Straight From The Heart
June 28, 2024
Dear Ground Crew:
Here’s the latest from Apollo: “The times of great change are upon you. Every star in the sky is interested and looking upon you. All of creation is observing and reacting to what is going on with the Earth. You will never be the same again and neither shall the Earth. These monumental changes are a requisite for your full ascension and the Earth. There are many different levels in the process of moving into the Golden Age. You are there now. Some are still being pulled down by the density of the third dimension. It is heavy and full of negative energies like fear, anger, depression, defeat, and all of the negative emotions with which many have lived for a long time. It takes a monumental feat to become your sovereign, authentic self. And this is exactly what you are doing. You have been coated with different programs that are contrary to you becoming your true co-creator with the Creator. Suffice to say, these energies from the past have held you back. You have suffered from self amnesia where you completely forgot your true nature and oneness with Source. Try like you might, you were prevented from removing the sorcerer’s clothes. Now you are you are deeply involved with this self discovery. Your souls are intent upon you becoming your future self where you will be doing your full creative expression and even more. This is why you came to shift the consciousness and energy and move the Earth back into the light. It is your light that has permitted the planet to finally rise again back into the 5th dimension and higher. Continue to focus on the light and the love that you are feeling. All is in the hands of the Creator.”
As I have told you before, Apollo and Lumina are Divine Complements. They are together now to uplift you into freedom and love. They are working together with many to balance the divine feminine and the divine masculine energies. This is important work because the masculine energy has been out of balance with everyone and particularly, the Earth. Therefore, you can understand this is a time of great healing. Harmony and divine balance are required for every next step that is taking place in the ascension process.
With more of Lumina and Apollo’s love, those of you who have been longing for your beloveds will find each other. You won’t have to look under a rock or behind a tree, you will find each other. They will come to you. This is the divine right timing as a gift from Source for you to be happy. In this process you will also help many others find love and healing. This type of love would have truly struggled in a third dimensional programmed dysfunctional relationship. There are some couples from Divine origin who have managed to break free from the dysfunctional relationships, and have tried to lay this type of blueprint. It has been challenging but now the energy is in place. It is time.
From Lumina through Valerie Donner, June 28, 2024
Dear ones. You are beginning to lean into the brilliant light that is coming to the Earth right now. This light has beneficial results that will make your hearts sing. The days of stress and loneliness are coming to an end. You are coming into the oneness of being with your beloved. This will require some adjustment and adaption but it will be fully worth it.
These relationships are not the Hollywood style romance type of relationship that has been portrayed through the main stream. They flow and are original and you will remember. You will do your dance together and live in harmony and bliss. These are happening as a result of the Creator’s love for you. It is unceasing and never ending. It is brilliant and divine.
You may want to pause and reflect upon these words that I am saying. You might want to breathe them in and let them sink in to your heart and consciousness. Having your beloved is part of the self realization aspect of Ascension. It is a gift from Source for all of the hard work that you have done, for the sacrifices you have made, and for your good work for being kind and loving beings of light.
The light takes precedence now and is everywhere present full of spectacular colors and hues you have not seen before. You might be able to feel into these energies and be a part of the glory of our Creator in the true splendor of yourself. You are becoming you true God Self.
What an assignment you have been in on living on the Earth through these turbulent, harsh and challenging times! The rewards will be great, your creativity will soar and you will live the happily in the New World. We thank you so much for all that you have done. You are loved into eternity and beyond.
Strie Up The Band
By Valerie Donner
Strike up the band.
Live in the light.
Something wonderful
Is happening tonight.
You were here.
Now you’re someplace else.
You are coming together
As your true God self.
This was meant to be.
It’s a part of the plan
For you to become your true self
As fast as you can.
This is big.
It is something to reveal
On the way
To becoming real.
Little did you know
How far you could see
That you would be living here
In a new reality.
Let the fireworks explode.
Become your true and free you.
Strike up the band.
That’s all you have to do.
A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner on June 28, 2024
Greetings: I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I am here to speak with you today to give you an update about what is occurring on the Earth. I speak as a member of the Earth Council. I work full-time with this council and have been for many years.
I recommend that you look around and view these occurrences from a different viewpoint than perhaps your current perspective. Maybe you can see the world of the old third dimension crumbling? You might see the strangeness of the old world as you advance in to higher consciousness in the fifth dimension or higher.
Yes, the energies are strange and can be a bit uprooting. Some of you are observing humanities behavior as bizarre and maybe even stupid. You might wonder what has been short circuited in some peoples’ brains when they make the decisions they make. These behaviors can actually push you to your limits.
These unreasonable irrational behaviors are showing you the end of the third dimensional Earth. You see some people taking risks you would never take. Many have lost their bearings. The old fill in factors that kept everyone under control are ceasing to exist.
The reason for this is that in the higher consciousness none of these old factors are necessary. You will be living in divine flow without the need for the use of lower technology and certainly without lower consciousness. Your blinders are off now and you are seeing it with real time vision.
This means you are awake. Congratulations! The more nonsensical the world becomes, the further you will have risen into the fifth dimension. The time of the old world leaders, organizations, systems, and controls, etc. are departing, thereby giving you the freedom you have long needed and deserved. As your galactic family, we celebrate with you the new beginnings. We cheer you on in every way and we assist where we are needed. You are not alone.
We love you, applaud you and are here for you. I am Mira.
Valerie’s Zoom Calls for July
The Master Djwal Khul, Thursday, July 11, from 5:00 to 6:30 PM Pacific time. This beautiful master is the one who came to me to teach me to channel many years ago. He was known as the Tibetan and was the source of information for Alice Bailey and The Theosophical Society teachings. He is the master who brings strength and that is why he’s here now to help us be strong as we move through these culminating changes.
Mother Mary and the Master St. Germain, Thursday, July 18, from 5:00 to 6:30 PM Pacific time. Mother Mary represents the Divine feminine energy. The Master St. Germain and Mother Mary are close friends. They have come together in my transmissions for many years. St. Germain likes to be called Mr. Wonderful and in these calls he can be very funny and entertaining in addition to being informative. St. Germain stands for freedom and you know how much we need that now.
Mira from the Pleiadian High Council, Thursday, July 25 from 5:00 to 6:30 PM Pacific time. Many know and love Mira. In these transmissions Mira bring us wonderful energy and information. At the end she invites us up to her ship in our etheric bodies to have an experience. This is optional.
“Illuminate your life with Lumina,” Wednesdays, July 3, and July 17, from 4:00 to 5:30 PM Pacific time. This transmission is for special people who want to have a deep experience with Lumina.
All of these calls are experiential and highly energetic. They are $33 each and are payable with PayPal: VDonner99@gmail.com. Please email me if you want to attend at: VDonner99@gmail.com or call me to let me know if you want to be on the call: Phone: 925-287-8976 I will send you the link.
Valerie’s Work
As an energy healer, spiritual counselor, reader, and teacher, I have been working with very powerful energies with Lumina. With this work I am clear, fast and quite accurate with the information that is provided. The focus can be on relationships both personal and at work, healing, releasing the past, and your future self. The sessions usually include humor as a part of the healing.
I have been doing this work for over 25 years but it has really accelerated lately. If you need some help you might want to give me a call at: 925-287-8976 or email me at: VDonner99@gmail.com
My rates are:
$35 for 15 minutes
$70 for 30 minutes
$105 for 45 minutes
$140 for an hour
Heart of the Mountain Retreat at Mount Shasta
Thursday, August 8, the Lions Gate, to Sunday, August 11, 2024.
I have been told this will be a very auspicious time to be at the mountain and that I have to be there.
I am making some changes to the retreat. Our Lemurian experience will not be on private property it will be someplace else. I am also extending the time for the 10% discount of the cost of the retreat from $639 to $575 that I will honor until July 18.
Here’s what the retreat includes:
- A Lemurian experience (from Telos the Lemurian city that is in the fifth dimension a mile under the mountain) on private property in the area
Meditations - Transmissions from masters such as St. Germain, Kuthumi, perhaps Adama, the High Priest of Telos, and Lumina
- Healing
- You will leave with a higher frequency
- Expanded awareness and consciousness
- Swimming in lakes
- Visits to waterfalls
- Joy, fun and laughter, with your new galactic friends who will be at the retreat
- A free dinner
- Snacks and much more
The retreat is $639. If paid for by July 18, there is a 10% discount making the cost making it $576.
If you are interested please contact me at: VDonner99@gmail.com or call me at: 925-287-8976
Accommodations are not included in the fee.
In Conclusion
The light is clearly with us to the fullest extent now. We are moving into the Golden Age at warp speed. We are being given everything we need and then some. The old broken pieces of the puzzle are being removed. We are remembering that we are all a part of the Creator. This is being amplified in a myriad of ways. It’s been a part of the Divine Plan all along and now we are remembering. Let’s make it real and create our new world.
Thank you for doing such a spectacular job, ground crew. We’ve got it and we are being held in the arms of the light of creation with bountiful joyful love, peace, harmony and bliss.
Let freedom ring!
I am sending you love and all good things.
In the light,