easier and free from struggle.  We will enjoy health naturally. We will have new forms of transportation along with fantastic technology that is long overdue. You are heroes and heroines in the eyes of the Creator. You have accomplished what you came to accomplish and the rewards and celebrations are coming your way, dear ones.

In the light,




Straight From The Heart

October 13, 2023


Dear Ground Crew:

This is a pivotal time on the planet and I feel like we are all on standby. Therefore, I am writing a brief message for you today. It is from Lumina, who is responsible for the luminescence of creation. This is what she wants you to know:

“Greetings. I am Lumina. The light is here to stay. It is increasing daily. The energies are powerful. We are working together. It is a light infiltration that is exposing the darkness.

“There is a last ditch effort by the dark forces to continue to instill fear.  Remember that your role is now is to shift the fear. Please listen to your heart for the truth and do not believe what you see on your screens. These are devices to keep you distracted and divided. 

“It is a time of great heart opening for the human family. The Earth is a heart centered planet but was taken over by those without hearts, which is becoming increasingly visible. A human heart would not intend to harm another. It is created and activated by Source. It is run by the battery of love, which is light. This is what brings forth creation.

“Because the light of creation is important and powerful, it can also annihilate that which is not the light. By exposing the darkness the light knows what to do to remove it.

“The planet is shifting from those who only serve themselves to a service to others planet. This is a massive cleansing and clearing. Ascension is occurring.

“Please reach out with your light to assist others while their hearts are awakening and even breaking. Send your love everywhere on the planet. Reach out and touch somebody’s hand. 

“Please remember your consciousness carries the light. When you focus it’s like a transmitter of love sending your light wherever it goes.  It is ideal to focus on what is real, good, and true.”

We have our work cut out for us, ground crew. We can do it though. That’s why we are here. We need to remember that we are great avatars and masters.

When we are around others who are in fear and stress, sometimes we can help by reminding them that’s there are more sides to the story than what is being told. Hold them in your heart with compassion. Love will get us through.

You Are Invited


I have been asked to expand my presence on the Internet. Therefore, I am starting to participate in some online summits. It will be recorded information about various topics like healing, shamanism, and the wisdom of the heart. I will also be offering something free.

The first video series in which I will be participating is with Janine Giesbrecht in the White Raven Series. This will October 13-19, 2023. You are all invited. You can receive a free 15 minute video chakra clearing. You will receive some e-mails with the details. LEARN MORE HERE

I hope you will find some things of interest in this series.

Thank you for being a part of our fantastic ground crew.

In the light,
