Classes & Events


January 2025 Classes

These classes are experiential. I have been working with these special ones for many years, so they are actually transmissions, not channelings. Classes are $33 each. Please click the button to contact me that you want to join, and send me payment through PayPal to

5pm-6:3pm PT

Thursday, February 6

The Master Dwal Khul

DK, as he is known, is the Master who came to me over 25 years ago and taught me to channel. He was also known as the Tibetan and is responsible for channeling the Alice Bailey books for the Theosophical Society. He was one of the most knowledgeable Masters in health and healing, initiations, the Seven Rays and much more.


5pm-6:3pm PT

Thursday, February 13

Mother Mary & Saint Germain

These two like to be together. Mother Mary starts out with her beautiful Divine feminine energy and provides us with information and healing. St. Germain brings us guidance and wisdom, along with humor.


4pm-5:3pm PT

Wednesday, February 5

Illuminate Your Life With Lumina

This transmission is for special people who want to have a deep experience with Lumina.


5pm-6:3pm PT

Thursday, February 20

Mira, from the Pleiadian High Council

Mira from the Pleiadian High Council, is her magnificent self. She usually invites us to come in our a etheric bodies up to her ship where we have amazing experiences.


4pm-5pm PT


Ground Crew in Action Zoom Calls 

You may join these free calls where we work with Lumina, who is responsible for the luminescence of creation. She leads us with her light activations wherever they are needed. We are having amazing results.


This information is available for all to print, free of charge.
There shall be no charge at all for this information,
but if you wish to donate please go to our Donations page.

The information on this web site is presented for the benefit of humanity.
All of this information is copyrighted by The Ground Crew
and must not be used for any other proprietary purposes.
Permission is granted for personal use only.

© The Ground Crew.
Permission must be granted for any use
other than personal.

Please use the email below for Valerie. Please remove any other email addresses you have for her. Thanks!

Contact Valerie at 925-287-8976