Check out our upcoming classes!

These classes are experiential. I have been working with these special ones for many years, so they are actually transmissions, not channelings.

Classes are $33 each. 


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The Ground Crew

The Ground Crew is a global group of people who are united in the belief that we are co-creating the New Age of God. They are lightworkers who want to serve humanity now because they love and revere life and Mother Earth. They feel a oneness with all of life, including our space brothers and sisters. They are aware of many of the ancient prophecies, the strange weather patterns, increased seismic and volcanic activity, and other changes that all point to the fact that something big is about to happen on our planet.

The material provided on this website is designed to help lightworkers to keep their own centeredness, while adjusting to all that is happening around us. Regular articles are posted under the Straight from the Heart section. We also offer classes, teleclasses, individual sessions, and group channelings for additional guidance and assistance.




Valerie Donner founded The Ground Crew in 1996, with encouragement from the light realms to spread their messages out to as many people as possible. In these accelerated times we are in, she is currently posting at least one channeled message a month. These messages help us all to understand and align with the changes as they are happening.



About valerie Donner



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This website and the information it contains is provided to all of humanity. It is supported solely by donations and volunteer efforts.

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