Straight From The Heart

June 28,  2024


Dear Ground Crew:

Here’s the latest from Apollo: “The times of great change are upon you. Every star in the sky is interested and looking upon you. All of creation is observing and reacting to what is going on with the Earth. You will never be the same again and neither shall the Earth. These monumental changes are a requisite for your full ascension and the Earth. There are many different levels in the process of moving into the Golden Age. You are there now. Some are still being pulled down by the density of the third dimension. It is  heavy and full of negative energies like fear, anger, depression, defeat, and all of the negative emotions with which many have lived for a long time. It takes a monumental feat to become your sovereign, authentic self. And this is exactly what you are doing. You have been coated with different programs that are contrary to you becoming your true co-creator with the Creator. Suffice to say, these energies from the past have held you back. You have suffered from self amnesia where you completely forgot your true nature and oneness with Source. Try like you might, you were prevented from removing the sorcerer’s clothes. Now you are you are deeply involved with this self discovery.  Your souls are intent upon you becoming your future self where you will be doing your full creative expression and even more. This is why you came to shift the consciousness and energy and move the Earth back into the light. It is your light that has permitted the planet to finally rise again back into the 5th dimension and higher. Continue to focus on the light and the love that you are feeling. All is in the hands of the Creator.”

As I have told you before, Apollo and Lumina are Divine Complements. They are together now to uplift you into freedom and love. They are working together with many to balance the divine feminine and the divine masculine energies. This is important work because the masculine energy has been out of balance with everyone and particularly, the Earth. Therefore, you can understand this is a time of great healing. Harmony and divine balance are required for every next step that is taking place in the ascension process.

With more of  Lumina and Apollo’s love, those of you who have been longing for your beloveds will find each other. You won’t have to look under a rock or behind a tree, you will find each other. They will come to you. This is the divine right timing as a gift from Source for you to be happy. In this process you will also help many others find love and healing. This type of love would have truly struggled in a third dimensional programmed dysfunctional relationship. There are some couples from Divine origin who have managed to break free from the dysfunctional relationships, and have tried to lay this type of blueprint. It has been challenging but now the energy is in place. It is time.


From Lumina through Valerie Donner, June 28, 2024

Dear ones. You are beginning to lean into the brilliant light that is coming to the Earth right now. This light has beneficial results that will make your hearts sing. The days of stress and loneliness are coming to an end. You are coming into the oneness of being with your beloved. This will require some adjustment and adaption but it will be fully worth it.

These relationships are not the Hollywood style romance type of relationship that has been portrayed through the main stream. They flow and are original and you will remember. You will do your dance together and live in harmony and bliss. These are happening as a result of the Creator’s love for you. It is unceasing and never ending. It is brilliant and divine.

You may want to pause and reflect upon these words that I am saying. You might want to breathe them in and let them sink in to your heart and consciousness. Having your beloved is part of the self realization aspect of Ascension. It is a gift from Source for all of the hard work that you have done, for the sacrifices you have made, and for your good work for being kind and loving beings of light.

The light takes precedence now and is everywhere present full of spectacular colors and hues you have not seen before. You might be able to feel into these energies and be a part of the glory of our Creator in the true splendor of yourself. You are becoming you true God Self.

What an assignment you have been in on living on the Earth through these turbulent, harsh and challenging times! The rewards will be great, your creativity will soar and you will live the happily in the New World. We thank you so much for all that you have done. You are loved into eternity and beyond.


Strie Up The Band

By Valerie Donner

Strike up the band.
Live in the light.

Something wonderful
Is happening tonight.

You were here.
Now you’re someplace else.
You are coming together
As your true God self.

This was meant to be.
It’s a part of the plan
For you to become your true self
As fast as you can.

This is big.
It is something to reveal
On the way
To becoming real.

Little did you know
How far you could see
That you would be living here
In a new reality.

Let the fireworks explode.
Become your true and free you.
Strike up the band.
That’s all you have to do.



A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner on June 28, 2024

Greetings: I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I am here to speak with you today to give you an update about what is occurring on the Earth. I speak as a member of the Earth Council. I work full-time with this council and have been for many years.

I recommend that you look around and view these occurrences from a different viewpoint than perhaps your current perspective. Maybe you can see the world of the old third dimension crumbling? You might see the strangeness of the old world as you advance in to higher consciousness in the fifth dimension or higher.

Yes, the energies are strange and can be a bit uprooting. Some of you are observing humanities behavior as bizarre and maybe even stupid. You might wonder what has been short circuited in some peoples’ brains when they make the decisions they make. These behaviors can actually push you to your limits.

These unreasonable irrational behaviors are showing you the end of the third dimensional Earth. You see some people taking risks you would never take. Many have lost their bearings. The old fill in factors that kept everyone under control are ceasing to exist.

The reason for this is that in the higher consciousness none of these old factors are necessary. You will be living in divine flow without the need for the use of lower technology and certainly without lower consciousness. Your blinders are off now and you are seeing it with  real time vision.

This means you are awake. Congratulations! The more nonsensical the world becomes, the further you will have risen into the fifth dimension. The time of the old world leaders, organizations, systems, and controls, etc. are departing, thereby giving you the freedom  you have long needed and deserved. As your galactic family, we celebrate with you the new beginnings. We cheer you on in every way and we assist where we are needed. You are not alone.

We love you, applaud you and are here for you. I am Mira.

Valerie’s Zoom Calls for July

The Master Djwal Khul, Thursday, July 11, from 5:00 to 6:30 PM Pacific time. This beautiful master is the one who came to me to teach me to channel many years ago. He was known as the Tibetan and was the source of information for Alice Bailey and The Theosophical Society teachings. He is the master who brings strength and that is why he’s here now to help us be strong as we move through these culminating changes.

Mother Mary and the Master St. Germain, Thursday, July 18, from 5:00 to 6:30 PM Pacific time. Mother Mary represents the Divine feminine energy. The Master St. Germain and Mother Mary are close friends. They have come together in my transmissions for many years. St. Germain likes to be called Mr. Wonderful and in these calls he can be very funny and entertaining in addition to being informative. St. Germain stands for freedom and you know how much we need that now.

Mira from the Pleiadian High Council, Thursday, July 25 from 5:00 to 6:30 PM Pacific time. Many know and love Mira. In these transmissions Mira bring us wonderful energy and information. At the end she invites us up to her ship in our etheric bodies to have an experience. This is optional.

“Illuminate your life with Lumina,” Wednesdays, July 3, and July 17, from 4:00 to 5:30 PM Pacific time. This transmission is for special people who want to have a deep experience with Lumina.

All of these calls are experiential and highly energetic. They are $33 each and are payable with PayPal: Please email me if you want to attend at: or call me to let me know if you want to be on the call: Phone: 925-287-8976 I will send you the link.


Valerie’s Work

As an energy healer, spiritual counselor, reader, and teacher, I have been working with very powerful energies with Lumina. With this work I am clear, fast and quite accurate with the information that is provided. The focus can be on relationships both personal and at work, healing, releasing the past, and your future self. The sessions usually include humor as a part of the healing.

I have been doing this work for over 25 years but it has really accelerated lately. If you need some help you might want to give me a call at: 925-287-8976 or email me at:

My rates are:

$35 for 15 minutes
$70 for 30 minutes
$105 for 45 minutes
$140 for an hour

Heart of the Mountain Retreat at Mount Shasta

Thursday, August 8, the Lions Gate, to Sunday, August 11, 2024.
I have been told this will be a very auspicious time to be at the mountain and that I have to be there.

I am making some changes to the retreat. Our Lemurian experience will not be on private property it will be someplace else. I am also extending the time for the 10% discount of the cost of the retreat from $639 to $575 that I will honor until July 18.

Here’s what the retreat includes:

  • A Lemurian experience (from Telos the Lemurian city that is in the fifth dimension a mile under the mountain) on private property in the area
  • Transmissions from masters such as St. Germain, Kuthumi, perhaps Adama, the High Priest of Telos, and Lumina
  • Healing
  • You will leave with a higher frequency
  • Expanded awareness and consciousness
  • Swimming in lakes
  • Visits to waterfalls
  • Joy, fun and laughter, with your new galactic friends who will be at the retreat
  • A free dinner
  • Snacks and much more

The retreat is $639. If paid for by July 18, there is a 10% discount making the cost making it $576.

If you are interested please contact me at: or call me at: 925-287-8976

Accommodations are not included in the fee.

In Conclusion

The light is clearly with us to the fullest extent now. We are moving  into the Golden Age at warp speed. We are being given everything we need and then some. The old broken pieces of the puzzle are being removed. We are remembering that we are all a part of the Creator. This is being amplified in a myriad of ways. It’s been a part of the Divine Plan all along and now we are remembering. Let’s make it real and create our new world.

Thank you for doing such a spectacular job, ground crew. We’ve got it and we are being held in the arms of the light of creation with bountiful joyful love, peace, harmony and bliss.

Let freedom ring!

I am sending you love and all good things.

In the light,





Straight From The Heart

March 29, 2024


Dear Ground Crew:

Here’s the latest from Apollo: “The energies are running rampant on the Earth. You can attribute this to the rapid shift in consciousness. This also has to do with the cessation of the third dimensional world where are you are programmed to live in linear time. You were mechanized with artificial time. It was used to enslave the planet and to keep you all in step with each other 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Now as a result of the rising consciousness and the fall of the dark ones, the old matrix is crumbling. Even those who are not as awakened as you, recognize how much time has shifted and everything seems to be happening simultaneously. This is truly the end of the old world and the beginning of the Golden Age. In this new energy it is challenging to plan because events keep changing. The old way is falling apart and in so doing, often times resolutions to the old problems are not to be found. This means letting go. The feeling of surprise, magic, and spectacular unexpected events can keep you off balance. It can be extremely frustrating expecting things to be the way they were because they are not. Stay strong. Be connected to your inner self and the God within. Pay close attention to everything around you. The truth is coming out about everything so humanity is in for some big revelations. We are with you and are assisting you. You can count on us.”

How are you faring ground crew? From my perspective and I feel lots of others feel the same way, the battle between the dark and the light has accelerated. The light is triumphant yet we still have to deal with the negatives. The minions keep popping up in various ways. We need to stay awake and keep our wits about us.

In the past month I’ve had my business debit card bank account hacked for several hundred dollars, another attempt to hack my computer, and there have been several almost accidents where I had to swerve out of the way. The 3D material world is becoming increasingly disdainful. The dark ones are desperate and are trying to take what they can get.

They are clever and intelligent. They lack conscience and lie through their teeth. There were even issues with my website host. They are coming out from various angles. One of my beloved friends, who is a beautiful light filled woman, has had the dark ones after her entire life because of her light. She was just diagnosed with lung cancer. Please help pray for my dear friend Crystal.

In my work with my clients I see some of them are weighed down and stymied due to the corruption and darkness. Please remember what the Master Djwal Khul said in one of my transmissions, “The light can do anything!” I have been working with that light and helping others to be able to move on.

We are microcosms of the macrocosm so just my personal situation includes everything else that’s going on with the Earth. It is quite challenging at the moment. Please remember that when we heal certain issues for ourselves and others, it’s exponential depending on our consciousness. We never heal something just for ourselves. We are doing a massive amount of work including in our dream state.

The energies from the solar activity, astrologically with eclipses, earth changes, along with many other distractions require the utmost of self care and rest. It doesn’t work to force things to happen because there is a completely different flow to the energies.

Shakespeare, who was also the Master St. Germain, reminded us that “All the world is a stage.” For the last four years we’ve been talking about watching a movie and eating lots of popcorn. Now more of the truth is coming out about the fact that we are holographic beings living in a simulation. I know this sounds strange, and sometimes we might feel the need to pinch ourselves to see if we are still here. Some of us are in higher dimensions and higher consciousness, so we are just on the Earth minimally. We don’t care too much for what is going on right now. We go out in nature, take naps, listen to beautiful music, create, hang out with like minded people, and do what we can to keep our hearts open to be of assistance to others.

Soon this great revealing will be over and we will stand behind the stage, breathe a sigh of relief, and rid ourselves of this long lasting show that has outworn its day. We will be free to live in the Golden Age in the 5th dimension and higher and the New Earth, or we will fly to other places for a much improved experience.

Back Stage
By Valerie Donner

Back stage when this show is over,
We will pat each other on the back and say, “We did it! “
We will recognize each other from our beautiful hearts
and luminescence.
We will look around and see how awesome we are-
And what a good job we did.
In the awe of the moment
We will glow as a spectacle of creation, a part of divine intelligence and mastery.
And we will be pleased with ourselves.
A knowingness will be in the atmosphere of a job well done.
We will bow before ourselves for our Divine creative expression that makes our Creator pleased.
Then we will be presented with Roses and flowers of all kinds.
We will hear the angelic songs and celestial choir.
We will celebrate our freedom as we rise with our New Earth and illumined consciousness.
“We did it!”
We can go home!


We have a lot of wonderful surprises, abundance, reunions, remembrances of who we are and what we came to do, coming to us. 

We need to just lighten up on ourselves and focus on the light within, and remember that we are the co-creators with the Creator. This is the time for magic and miracles. Pay attention to how easily you can manifest. Notice how much easier it is for situations to be resolved. Spend time with animals and children. Dig in your garden and stay close to the Earth. Let go of fear. Look for the big picture of what is really happening as the old movie winds down. Create your own world the way you want it to be. This is how we will get the job done. Know that you are being looked after and taken care of every step of the way.

A Transmission from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner March 29, 2024

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I’ve been working full-time with the Earth Council for the ascension of the Earth for many years now.

As you can feel, we are very close to the Earth’s ascension. Many have the sense that something big is about to occur. I know you have your eyes on the prize and your hearts in the Golden Age. The fifth dimension is far more than a temptation, it is a reality. It is your future where you will reside as your future self in all of your glory.

The Earth is being expunged from the darkness. The Earth is preparing to bask in her own glory. At this point, we are pleased to say that many of the dark elite have been stripped of their power and are in the process of being located where they deserve to be. Their minions are still attempting to be in control to little avail. They are doing negative things to stress the planet and humanity.

Most of the ground crew are already conscious and are residing in the fifth dimension. This means they are residing still in the physical form but consciously living in the fifth dimension and higher. This can be challenging for the physical body but you are adapting and adjusting with all of the assistance that can be given from the Light Realms.

Little by little, and faster and faster, you have noticed that life is no longer the way it used to be. The material world is not in sync with higher consciousness. This results in breakdowns and also the magic of breakthroughs. These come when you have stark realizations of more of your gifts and your abilities.

Your true power is rising in your heart from the Creator within. The light is formidable. Feel it and look into your heart. Trust what you feel and what you know inside. This is about releasing the past and speeding into the future. The old way no longer applies.

The entire populace of the Earth is beginning to see the truth and it is shocking. Much more of this truth is rising to the surface. They are in shock and are feeling anger and outrage. Some have felt despair, or are beginning to feel it. Our beings of light, the ground crew, are prepared to show the way. They can point things forward into the new era. They can remind others to not reside in fear.

We remind you to stay in balance and harmony. Please do not let forthcoming events and predictions throw you off or put you into fear. Focus on your power and your ability to adapt to whatever energies and events present themselves.

You were designed to be on the planet now. Please understand that you will get through this and that you are ready for things to change in the blink of an eye. I would say that you are more than ready for this change because you have completed what you came to do.

We are with you and are so grateful we are working together as a team. Soon we will be celebrating with the glory of creation.

We are together and I am sending you joy, love, peace, beauty, abundance, healing, strength and activating your power within. I am Mira.

Valerie’s Zoom Call Transmissions for April

These classes are experiential. The energies from these powerful beings are healing and informative. Each class is $33 payable with PayPal to If you would like to attend please are use the email and let me know. When payment is received you will be sent the link. You may also purchase a recording of the call for $33.00 The calls start at 5 PM Pacific time and last until 6:30 PM.

Thursday, April 4, the Master to Djwal Khul. DK, as he is known, is the Master who came to me over 25 years ago and taught me to channel. He was also known as the Tibetan and is responsible for channeling the Alice Bailey books for the Theosophical Society. He was one of the most knowledgeable Masters in health and healing, initiations, the Seven Rays and much more.

Thursday, April 11, Mary and the Master St. Germain. These two like to be together. Mother Mary starts out with her beautiful Divine feminine energy and provides us with information and healing. St. Germain brings us guidance and wisdom, along with humor.

Thursday, April 18, Mira from the Pleiadian High Council, is her magnificent self. She usually invites us to come in our a etheric bodies up to her ship where we have amazing experiences.

How Valerie Can Help You

I have been meditating twice daily for over 40 years. I work with the Masters, like the Christ, Mother Mary, Saint Germain, Djwal Khul, Kuthumi, and the Archangels Gabriel, Uriel, Rapheal and Michael and galactic’s such as Lumina, who is responsible for the luminescence of creation and Mira. I would say they are my references. Many have benefited from my work, which has been over 25 years now. I also worked in the corporate world and was a healthcare executive for over 20 years. I can help people working in their 3-D jobs. I also can help with relationships and give others good reads on those with whom they work, or any type of relationship. Some people also benefit by the clearings that I do with the light. We can do that from the past. I can also help you move into the future, into your future self.

My rates are: $35 for 15 minutes, $70 for 30 minutes, $105 for 45 minutes and $140 for an hour. You can email me at: to set up an appointment, or call me at 925-287-8976.

In Conclusion

We are moving through time at an accelerated pace. It is clear we are a part of an intelligent Divine Plan that is orchestrated by the light. It is helpful to remember that this has been a show that is coming to an end. It is fruitless to get fixated on dates and time because everything is changing every moment. Right now it is important to focus on the light, on taking good care of yourself, on being kind and loving, and by continuing to open your heart.

Some of you have been a part of the ground crew since I first started writing on line in 1995. That’s a long time! We thought we were ready then for the ascension but little did we know, we had much more to do. We have grown, learned, healed and progressed. Hopefully, we have more wisdom than we had at that time.

I cherish and I am most grateful for your love and your support. If you choose to donate to this website you can do it through PayPal: or mail to: PO Box  5705, Walnut Creek CA 94596

Have a most beautiful vernal spring in this area and a lovely fall in other parts of the world.

I am sending you love and all good things from my heart to yours.

In the light,




Straight From The Heart

March 1, 2024


Dear Ground Crew:

Here’s the latest message from Apollo: “I stand before you to alert you that you are about to witness some spectacular events. This is suffice to say, you have great expectations. These expectations are going to be fulfilled. Right now you are wending your way into a whole new reality. This new reality looks like whatever you picture it to be because that is part of the work you are doing right now. You are beginning to masterfully remember the depths of who you are and what you came to do. Everything is opening and becoming transparent.  You need to  seize the energies that are emerging from within. You are strengthening your bonds with the Creator and cutting ties with those that have lower consciousness and frequencies. This can be challenging, yet you will do it by paying attention to what you’re feeling inside your heart. Let your heart lead the way and understand this is all over lighted with love. Please do not sink into judgment, shame, separation, anger and irreverence with this process. It is part of your ascension and rising into the Golden Age. We are with you.”

How are you doing, ground crew? Are any of you having some hitches and glitches on your spiritual path? This is quite a time for some us. It is intense. Since Chinese New Year’s (February 10, 2024) the interference feels out of control. What I know is that we have gone into another timeline. Some of us feel as if we are in suspended animation. There is a floating feeling, because in a way that’s what we’re doing. You might not be able to get much accomplished, or you could face some big challenges.

About a week ago someone tried to hack my computer. I’m not going into detail, in fact, I don’t even like to talk about it. The reason I’m bringing it up is so you might understand why we are in certain situations. Fortunately, I outsmarted the criminals and did not give them any money. I believe I was involved in a bit of a spiritual sting operation, where I used the light with these beings and took down their operation. Remember what the Master Djwal Khul told us in one of my transmissions: “The light can do anything!”

As ground crew, we have been called into action. Whether we are guided to go to certain places, be with different people, do various things, we are ferreting out dark forces. Some of us are dealing with people who are in our own ranks, who we have trusted, and who we thought were the light. They could’ve been our teachers, great channels, healers, people with amazing stories, authors, religious leaders, and some who have been very popular.

Just like in every industry, the dark forces have infiltrated every aspect of our life. For example, a few years ago I attended a workshop with a popular, well known person in our movement. The person was using my energy and some other peoples’. He also played some parlor tricks.  I was completely drained after the workshop.

We need to remember that our life force is our energy. It is what keeps us here. We need to pay close attention to how we feel around certain people, after we watch one of their videos, go to a workshop, etc. We always need to listen to our hearts. Our hearts will tell us if we listen.

We are on a takedown project. It’s a big project. This is where our light is really needed. It can get tricky and even scary at some points. Sometimes a lot is at stake. Perhaps things are not as they seem.

Some who pretend to come from the light, and have compromised themselves by signing up with the dark, are looking to go back to the light and are lost. Perhaps we need to take this into consideration before we get  angry at them, or ourselves. Either way, we are learning about discernment and not giving away our power.

S.A Smith, Telegram “A Girl in the Universe,” recently said, “Things are not happening to us, they are happening for us!” In my recent experience with the hackers, I remembered what she said and I asked myself,  “What can I do to empower myself in this situation?” I found the answer was to make choices for myself and not listen to what these criminals wanted me to do. We always have choice. We need to make choices that make us feel good about ourselves.

We were trained to put people on pedestals like movie stars, politicians, rich people, certain professionals, etc. I call it “pedestalitis”. Let’s be careful not to put others on pedestals. We never know who is behind them because they have worn so many different masks and played numerous roles. This was a program so that we would give our power away and follow orders.  I choose not to do this anymore, how about you?

Think By Yourself
By Valerie Donner

Think for yourself.
Don’t do what everyone else is doing.
That’s a clear sign
That could be your undoing.

It’s time
Think for yourself.
Don’t do what everyone else is doing.
That’s a clear sign
That could be your undoing.

There is example after example
Of truth to be told.
Holding it in
Has been the old mold.

“Don’t speak up!”
“You might rattle some feathers.”
This could be the time
To let go of some tethers.

Think for yourself.
Listen to your inner child.
If you focus “out there”
It could make you go wild.

We are like branches
In every tree.
Each one holds a position
That we can see.

Do the leaves of a tree
Ask if it’s all right to fall?
Do the branches reach out
Before they fall?

If we go within
We will see.
It’s a natural process
For us to be like a tree.


Here is a picture of my orchid that just bloomed:


Being in nature with the birds,  trees and the flowers, etc. is the solution to our discordant experiences. Nature is of paramount importance right now. I go out in the morning and I listen to the birds. They are communicating with more new words than I have ever heard. They are hearing our hearts calling.  Our pets are here for us along with the other animals. Recently on my walk in my neighborhood, I saw nine young deer and their moms running gently across the street where I was walking. I’ve never seen so many at once.

The other day I went to a drumming circle. The woman who ran the circle has been drumming since she was a child. She lived near many Native Americans and she is a gifted musician. At the very end of the circle she was drumming and I heard the most amazing sounds. I heard the crickets. I heard all of natures’ sounds. It was a symphony. The drumming stirred up things. The Earth loves drumming and I was fortunate to hear the symphony.

A Transmission from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council March 1, 2024 through Valerie Donner

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I greet you with all the love in my heart today and send you joyful, harmonious energies.

You are going through a pivotal point in the ascension process. Yes, everything is being stirred up within you, around you and everywhere. It is time for listening within and around you. Your awareness levels have been upgraded. Your bodies are being upgraded. Your sensitivities have expanded significantly. Time  as you used to know it, is no longer. Attempting to adhere to the old timeline is futile. Hanging onto the past is irrelevant. This is about moving into the future and finding out who you really are and becoming your future self.

Special accommodations have been made for you so that you can adjust and adapt into these new energies. We will always take care of you and assure you that you are in our loving hands. Please know this is the time to let go and to know that reverting back to the past is no longer an option. It is over and you are speeding in to the new.

The past is going to be re-created as each of you awaken into the profound awareness of who you really are as a masterful Divine being. Your guides, teachers, masters, star beings and galactic friends are all around you. If you breathe deeply you will be able to feel their presence. You are not lightweights in this process; you are the light. We can find you anywhere and many of you are everywhere.

Right now most of you are only partly in your physical body. You are on the Earth just enough to fulfill your obligations. This is the transition time. You know how strange it feels right now. Everything is different. You are in the crux of the great awakening. Miracles after miracles will surround you. Whatever you need, you will have. Most importantly you have each other so this is a time of gathering. The ground crew are coming together in groups whether it is in a physical, or in the online version.

With each new step you take and new thought, the new version of you becomes more manifest. As the takedown of the dark occurs and the truth comes out, you become your magnificent self. You are stepping in to the truth of who you are and what you came to the planet to do.

We recommend you reach out to each other. Give each other a hand.  Keep your heart open. Continue listening within to what you are guided to say and do. Stay away from fear and help others to do the same.

This is the perfect moment for you to reveal your powerful light. This is ignition time to light the fire of creation within and change the planet. It is your purpose and you are being called into action. You have strength in the light. Remember who you are, ground crew. We rely on you.

The Earth Council is pleased to be in partnership with you. Fly on dear ones. Spread your forgotten wings and do what you know to do. Everything is now being revealed. You will find your place where you are needed and you will do what is necessary.

I am Mira and I love you dearly.

Valerie’s Zoom Transmissions for March 2024

The Master Djwal Khul, also known as the Tibetan, Thursday, March 7, from 5:00 to 6:30 PM Pacific Time. This beautiful Master was the most knowledgeable about healing, the initiations, and represents strength. He channeled the Alice Bailey books for the Theosophical Society. DK  is with us right now so that he can help us be strong. He came to me and taught me to channel. He has been with me for over 25 years and has helped me immeasurably.

Mother Mary and St. Germain, Thursday, March 14, from 5:00 to 6:30 PM Pacific Time. Mother Mary represents the Divine feminine energy. She is heart centered and gives us powerful healing. St. Germain and she are close friends and he always comes to share. His personality is funny. If you are connected with St. Germain you would enjoy this call.

Mira from the Pleiadian High Council, Thursday, March 21 from 5:00 to 6:30 PM Pacific Time.  Mira has been working full-time with the Earth Council for at least 10 years. As a Pleiadian, she is involved with the ascension process for the planet. She usually invites us for a visit in our etheric bodies to her ship.

The calls are experiential and healing. The energies of each one of these beings is special. The class is $33 each. You can ask a personal question.

Please contact me if you would like to attend. I will send you the link. Please use PayPal at the same address.

The classes are recorded and are available for purchase of $33.

How Valerie Can Help You

As a spiritual counselor,  intuitive healer, energy worker,  teacher and reader for over 30 years, Valerie works in the quantum. She has been meditating twice daily for over 40 years.

Here’s a few ways she can you assist you energetically:

  • To help you get unstuck.
  • Perform magic and miracles.
  • Access the emotions behind your illness.
  • Clear energies.
  • Help you understand what is going on from the past.
  • Change your perspective.
  • Gain clarity about relationships.
  • Understand more about why you are here.
  • Give you a good read on others.

My rates are: $70 for 30 minutes, $105 for  45 minutes, $140 for 60 minutes and $35 for 15 minute increments. You can pay me at PayPal: vdonner

To make an appointment you can email me at: vdonner or call me at: 925-287-8976.


Your contributions to this website  help us stay afloat and are greatly appreciated. Please send contributions through PayPal: vdonner or you can use postal services: PO Box 5705, Walnut Creek, Creek CA 94596

In Conclusion

We are at the end of the line with the old world and are moving in to our Golden Age. This is why we are here and what we have been waiting for. Please step out of your safety zone and stand in the divine presence of who you really are and what you came to do. Pay attention to everything that is going on around you. There are signs everywhere to show you the way.

As we go through this, it’s going to be important for everyone’s happiness to be where they are and do what they do. The Earth is ready and so are we! Let’s do it!

Love and all good things to everyone!

In the light,




Straight From The Heart

September 29, 2023


Dear Ground Crew:

Here’s the latest from Apollo: “Greetings my beloved family of light. There are many reasons to speak with you today. Much is astir on the Earth and in creation itself. You are feeling this activity on every level. The sun is preparing for a big event. Your body is feeling this with headaches, fatigue, foggy brains, feeling out of body, myriads of emotions, flu like symptoms, confusion, and lack of motivation are just few examples. The old material world may have lost its luster and your mind is challenged to make plans for your future. Does this sound familiar? Our ground crew are particularly affected because of their sensitivity to the impact from the light of creation. There is a huge push right now for the ascension of the Earth. This is why much has been done to your physical bodies, and all of your bodies right now, in preparation for higher consciousness. Part of this process is letting go of the old and, most particularly, releasing fear. Fear is an impediment to your ascension, so I suggest that you consciously move to new creation and higher thoughts, if fear enters in to your mind. I want to assure you that the light and all of creation are working together for your ascension. They have thought of the details that are necessary for you to blast into the light. You are the light and the light is blasting into you. You radiate this light and every day there is more. Sometimes you may feel as if you are in a suspended space, drifting and wondering where you might land. I assure you that you will land exactly where you are most needed and where you will be the happiest. This long journey of separation is almost complete. Stay attuned to your heart and your inner guidance. Celebration is close at hand.”

So dear ground crew, are you resonating with what Apollo just told us? In actuality, there’s so much more to say. The process is complicated. And a lot is occurring in the quantum realms. All of your energy fields are feeling what is going on. I want to remind you that the hard work you have been doing all of these years is over. Now it is a matter of focus. Where are you putting your thoughts? The material world is falling away. You must focus on self-care and listening to your bodies. Let the distractions go and focus on the light and the positive wonderful New World you are creating.

In doing this inner work I was shown a beautiful temple over Lahaina. I’ve been told that it is the first temple for the New Lemuria. I wish I could photograph what I see and what that temple is doing energetically. Suffice to say, this temple is working in tandem with the area to bring back Lemuria. In meditation, or clairvoyantly, perhaps some of you can tune in to the temple and see what I see? We can place all of the people of Maui in the temple for healing, especially those from Lahaina.

What are you doing to raise your frequencies? What are you doing to release the past? Are you giving yourself time away from the distractions? Are you cultivating new friendships with like-minded people? Are you finding things to do that bring you happiness and joy? Even though we are in the thick of it, we need to focus on the joy in our hearts and what is bringing that.

We are at the precipice of massive change. The controllers of the world are no longer in charge. This opens the way for many new opportunities to live without corruption and fear. Imagine living without the financial stress, because that is our future. In fact, the playing field is being leveled and everyone will have an abundance of money. People will have everything they need so there will be no necessity for crime or taking things from others. In fact, the new quantum financial system is based on higher consciousness and frequencies. We will be living life the way we were meant to live. We will be free.

Although some are spreading fear about October 4th with the Emergency Activation System,” here in the U.S., it doesn’t mean we have to buy into it. Some people have created potential harmful scenarios but in our new reality this does not have to affect us. Divine intervention happens and I believe this is true in this scenario. Some have suggested we turn off our phones that day for about two hours. Here in the U.S. that would be about 11:00AM to 1:00PM Pacific Time. I don’t know if they are doing this else where? We have spiritual tools to get us through everything. Here are some of these tools:

Meditation, nature, telepathy with like-minded friends, Source, the Masters, angels, archangels, the Light Alliance, the galactic’s, prayer, the ability to focus on what we are creating, knowing we have authority over our body, our strength and courage, the power of the light within our hearts, the truth within our hearts, the Earth, grounding on the Earth, our innate intelligence, empathy and sensitivity, our open hearts and our abilities to help others, our awareness and higher consciousness.

We are living in and creating a new world.
It is possible that we could have a short period of time without the Internet, our phones and computers. Think about what resources that you have to get you through something like this. This is also when we can practice our telepathy visualizations, practice remote viewing, and stay in faith in Source, being confident that we will get through this. This could be the time when we move into free energy, receive quantum computers, quantum phones, and other new technologies that will serve us better than what the controllers provided for us and charged us for enormously.

In the past we have been taught to believe such statements as: “You get what you get.” “It is what it is.” “What is done is done,” etc. These are disempowering statements that made us feel like we were victims. I would like to propose we use new affirmations like: “We create what we create.” “ We are powerful beyond measure.” “We are the light.” “We are one with all.” “We live in love.” “We always have choice.” “We create with our thoughts and our intentions.” “I believe in magic and miracles.” “The universe is self correcting.” “I live in love, not fear.” “There is a solution for every problem so there is no need to stress about things.”

The Master St. Germain

Greetings: I am the Master St. Germain. Most of you know who I am. Some of you know that I brought forth the “I AM,” the two most powerful words that can be said. I am here to help you now, as always. This time it is about claiming your freedom. Freedom is what I am about. Many of you live in IAMERICA, which is what it was originally called, but the IAM was removed.


A Strong Message from St. Germain
Through Valerie Donner

You are supposed to be living in
The land of the free.
That’s why I came here
I came to be me.

I am here to help
You live undisturbed.
For the past has been dark
And I am perturbed.

I’m here to see
The end of this trash,
The lies, the slavery
And the dark ones having a blast.

But now the
Tables have turned.
Thanks to your light
The dark ones will be burned.

What they have done to you
Will be done to them.
They will have nothing
And you will have fun.

Their days are nearly over.
Isn’t that nice!
They’ve had a grand time pretending
They were sugar and spice.

But now the truth is coming out.
They’re going to have
To face the music
And will have no more clout.

Money isn’t everything.
As a Master I say:
“Your days are over.
You won’t have it your way.”

What you have done to life
On this beautiful planet,
Is reprehensible
And we will have nothing more of it.

So we say goodbye to you,
And clear out all your dirt.
The light has taken over
To heal the hurt.

A Transmission from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council
through Valerie Donner September 29, 2023

Greetings. I am Mira from the Pleiadian high Council. I am still working full-time with the Earth Council. We are busy covering all of the events that are occurring right now. We are diligent and are looking out for the entire populace on the planet. We are bringing it all home, for home is where you need to be. We will make certain you will get there.

We are pleased to see that there is more disclosure about our presence on the Earth, as well as, around the Earth. This will assist in helping people to become more aware of their galactic family, for it is time. You need us and we need you. We have important work to do. We have advanced technology to share with you that will make your lives easier. The Earth will be pleased because the new technology is quiet, like some of your cars. The technology will not run on gasoline. It will use clean and free energy.

You are in for some powerful changes that have been long awaited. In the third dimensional material world everything was about money. Technological advancements were not welcome. Healings of disease were unwelcome. Many have suffered and paid dearly due to greed and selfishness. When you move in to the New Earth and 5th dimensional consciousness, you will live from the heart. Choices will be made for the benefit of all. You will find remarkable treasures that have been buried in the Earth, along with many secrets from the past. Knowledge and information about your true history will be revealed.

Many of you as children believed what you were shown in comic books and other means of communication. You knew it in your heart, therefore, you will not be surprised when the true knowledge is delivered.

Time is moving faster and faster. You are awakening to your greater gifts. Due to your new consciousness and awareness, many portals are opening. This will help facilitate the new changes that will be brought forth. We are working at an accelerated pace so that humanity can shift easily and quickly into the higher consciousness. Many ground crew are already residing in the fifth dimension. They have joy and happiness in their hearts and have learned to rid themselves of fear. They are staying positive and setting examples for others to follow. It is easier than you might have thought to be in this higher consciousness because you are ready. You have been preparing for a long time. You are also weary of the old fears and thought forms. They are obsolete. So now you are easily moving into the new because you have done the work. You are happy and hopeful as you take charge of your new creations for your New World. This is truly a major step forward for your New World.

We are looking forward to the time when we can meet you face-to-face and learn more about you and your planet. We also can’t wait until you can come visit us. It will be delightful for us to take you on our ships and to show you how we live. Many of you have lived before in the Pleiades. Life is easier here. We do not have the stresses that you have had to live with, so I am sure you will enjoy yourselves when you come for a visit. We are masters of harmony and peace. We also like to teach our techniques for higher consciousness after planets ascend. You will see what I mean.

I am pleased to be sharing with you today and sending my love to all of you. I am Mira from the Pleiadian high Council.We are with you!


My Zoom Calls and Classes for October

Ground Crew in Action Zoom Calls are every Wednesday from 4 PM to 5 PM Pacific time. You may join these free calls where we work with Lumina, who is responsible for the luminescence of creation. She leads us with her light activations wherever they are needed. We are having amazing results. If you are interested in joining, please email me at: I will send you the link.

These classes are experiential. I have been working with these special ones for many years, so they are actually transmissions, not channelings. Classes are $33 each. You may email me at the above link and pay through PayPal:

Thursday, October 5, from five to 6:30 PM Pacific time, we will be with the Master Djwal Khul. He is also known as the Tibetan. He taught me to channel many years ago. He came to me. He is a gifted master and is the most knowledgeable master about healing, initiations, and represents strength. This is why he is here with us now. He also dictated the Alice Bailey books.

Thursday, October 12, from five to 6:30 PM Pacific time Mother Mary and the Master St. Germain will be with us. Mother Mary’s energy is healing, especially for our hearts, and the Master St. Germain is also funny and delivers some wonderful messages.

Thursday, October 19, from five to 6:30 PM Pacific time, Mira is going to be with us. You know who she is and we have some amazing experiences with her.

Sessions with Valerie

I work deeply at the heart and soul level, so I feel things, see things and information comes. I work with your team of Angels and Masters, as well as my team which includes the energy of the Christ, Mother Mary, St. Germain, Djwal Khul, Kuthumi and the Archangels Gabriel, Uriel, Rafael and Michael. I also work with galactic’s. We are able to get to the root of your issues and clear the energy. I am good at finding the emotional reasons for illnesses. I help clear energies with relationships and have done a lot of work with relationships both personal and business. I have been doing this work for over 25 years and I have worked in the corporate world, which has given me that experience also. I have been meditating twice daily for over 40 years. You can have an energy healing or clearing, spiritual counseling, reading, or a channeling.

My rates are: $70 for 30 minutes, $105 for 45 minutes and $140 for 60 minutes. You may call me at: 925-287-8976 to set up an appointment or email me at:


In Conclusion

We are in preparation for many wonderful things to change on our planet. We are ready. We are closer than ever to the love wave, also known as The Event, where we will be blasted with light from the Great Central Sun. This will raise our consciousness into the 5th dimension and higher. It is already happening.

We will have a whole new financial system that is quantum that will serve all of humanity. This will level the playing field and everyone will have more than what they need.

Please remember to pay attention to your animals because they are showing us the changing energies. Last night my cat had me pet her for an hour and a half straight, while she purred as loudly as I have ever heard her purr. I think she was feeling the love frequencies coming in. She was very happy.

Pay attention to the magic and miracles and be grateful for all that’s about to happen on the Earth.

If you choose to make a contribution to this website you can either send it by mail to: The Ground Crew, PO Box 5705, Walnut Creek, CA 94596 or use PayPal:

Love and all good things to you, ground crew.

In the light,
