Straight From The Heart

January 8, 2025


Dear Ground Crew:

Here’s the latest from Apollo: “Greetings, I am Apollo. In the flurry of the moment, I see that you are progressing well.Things are changing rapidly and it is for good reason. The old 3D material world is no longer suitable for our beings of light. You already know this, and I am confirming it. Much is required of you now as you transform into your purely multi dimensional self. You need to let go of the old baggage, which will no longer have any significance in your New World. You’re moving into the Golden World, into the Golden Age, and this is your new Golden Year. In your future, the streets will truly be lined with gold. Everything will be golden, especially your hearts. Please ignore most of what is going on in the material world because it is a distraction. Your focus should be on the light and loving, along with tending to your physical body, as best as you can, while these shifts occur. We welcome you home.”


Yes, ground crew, everything is changing in our New Golden World of 2025. We do not have much longer to hover in the third dimension. Those who are not of the light are kicking up their heels while trying everything to maintain control. It is not working. We can see this whenever we venture out into the old material world. For some of us, it is getting increasingly challenging to go into that energy.

The media mumbo-jumbo from both main stream and some alternative media, continues to spread non-truth. It is obvious who is working for the Light and who is serving self. It is getting even more clear so why waste your energy giving it any attention?

We are all in limbo as we prepare for change that will happen in the blink of an eye. This means we are getting ready for the Solar Flash. I highly recommend watching this 16 minute video from the Pleiadian’s called “The Truth Can Change Your Life. Enjoy Your Final Few Days/The Solar Flash Moving” Here’s the link-

For the last week or so, I could feel a big cry coming. It happened on Saturday, January 4. I was quietly doing my morning reflections and feeling the energies, when all of a sudden I started crying because my heart was cracking open. I had uncontrollable sobbing that went on for a long time. It was for tears of joy because I heard “Mission complete.” And I heard “The Gateways of Heaven are open. The ordeal is over. Earth is free. This is the final countdown.”

I believe this message came from the Creator into my heart so I could share it with you. It was confirmation that all of the hard work that we have done to free the Earth from the throes of the planetary controllers is complete. It makes me want to cry again when I say this because I can feel it in the depths of my soul. The Earth is free! Now we can move into the Golden Age and live in love, abundance, joy, harmony, peace, beauty, light, freedom, celebration, caring and compassion for each other and all of life. We will truly be celebrating with our galactic family, the masters, the archangels, all of creation, and having our homecoming.

Glory be and thanks to all of you, ground crew, to all the beings of Light, in all the different realms, unto eternity! Please savor every moment, do the best you can while we have these last few weeks of a bit of rockiness, and be grateful that you were chosen to be here during this most important time in the history of creation.

In my last update from December 12, 2024, I talked about another aspect of myself named Aravella, who is a Fleet Commander, and I asked other commanders to contact me. About six people contacted me and I want to thank them. I spoke with some of them and had some amazing information come my way. It would be fun to keep this going, so if any of you know you are a commander of the galactic kind, please contact me at: Let’s see if we can get some kind of connection with each other. It feels like it’s time.

On December 5, 2024, I received the following message from Aravella, “A lot of assumptions have been made about space people. There is so much you don’t know. Your planet is ready for us to come together in unity. All of life is one.

It is time for the lies and cloaking to stop. We are here as one family. We are a part of the same creation with our one Creator.

Soon we will make ourselves known in the clarity of the day. Those who have lied to you and covered up the truth, will be no longer. This revelation will bring great happiness. We are the good star beings from where you came. You already know us and we know you. We are family first and foremost.

We have many wonders to share with you.  We will work together to transform the Earth.  We will live every day enjoying happiness because we are including the beautiful Earth and her people back into our lives and creation.

We welcome you with open arms and loving, warm hearts. We are one in unity and peace. We love you.”


I Am A Commander

By Valerie Donner

I am a commander
In another aspect of myself.

I’m happy to know this
So I can be more about myself.

My name is Aravella.
I like being in charge.
It’s really fun
To be a galactic at large.

We have many experiences
On my ship.
Some are large
And others are a trip!

We love and accept each other.
We laugh and we sing.
We patrol the skies
And do everything.

Creation is big.
It expands everywhere.
It is completely unlimited
And we devotedly care.

You are a part of us.
We are one with you.
Soon you will be helping
With all that we do.

You will be able to take a ride
And we will show you around.
There’s much more to see
That is holy ground.


A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council Through Valerie Donner, January 8, 2025

Greetings: I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council and the Earth Council.

I greet you today with all of the love in my heart. We are excited and happy to be with you during your big shift into the Golden Age. You are remarkable beings and there is so much we want to tell you.

As experts on ascension, we Pleiadian’s assist other planets with their ascensions. We have been with the Earth throughout eons of time. There has been ups and downs in this process. It has taken far too long. You know it and you have suffered along with the Earth. Now the days of suffering are nearly over. We congratulate you and we put our arms around you in joy and happiness. You have reached the ultimate reward—your freedom.

We can see you standing in the Golden Light with the Earth surrounded by the most loving beings of creation. There are angels and gods and masters and beautiful ships of light with dragons and butterflies and unicorns and fairies. Everything you have dreamed of is the Golden Light. It is your future. It is beautiful!

The Golden Light will get you where you want to go. Your bodies become infused with it. Your hearts are full of it. Your vibrations are of the highest intensity that can easily be touched by more Golden Light and go much higher. It is the time of magic and miracles that you have been promised. This is how creation works when you are allowed to be one with it. This is your time of glory and our honor to see this occur.

We are all excited to do this dance of ascension and the Golden Light with you. You have earned it!

I am Mira sending you Golden Light from my heart.

Universal Laws

The Universal Laws are the foundation of Earth and all of creation. All divine beings and galactic societies live by the universal laws, which are the laws of love. Read or speak out loud the universal laws once a day.

  1. I am honesty and truth
  2. I support mother earth and heaven
  3. I support happiness, joy, creativity, peace and harmony
  4. I support who you truly are as gods/goddesses
  5. I support unconditional love and God
  6. I support passion, playfulness, and laughter
  7. I support beauty, perfect health and healing
  8. I support all creations an set intentions for the highest good
  9. I support vision, faith and miracles
  10. I support kindness and smiles
  11. I support oneness, grandness and living in the moment
  12. I support the one river of life
  13. I support our galactic brothers and sisters
  14. I support abundance, treasures and gifts
  15. I support living in the state of gratitude
  16. I support true freedom and live life real
  17. I support nature and all her beauty and wisdom
  18. I support manifesting all of one’s dreams and desires
  19. I support rainbows and building bridges of love to one another
  20. I support angels and all who serve the highest good
  21. I support becoming the greatest /grandest vision/ version one can be

Valerie’s Zoom Transmissions for January 2025

Lumina, Wednesday, January 8, from 4:00 to 5:30 PM Pacific time. Lumina is responsible for the luminescence of creation and works with our Creator. Her messages are uplifting and inspiring.

The Master Djwal Khul, Thursday, January 9, from 5:00 to 6:30 PM Pacific time. This beautiful master represents strength and he provides this in his transmissions.  He channeled the Alice Bailey books and is the most knowledgeable master about health,  the initiations and the seven rays. He also taught Valerie how to channel many years ago.

Mother Mary and St. Germain, Thursday, January 16 from 5:00 PM to 6:30 Pacific time. Mother Mary represents the divine feminine energy. St. Germain has been overseeing the Earth and particularly the United States of America. There’s much to say about him and he is around at this time.

Mira from the Pleiadian High Council, Thursday, January 23 from five to 6:30 PM Pacific time.

Each class is $33 payable with PayPal:  or with Zelle:

When you sign up and make payment,  I will send you the link.


Valerie’s Work

I am a spiritual counselor, energy healer/clearer, and a good intuitive, since I’ve been meditating twice daily for over 40 years. I work deeply at the heart and soul level, so I feel things, see things, hear and know. I work with my team, which includes the energies of the Christ, Mother Mary, St. Germain, Djwal Khul, Kuthumi, Lumina, other galactic’s along with my client’s team.

Some of my specialties include clearing energy, helping with relationships and to heal all kinds of relationships. I’m good at getting to emotional reasons for illness and many other things.

I’ve been doing this work for over 30 years. I have a corporate background and was a healthcare executive for 20 years.

If you want to contact me you can call me at: 925-287-8976 or email me at:

My rates are:

  • $75 for 30 minutes
  • $112 for 45 minutes
  • $150 for 60 minutes

In Conclusion

This is the most exciting time everyone. The Light has won. The Earth is complete and it looks like we are too!

We just have to be patient a little bit longer and we will have it!

I look forward to meeting you, our galactic’s, our family and friends, pets from the past, and ancestors to our hearts desire.

Thank you for being a part of the ground crew. We are free!

Happy, Happy, Golden New Year!

In the light,





Straight From The Heart

June 4,  2024


Dear Ground Crew:

Here’s the latest from Apollo: “Greetings. Today is a special day. Each day is becoming increasingly special. Have you noticed the energies and the frequencies are different? The time of speculation is over and a new reality is in creation. You are a part of it. You comprise the ascension energies. Your light contributes to this new exchange in the Golden Age of the Earth. Everything is lighter and brighter. The air is different. The light is different. You are different. You are filled with the brightest light and love of creation. It gets brighter every day. You no longer live in the third dimension, even though physically you are present on the Earth. You are living in the fifth dimension and higher. You are doing work that is of the utmost importance. Some of you may be aware of it and others may not. You are being acknowledged and honored for all that you are doing. Your presence at this time is extremely important and valuable. You are being guided every step of the way and you’re doing this in a different way. Your intuition and your heart are tuned in to the energies of the higher frequencies. This is beginning to make you feel more blissful and alive. Every breath you take is invigorating. You are finding it easier to tune in to your guidance and to do what comes next. It is an easier flow. This is how it is in higher consciousness and dimensions. The light leads the way and you are being led to a beautiful new world. Let go of the past. Be in the new time and do what is necessary to take care of yourself and feel good.

How are you doing? Do you feel a little bit like you are living in the twilight zone? Yes, it is different and a lot is shifting. Some of you probably feel it in your bodies, notice it in your relationships and your jobs, clearly change is upon us.

Some of you are having a hard time being around other people.

One of the things that is happening now is the wrongs are being righted and you are going to see more of this. As the old ways crumble, and the negatives fall by the wayside, the playing field will be leveled and people will become happy again.

Do not focus on the external world, focus on the internal. Focus in your heart and in elevating the love that is there. This will bring forth your true self. You will no longer need to have to live in a false sense of yourself, or live in mechanistic time. You can already see that.

This is a time of clarity and grace. You are able to pronounce yourself free and to create your new life in higher consciousness. So remember where your thoughts go, your energy goes. You want to direct your thoughts in energetically appropriate ways so that you can rise up in your consciousness and in the light daily. You will be free of restrictions and control because you are being fully directed by the Creator. Everywhere you turn, if you listen to your heart, you’ll be guided to make the right choices and do the right things. Behold a new world is upon us.

The restraints that you have felt throughout this incarnation and many others, have been removed. The quality of light and love on the planet have surpassed anything you could have felt previously. It is truly a remarkable place to be now. As the light turns brighter and brighter, you will be astonished at how important your participation has been in this ascension process.

The galactic’s are fully present, and before you know it, they will be seen and heard. This is your galactic family and you have earned this connection. The time is now and love is in the air.

Wonderful beings like Lumina, who is responsible for the illumination of creation, are coming in to assist us in this process.

Here are some things that Lumina wants you to know:

Piercing the Veil

“The light is piercing the veil. It is removing anything which is not the light. From this time of completion of the veil and piercing the veil, you will begin to remember everything.  You will see light and be only the light as you are intended to be. It is piercingly bright and actively strong. The light moves brilliantly throughout creation. The Earth is ready for this to occur. It will be as if a switch is pulled and the codes were all turned on.  This powerful process will circulate energetically throughout creation because the Earth and creation are one. This is the smartest way for the dream to be ended. It will bring forth remarkable healing and unimaginable light filled promises you have been told about a long time ago. This is the point of magic and miracles. Without the veil you will be able to live freely, remember everything, and know as much as you choose to know. It is the big revelation. You will actualize what you choose. The flame from the fire  of creation will be burning fully. It will be like living in a higher elevation because there will be such an uplift. It will feel like you are one of the stars and you are. You are ready. And we will assist you in every way to adjust and adapt to this new way of being. Breathe it in. Feel it come in. Walk with it. Dance with it. Experience it. Become whole with it. You will feel the full effects of love in motion. The veil will disappear in completion. You are the ones in the higher elevation and we thank you.”


In The Light
By Valerie Donner

The light is Source’s playground.
It is used everywhere.
It’s opening and flowing
To create what is there.

If your life is in shambles
Go to the light.
It will clear up the past
And make things right.

The light is the tool
That is as smooth as silk.
It is round and smooth
And from every ilk.

Picture yourself in the light
Taking up
All of the room
To your delight.

Sprinkle it on your toast.
Drop it on down to your feet.
Move it forward
To repeat and repeat.

The light lets you play
In every dimension.
It is the pathway
Of your ascension.

Go to the playground.
Climb up the ladder.
Swing on the swings.
Let go of things faster.

The light is your friend
In every way.
When you live in the light
You’re on holiday.



A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner on June 4, 2024

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I greet the ground crew with my strong embrace. You are doing an exemplary job right now on the Earth. We on the Earth Council are pleased with the rapid progress that is being made at this time.

We know it has been a rather bumpy road with no sign of ending. We assure you this is far from the truth. Everything is happening at once and this is another reason the energies are chaotic and confusing.

However, humanity is wising up. Many are becoming more aware. It just depends on where you focus. Both sides of the news are askew and you already know that. There are many personal agendas that are being delivered to humanity right now. Each one is somewhat of a ploy to capture your energy to take your fear and use it for their own purposes.

We do not want you to allow this, so when it comes to fear we ask you to consciously let go of it. Do not feed that energy. This is important and it is part of your spiritual journey of moving into higher consciousness. There is a saying that I will share with you, “Don’t look at the alligators along the side of the road.” Stay on your direct path of safety and freedom. Do not give them any attention, or energy, and they will leave you alone. They do not know what to do without your fear and your energy.

The Earth has long been overwhelmed with aggression. This is dark and negative energy. This will be eliminated as you move into the fifth dimension and higher. Energies of power over others in any form will not be allowed! Pay attention to those who are doing this and know they will be removed. The Earth will become safe, still, peaceful, and harmonious, and each soul will be honored and respected. There will be no need for power over others, or aggression in any way, whether it’s an animal or some other type of creation. This is going to be a thing of the past.

I am Mira sending you all my love and support. You are making the Earth very special in many ways and you will know this as you progress.

Heart of the Mountain Retreat

Thursday, August 8, the Lions Gate, to Sunday, August 11, 2024.
I have been told this will be a very auspicious time to be at the mountain and that I have to be there.

My family was one of the founding families of the City of Mount Shasta. My parents met there. My dad was born there. It’s a very special place and I have been doing these retreats for about 20 years now. I lived there for three years so I learned special places to take people. It is my joy to share the wonder of nature and the mystical experience of the mountain.

Here’s what the retreat includes:

  • A Lemurian experience (from Telos the Lemurian city that is in the fifth dimension a mile under the mountain) on private property in the area
  • Transmissions from masters such as St. Germain, Kuthumi, perhaps Adama, the High Priest of Telos, and Lumina
  • Healing
  • You will leave with a higher frequency
  • Expanded awareness and consciousness
  • Swimming in lakes
  • Visits to waterfalls
  • Joy, fun and laughter, with your new galactic friends who will be at the retreat
  • A free dinner
  • Snacks and much more

The retreat is $639. If paid for by July 8, there is a 10% discount making the cost making it $576.

If you are interested please contact me at: or call me at: 925-287-8976

Accommodations are not included in the fee.

Valerie’s Zoom Calls in June

The Master Djwal Khul, Thursday, June 6 from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM Pacific time. This beautiful master was the most knowledgeable master about healing, the initiations, the Seven Rays and many other things. He is the master who taught me to channel many years ago. He has helped me numerous times in my life. In this zoom transmission you can also ask questions.

Mother Mary and St. Germain transmission, Thursday, June 13 from 5:00 to 6:30 PM Pacific time. Mother Mary represents the divine feminine energy. She is assisting in balancing the divine feminine and divine masculine energies. This is important work for the planet. The Master St. Germain, comes in and speaks in his funny way to tell us what is going on from his perspective. His intention is freedom so you can only imagine how busy he is right now. We like to call him Mr. Wonderful because he is.

Mira from the Pleiadian High Council, Thursday, June 20, from 5:00 to 6:30 PM Pacific time. You know who Mira is and she is popular and loved. This is a direct transmission from Mira because I’ve been working with her for so long. It is more than a channeling. She usually also offers us the ability to go up in our etheric bodies to her ship and have an experience at the end of the transmission.“Illuminate Your Life with Lumina.” I am also doing two transmissions with Lumina a month for certain people. In June they will be on June 5th and 19th from 4:00PM to 5:30PM Pacific Time. If you feel called to be with Lumina, please contact me at: vdonner or call me at 925-287-8976 and we can discuss it.

These calls are all $33 and are payable with PayPal at:

Valerie’s Work

My work of spiritual counseling, readings, energy healing, clearing, and overall good clear advice, is now illuminated even more with Lumina. We get right down to healing and clearing energies that need to go. It comes naturally. I help people with relationships, work issues because I worked in the corporate world for many years, and especially with spiritual issues.

I have been doing this work for over 25 years. I’ve been meditating twice daily for over 40 years. I work with your team of angels, masters and guides, along with my team including Mother Mary, St. Germain, Djwal Khul, Kuthumi, the Christ and Mary Magdalene energies, galactics and Archangels. We work deeply at the heart and soul level where healing needs to occur.

My rates are:

$35 for 15 minutes
$70 for 30 minutes
$105 for 45 minutes
$140 for an hour

Please email me at: or call me at 925-287-8976.



In Conclusion

We are in our ascension process and moving rapidly forward and upward. The old world no longer applies as we make new choices and live in the Golden Age. We have many opportunities to live in bliss. There is a lovely new energy surrounding us. As we become even more conscious about the energy our frequencies change. The light becomes stronger.

Focus on the light and live in the light. It will guide you in everything. The light is the currency of higher consciousness. It contains a wonderful feeling like basking in the sun and being nurtured. The light is everything and that is what we are remembering. It is what we brought here and what it has taken for us to reach this point of ascension. It truly is a miracle.

Our Creator is pleased with us. We were especially chosen to do the jobs we’ve been doing, not just in this incarnation, but in many others for most of us.

Very soon our lives are going to become so much better and miraculous. Let your heart lead the way. Pay attention to every speck of light that you see. It has a message. It illuminates your pathway.

We thank you for being part of the ground crew and for doing such profound work.

I send you love and all good things.

In the light,





Straight From The Heart

May 3,  2024


Dear Ground Crew:

Here’s the latest from Apollo: “Do you know the ground crew are the first responders to assist the Earth? Yes, that’s what we call you because so many of you committed your selves to the Earth’s ascension and came at the very beginning of the process. We understand how challenging that has been and how weary you must be from all of your vital input from the Light. The Creator is grateful for all that you have been doing and so is the Earth. You will be remembered forever in the history of creation for your divine work. You will be rewarded greatly in many ways. Even though you may feel directionless in someways right now, that is far from the truth. It is simply that everything is changing rapidly. It is impossible for anyone to wrap their minds around the whole package of what is occurring. You do not need to waste your energy on this. Your roles are significant and your energy is vital to the process. Your level of consciousness and frequency are rising daily. You are glowing with light and spreading it on the Earth, the galaxy and far beyond. You are in the process of becoming aware of your own light and its impact. We hold you all on a pedestal, the pedestal of ascension and creation. Please accept this acknowledgment as a gift from our Creator and all of the loving beings who are working with you and the Earth. You are loved greatly.

How are you doing ground crew? How are you adjusting and adapting to all of the changes and strange energies on the Earth right now? What is your focus? Do you look up at the sky? There is a lot going on in the sky. How were you affected by the eclipse on April 8? I actually started seeing a second sun to the left of the sun on the day of the eclipse. I took a picture of it with my camera and here it is. For years we were told there would be two suns and supposedly two moons. I have not witnessed that, but perhaps some of you have? Maybe you did see the second sun also? It feels like we have to be open to all possibilities these days.

My focus now is truly on the light and the truth. Like many of you, I am no longer caught up in the 3-D external dramas. Who knows what is real and what is fake? Last weekend I had the good fortune of going to beautiful Santa Cruz, California and walking on the beach. I got a picture of a big beam of light coming from the sun onto the ocean. Here it is.

I also got this picture of a ship in my town a few days ago.


Look At The Light
By Valerie Donner

Look at the light.
It has become
Much more clever
And oh so bright!

The sun is different
And so are we.
Our bodies have changed

There’s a twinkle
In every cell.
Our energy fields
Have accelerated well.

We’re becoming more enlightened
In every way.
The dark is no longer.
We are at play.

We are painting a picture
In a newly lighted way.
It’s our time
For the light to stay.

Look at the light
In the eyes of others.
Creation is there
Like a spark of lovers.

This is a big light
That is shared with all.
The power behind it
Will make us tall.

We’ve had enough
Of settling for less
Then the best.
Be happy to have passed the test.


Starting last April, 2023, I began doing Ground Crew in Action Meetings with Lumina. Lumina is responsible for the luminescence of creation. Apollo is her divine complement. Many different people came on the call and there was a group of about 10 of us who met weekly for an hour a week. We met 47 times. We did light activations with the Lumina and we sent Light and powerful energy to many places and beings on the Earth. We all became more accelerated and enlightened from our gatherings. The Earth surely benefited also.

I am now being called to move forward to do greater work with Lumina. She is an illuminator and transfers energy. I am merging with her even more. This means I’m going to be doing some writing and some new classes. “Iluminate your Life with Lumina” is the name of the class. This will assist those who are ready to go higher with their spiritual work in a homogenous way. I am seeking people who can advance with me. I invite you to e-mail me or call me if you want join this new program. The class will be on Zoom, $33 payable with PayPal: I will hold the class every two weeks. It will be on Wednesdays from 4:00 to 5:30 PM Pacific time. The first class will be Wednesday, May 8.

The following is a message that came to me from Lumina on April 24, 2024. The message came from a very deep place inside of me. I dictated it and transcribed part of it so you can get a sense of what she said. It was so loving.


Musings From Lumina April 24, 2024

“I am amused at humanity at how little most of humanity have felt love. They are truly bereft of the love they are due. I want them to know how much Source loves and values humanity.  With every spark of light within every eye, or every drop of light on a leaf on a tree, there is love and it’s from them. I want humanity to know how much the sun loves them and how that golden light from the sun comes from Source to touch peoples’ hearts and to connect them with each other. So many do not know this, or feel it. I want humanity to know how much the clouds love them, and how much the trees love them, and how much the oceans and the streams love them. Every little sea shell is a creation from Source. It is a reflection of the beauty that they are and to show humanity how rare they are. Each wave that comes from the ocean is a reflection of love. Humanity is deserving of all of the love of creation. It’s available in the light dancing around you, taking new shapes and new forms, but it is always that luminesce all around you. It is here to bring bliss into your life. Please open to more love and share it like the branches of a tree that have open hearts to show their love. Their open hearts are available to pick you up and bring healing. Please do not kick a rock. Please pick it up and move it. It is a reflection of Creator’s love. It is a reflection of what comes to you. You have the eyes to see and the ears to hear.  The luminance is for you, oh bereft humanity, seeking love in all the wrong  ways. It is the part of listening to your heart, and the beauty of opening your eyes  to the sunlight of creation that will create the image of who you are.  This is such an accomplishment and something for you to ponder. It is a miracle and many more miracles are coming your way. We of the realms of beauty and light are here to tell you you will never be without love again. We truly love you and will always be there for you. I am Lumina.”

  A Transmission from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner May 3, 2024

Greetings I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I also work full-time with the Earth Council. We are very busy these days, as you can imagine. We are in the full throes of the Earth’s ascension.  We are building a whole new model of ascension for creation and you are part of that participation. Please remember this is the first time a planet will ascend with life on it. It is different and you are different too. You are ready for the switch over for the New Earth and the new Golden Age to be here.

The Golden Age and the fifth dimension are already activated and are on the planet. This is your opportunity to focus on your light so that you can individually raise your frequency and your vibration that will be transferred to others. This is your focus now, ground crew. You don’t need to take it upon yourselves to fight every cause, or know everything you thought you needed to know about what is going on on the planet. Your job is to be the light.

This is a grand expansion of your work. It requires listening to your heart and following the guidance within. We are in the full throes of ascension. The 3-D material realm is over. It is dissolving all around you. Your soul has rejected the past and is moving rapidly higher and higher. You can feel it by the way you respond to your various experiences from the past. They are no longer.

You are beginning to feel triumphant in your new role as a being of light. You are taking off into higher dimensions. You are expanding as a beacon of light. Your healing presence is helping the multitudes. You are remembering who you are and are receiving your gifts and abilities. You are also magnetizing your galactic friends and family into your lives that are bringing you profound joy. Think about what it is like to have spiritual relationships with everyone in your life. Begin to see how your communities are growing and how happy you are becoming. Feel how much simplicity there is in your life and how much magic. Everything is becoming easier as you let go of the past.

You are a remarkable beings we have relied upon for eons and now you are coming to the homestretch. There will be no going back only moving forward.

All of life including the plants, the animals, the minerals, the waters, are awakening and have a lot to say if you will listen. When you listen your Joy will be unsurpassed. This Joy elevates you and reminds you that you are in the fifth dimension. You are living in higher consciousness with higher frequencies and higher purpose.

We are here to remind you that we are with you every step of the way. You may be seeing us out of the corner of your eyes, or in the background. Keep your eyes open and your ears clear so that you can listen to what is going on. It is astounding.

We relish every moment of being with you and participating in this ascension process. We are also ascending along with the rest of creation. In due time we are coming to a reunion of the Light and we will be celebrating in the most fantastic ways. You will recognize us when we see each other and we will be united forever.

I am Mira sending you love from your galactic friends and family.

Valerie’s Zoom Call Classes For May

These classes are experiential. They are fun, healing, enlightening and uplifting. Each class is $33 payable with PayPal Participants in calls with Lumina require Valerie’s approval. You may contact her at or call her at 925-287-8976 for approval.

Lumina, Wednesday, May 8 and Wednesday, May 22, from 4:00PM to 5:30PM Pacific time.

TheMaster Djwal Khul, May 9 from 5:00 to 6:30 PM Pacific time. This beautiful Master was known as the Tibetan and also channeled the Theosophical Society teachings to Alice Bailey. He is an expert on healing, initiations, the Seven Rays and much more. DK is the beautiful Master who came to me many years ago and taught me to channel.

Mother Mary and Saint Germain, Thursday, May 16 from 5:00 to 6:30 PM Pacific time. These two always come together since the time I have been doing these transmissions. Mother Mary represents the divine feminine energy and is healing hearts and souls when she comes through. The Master St. Germain is who we call “Mr. Wonderful.” He is funny and also involved with freeing the planet. He is about freedom.

Mira from the Pleiadian High Council, Thursday, May 23 from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM Pacific time.


How Valerie Can Help You

I work deeply at heart and soul level so I feel things, see things and information comes. I give good reads on people and situation’s, assist with relationships, both personal and at work, help clear energy, assist with spiritual growth, provide healing, clarity and information about your future self. I’m working with Lumina so people receive light activations, truth and lots of powerful energy from her. The Masters are part of my team along with Archangel Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael and Michael, along with my galactic team.

I’ve been doing this work for over 25 years. I spent many years in the corporate world including being a healthcare executive. I understand the corporate world and can assist with that.

This is what someone wrote who recently had a session with me: “Dear Valerie. I so appreciate your powerful and beautiful healing that you completed for me. All that trauma from that experience was removed to the extent that I no longer feel the trauma from the horrible experience. You are an amazing healer and the angels were super powerful. I thank you from the bottom of my heart and will always feel gratitude for you and your gifts.”

My rates are: $35 for 15 minutes, $70 for 30 minutes,  $105 for 45 minutes and $140 for an hour. To make an appointment please call me at: 925-287-8976 or email me at:


Here’s a link from Rumble that is only a 10 minute video entitled “Indicators that you’re already experiencing life in the fifth dimension.”



In Conclusion

This is a most exciting time to be on the planet. We know our focus needs to be on the light and to spread that light wherever we go. We have been given excellent guidance from Lumina and Mira in this message. Please take it to heart and follow through in ways that work for you and keep accelerating your growth. Your happiness will expand and you will know you are in the fifth dimension.

If you feel like you want to contribute to this website it is greatly appreciated. You can do it through PayPal: VDonner99@gmail.comor mail: P.O. Box 5705, Walnut Creek, CA 94596

With love and all good things. Thank you for being a part of the ground crew.

In the light,





Straight From The Heart

March 29, 2024


Dear Ground Crew:

Here’s the latest from Apollo: “The energies are running rampant on the Earth. You can attribute this to the rapid shift in consciousness. This also has to do with the cessation of the third dimensional world where are you are programmed to live in linear time. You were mechanized with artificial time. It was used to enslave the planet and to keep you all in step with each other 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Now as a result of the rising consciousness and the fall of the dark ones, the old matrix is crumbling. Even those who are not as awakened as you, recognize how much time has shifted and everything seems to be happening simultaneously. This is truly the end of the old world and the beginning of the Golden Age. In this new energy it is challenging to plan because events keep changing. The old way is falling apart and in so doing, often times resolutions to the old problems are not to be found. This means letting go. The feeling of surprise, magic, and spectacular unexpected events can keep you off balance. It can be extremely frustrating expecting things to be the way they were because they are not. Stay strong. Be connected to your inner self and the God within. Pay close attention to everything around you. The truth is coming out about everything so humanity is in for some big revelations. We are with you and are assisting you. You can count on us.”

How are you faring ground crew? From my perspective and I feel lots of others feel the same way, the battle between the dark and the light has accelerated. The light is triumphant yet we still have to deal with the negatives. The minions keep popping up in various ways. We need to stay awake and keep our wits about us.

In the past month I’ve had my business debit card bank account hacked for several hundred dollars, another attempt to hack my computer, and there have been several almost accidents where I had to swerve out of the way. The 3D material world is becoming increasingly disdainful. The dark ones are desperate and are trying to take what they can get.

They are clever and intelligent. They lack conscience and lie through their teeth. There were even issues with my website host. They are coming out from various angles. One of my beloved friends, who is a beautiful light filled woman, has had the dark ones after her entire life because of her light. She was just diagnosed with lung cancer. Please help pray for my dear friend Crystal.

In my work with my clients I see some of them are weighed down and stymied due to the corruption and darkness. Please remember what the Master Djwal Khul said in one of my transmissions, “The light can do anything!” I have been working with that light and helping others to be able to move on.

We are microcosms of the macrocosm so just my personal situation includes everything else that’s going on with the Earth. It is quite challenging at the moment. Please remember that when we heal certain issues for ourselves and others, it’s exponential depending on our consciousness. We never heal something just for ourselves. We are doing a massive amount of work including in our dream state.

The energies from the solar activity, astrologically with eclipses, earth changes, along with many other distractions require the utmost of self care and rest. It doesn’t work to force things to happen because there is a completely different flow to the energies.

Shakespeare, who was also the Master St. Germain, reminded us that “All the world is a stage.” For the last four years we’ve been talking about watching a movie and eating lots of popcorn. Now more of the truth is coming out about the fact that we are holographic beings living in a simulation. I know this sounds strange, and sometimes we might feel the need to pinch ourselves to see if we are still here. Some of us are in higher dimensions and higher consciousness, so we are just on the Earth minimally. We don’t care too much for what is going on right now. We go out in nature, take naps, listen to beautiful music, create, hang out with like minded people, and do what we can to keep our hearts open to be of assistance to others.

Soon this great revealing will be over and we will stand behind the stage, breathe a sigh of relief, and rid ourselves of this long lasting show that has outworn its day. We will be free to live in the Golden Age in the 5th dimension and higher and the New Earth, or we will fly to other places for a much improved experience.

Back Stage
By Valerie Donner

Back stage when this show is over,
We will pat each other on the back and say, “We did it! “
We will recognize each other from our beautiful hearts
and luminescence.
We will look around and see how awesome we are-
And what a good job we did.
In the awe of the moment
We will glow as a spectacle of creation, a part of divine intelligence and mastery.
And we will be pleased with ourselves.
A knowingness will be in the atmosphere of a job well done.
We will bow before ourselves for our Divine creative expression that makes our Creator pleased.
Then we will be presented with Roses and flowers of all kinds.
We will hear the angelic songs and celestial choir.
We will celebrate our freedom as we rise with our New Earth and illumined consciousness.
“We did it!”
We can go home!


We have a lot of wonderful surprises, abundance, reunions, remembrances of who we are and what we came to do, coming to us. 

We need to just lighten up on ourselves and focus on the light within, and remember that we are the co-creators with the Creator. This is the time for magic and miracles. Pay attention to how easily you can manifest. Notice how much easier it is for situations to be resolved. Spend time with animals and children. Dig in your garden and stay close to the Earth. Let go of fear. Look for the big picture of what is really happening as the old movie winds down. Create your own world the way you want it to be. This is how we will get the job done. Know that you are being looked after and taken care of every step of the way.

A Transmission from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner March 29, 2024

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I’ve been working full-time with the Earth Council for the ascension of the Earth for many years now.

As you can feel, we are very close to the Earth’s ascension. Many have the sense that something big is about to occur. I know you have your eyes on the prize and your hearts in the Golden Age. The fifth dimension is far more than a temptation, it is a reality. It is your future where you will reside as your future self in all of your glory.

The Earth is being expunged from the darkness. The Earth is preparing to bask in her own glory. At this point, we are pleased to say that many of the dark elite have been stripped of their power and are in the process of being located where they deserve to be. Their minions are still attempting to be in control to little avail. They are doing negative things to stress the planet and humanity.

Most of the ground crew are already conscious and are residing in the fifth dimension. This means they are residing still in the physical form but consciously living in the fifth dimension and higher. This can be challenging for the physical body but you are adapting and adjusting with all of the assistance that can be given from the Light Realms.

Little by little, and faster and faster, you have noticed that life is no longer the way it used to be. The material world is not in sync with higher consciousness. This results in breakdowns and also the magic of breakthroughs. These come when you have stark realizations of more of your gifts and your abilities.

Your true power is rising in your heart from the Creator within. The light is formidable. Feel it and look into your heart. Trust what you feel and what you know inside. This is about releasing the past and speeding into the future. The old way no longer applies.

The entire populace of the Earth is beginning to see the truth and it is shocking. Much more of this truth is rising to the surface. They are in shock and are feeling anger and outrage. Some have felt despair, or are beginning to feel it. Our beings of light, the ground crew, are prepared to show the way. They can point things forward into the new era. They can remind others to not reside in fear.

We remind you to stay in balance and harmony. Please do not let forthcoming events and predictions throw you off or put you into fear. Focus on your power and your ability to adapt to whatever energies and events present themselves.

You were designed to be on the planet now. Please understand that you will get through this and that you are ready for things to change in the blink of an eye. I would say that you are more than ready for this change because you have completed what you came to do.

We are with you and are so grateful we are working together as a team. Soon we will be celebrating with the glory of creation.

We are together and I am sending you joy, love, peace, beauty, abundance, healing, strength and activating your power within. I am Mira.

Valerie’s Zoom Call Transmissions for April

These classes are experiential. The energies from these powerful beings are healing and informative. Each class is $33 payable with PayPal to If you would like to attend please are use the email and let me know. When payment is received you will be sent the link. You may also purchase a recording of the call for $33.00 The calls start at 5 PM Pacific time and last until 6:30 PM.

Thursday, April 4, the Master to Djwal Khul. DK, as he is known, is the Master who came to me over 25 years ago and taught me to channel. He was also known as the Tibetan and is responsible for channeling the Alice Bailey books for the Theosophical Society. He was one of the most knowledgeable Masters in health and healing, initiations, the Seven Rays and much more.

Thursday, April 11, Mary and the Master St. Germain. These two like to be together. Mother Mary starts out with her beautiful Divine feminine energy and provides us with information and healing. St. Germain brings us guidance and wisdom, along with humor.

Thursday, April 18, Mira from the Pleiadian High Council, is her magnificent self. She usually invites us to come in our a etheric bodies up to her ship where we have amazing experiences.

How Valerie Can Help You

I have been meditating twice daily for over 40 years. I work with the Masters, like the Christ, Mother Mary, Saint Germain, Djwal Khul, Kuthumi, and the Archangels Gabriel, Uriel, Rapheal and Michael and galactic’s such as Lumina, who is responsible for the luminescence of creation and Mira. I would say they are my references. Many have benefited from my work, which has been over 25 years now. I also worked in the corporate world and was a healthcare executive for over 20 years. I can help people working in their 3-D jobs. I also can help with relationships and give others good reads on those with whom they work, or any type of relationship. Some people also benefit by the clearings that I do with the light. We can do that from the past. I can also help you move into the future, into your future self.

My rates are: $35 for 15 minutes, $70 for 30 minutes, $105 for 45 minutes and $140 for an hour. You can email me at: to set up an appointment, or call me at 925-287-8976.

In Conclusion

We are moving through time at an accelerated pace. It is clear we are a part of an intelligent Divine Plan that is orchestrated by the light. It is helpful to remember that this has been a show that is coming to an end. It is fruitless to get fixated on dates and time because everything is changing every moment. Right now it is important to focus on the light, on taking good care of yourself, on being kind and loving, and by continuing to open your heart.

Some of you have been a part of the ground crew since I first started writing on line in 1995. That’s a long time! We thought we were ready then for the ascension but little did we know, we had much more to do. We have grown, learned, healed and progressed. Hopefully, we have more wisdom than we had at that time.

I cherish and I am most grateful for your love and your support. If you choose to donate to this website you can do it through PayPal: or mail to: PO Box  5705, Walnut Creek CA 94596

Have a most beautiful vernal spring in this area and a lovely fall in other parts of the world.

I am sending you love and all good things from my heart to yours.

In the light,
