Straight from the Heart

August 4, 2021



Dear Ground Crew:


Here’s the latest from Apollo on July 26, 2021: “You may find it challenging to grapple with all that is going on right now. That is because some of it is designed to confuse you and distract you. It is intended to keep you from listening within. This is truly a deeply disturbing energy on the planet. The carriers of darkness are being destroyed. As they depart, they are wailing sounds of pain and loss of their plans for continuing to enslave and destroy the earth. The road ahead is of profound beauty and joy. When the final segment of darkness is gone, your life will be free to live in the golden age. It is nearly here. We are continuing our work and are working with you.  We have the same goal to free the earth.”


Apollo mentioned the “deeply disturbing energy on the planet” right now. Most of us had no idea how dark it was going to get before we would move into the golden age. It is almost as if the air is contaminated, along with thoughts, behaviors, actions and reactions, relationships, demands, health challenges and the imploding of the third dimensional material world. It is a challenge!


What do we do, ground crew, to rise above these energies and focus on the ascended energies? Recently, when I was feeling bleak about these experiences, I remembered the song from the 1965 movie “South Pacific,” with Julie Andrews, “My Favorite Things.” I started my day by going to YouTube and bringing up the song: My Favorite Things I proceeded to fill my day with some of my favorite things and favorite people. I indulged myself from the smallest, joyful things to having a delicious meal. I was grateful for everything that I have and for my friends and family, everything and everyone. 


Laughing is helpful. I find that I get bombarded with so much information that takes me into despair at times. I need to offset the despair with some of the funniest comedians I can find, again on YouTube. I try to watch something funny before I go to sleep at night that make my heart happy so that in the morning I wake up and my heart still feels happy.

Glimmers of Hope

By Valerie Donner


A glimmer of hope,

An uplifting story,

Brings some relief,

From the Covid so gory.


A twinkle of light

In the stars at night,

Shows us that things

Will be getting bright.


A new spin

On news not so keen,

Picks us up from

 The in between.


A moment of laughter,

Something funny,

Is worth it all

And is more valuable than money.


Travel the new.

Let go of the old.

The ground crew

Need to be more bold.


Some are making positive predictions for this month of August. We can use this positivity and pray that some of these promises that have been made will come to fruition. The 8-8-8 Lions Gate will bring a powerful gateway like no other. Maureen Moss is doing a special meditation that day. Her e-mail is: if you are interested.

Here’s a list of some positive information displaying the changing tides in the favor of  the light:

  • Many truth tellers and whistleblowers coming forth with information to assist humanity
  • Class action lawsuits against the dark forces who never thought they would be culpable
  • Heroes in all aspects of society from sports to medicine to the media, military and the government
  • Activists protesting in the streets globally
  • Dirty politicians being recalled from their posts
  • Children and others being rescued from trafficking
  • Legal action being taken against perpetrators of horrific crimes
  • The take-down of the institutions that have not been serving humanity
  • Exposure of the dark institutions
  • Parents taking over school boards and advocating for their children
  • More home schooling
  • The elimination of service-to-self beings
  • Reptilians, draconians and dark forces are dissolving because they cannot be in the higher energies of 5D, etc.
  • The truth coming out about the central banking system and their eventual demise
  • The removal of top CEOs in major corporations and even in main stream media
  • The white hats are involved in every aspect of these changes.
  • Some stories of people whose credit card debt has been forgiven
  • More people are awakening and questioning
  • Truth slipping into the mainstream media
  • Increased assistance from the Galactic’s 
  • The dark forces are freaking out because their ways are no longer working.
  • Some disclosure about Galactic’s
  • Some indication of a new financial system, even gold backed
  • Possible improvements in the workings of the stock market


Another Galactic Contact


The other morning a new galactic named Lika came to be with me. It feels like she is Pleiadian and we will be working together. She is very high up in the galactic command. This is the message for the ground crew:


“The scuffle is beginning. We are about to break through the roof into a new reality. This is a message for the ground crew- Don’t just stand there do something! Do whatever you can to help the ailing earth and humanity. This is why you are here. You will be hearing more from me later. I stand in command!”


Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner

August 4, 2020


Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council and also the Earth Council. I am with you today to shed some light on the current situation. 


There is much occurring on the earth and in your planetary system. We see that humanity is under great stress and so is the ground crew. There is a rapid influx of light and energies from creation contributing to vast change on the planet. This change is a requisite for ascension. Some might be feeling lost but please understand we are with you. There is a delightfully positive future coming your way.


Some are feeling the building energies of freedom and the higher dimensional consciousness of the fifth dimension. This can require the need to shift and let go of lower consciousness energies. There is much to be determined still as the process continues. It is being created in the process. When vacuums occur, they need to be filled with other energies and that is what’s happening now. The other energies are higher, like love not fear, joy, happiness, peace, abundance and well-being. This is your future and it is appropriate to claim it daily as part of your routine.


The unknown can make people feel unstable and insecure. That is why we recommend that you anchor in more of your  I Am presence, your God Self. Deeply connect with the Creator. Find that place in your heart that needs the love and reassurance. Fill the vacuum.


Powerful openings such as the Lion’s gateway of the 8-8-8 will be facilitating the rising consciousness. Humanity is seeking solace from the spirit within. Attempting to hold onto the old will no longer serve you. This is the great awakening. That which served you in the material world will become less significant. You have an amazing future to look forward to where you will be able to manifest anything you need.  It will be far better than anything that you have had to which you were attached previously. 


I wish you peace where there is sorrow, healing, love where there is fear, understanding and compassion for yourselves and others, strength, courage, awareness, laughter, and light heartedness. Stretch your minds so you know that you will get through this and it will all have been worth it!


I am sending you love and truth,



Heart of the Mountain Retreat at Mount Shasta

September 9-12


I rescheduled my Mount Shasta retreat from July to September 9-12. The energies were not conducive for us to go there in July. Since then, there has been openings so we are getting excited about making this trip together. For instance, it feels like the Lemurians who live in Telos, one mile under the mountain in the fifth dimension, are getting ready to come out. We will be connecting with them. It is lovely in Mt. Shasta in September and not as crowded as it is in the summer. If any of you are feeling drawn to the mountain you are still welcome to attend the retreat.


Please click here for the information. Mt Shasta Retreat


I’m still honoring my 10% discount if you pay by August 9.


You may contact me my phone: 925-287-8976 or e-mail:




Many people are challenged right now so some of you could find a session with me beneficial. I do spiritual counseling, readings, energy clearing and healing, whatever you need. I am still charging my old rate: $60 for 30 minutes and $120 for an hour.


Your contributions to this website are always helpful and appreciated. You may donate through PayPal:



In Conclusion


Even though we know the world seems insane we can draw from within to our own God presence to rise above the outer worlds. Meditation and prayer are helpful along with being in nature, listening to beautiful music, being with children and animals and each other. Doing inner work to clear core issues is helpful too. We are coming back into unity from separation even though it still appears disparate. 


Hang in there, ground grew! The BEST is yet to come!


Blessings, Love and Light,





Straight from the Heart

July 5, 2021


Dear Ground Crew:

Here’s the latest from Apollo on July 3, 2021,

“You have been stretched from here to there and continue to see how to apply yourself according to the changing circumstances. Little did you know you would be caught in such chaos and destruction. Both are here and so are you. You have been tested in your strength and courage, and your ability to masterfully maneuver through the changing energetic currents. Yet, you are here to participate in the huge awakening process on the earth. As challenging as it can be, you are needed here and will ride the situation through to its completion. You have been promised a beautiful new earth and it is already present. Although you may feel somewhat like a contortionist as you move through your daily challenges, you are successful and have won over the game of darkness.

You have enormous support, protection, love, and guidance from your galactic family and the entire realms of light. We are with you and will celebrate together when we have finished our work.”

What came to me today in preparation for writing this update, is the message “A spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down.” This is from “Mary Poppins” and is sung by Julie Andrews in the 1964 musical.

Here’s the link:

The message reminds me that as we proceed through the Ascension process, we need to offset the bitterness with the sweet. As our world is changing, we are learning many secrets that are shattering our old reality. Part of the Great Awakening is unpalatable. We would not want to drink the medicine and in some instances even a spoon full of sugar would not be enough.

What can we do, ground crew, to sweeten this process of raising consciousness? First, please understand we always have a choice. Since we have emotional bodies on the earth, we get to process the emotions through what we are experiencing. In so doing, we are releasing and clearing the past. This assists everyone and especially the ground crew. Second, as we clear we are releasing third dimensional consciousness. Third, at this point when we release 3-D consciousness, we can move into the ascension energy of the 5th dimension and higher. This is a choice. Fourth, when we are in the fifth dimension, we are free to live in Unity, with love and light in our hearts, and live-in peace and calm. This is the consciousness of the 5th dimension and higher.

A Spoonful of Sugar

By Valerie Donner


A spoonful of sugar

Makes 3-D down.

It can clear our thoughts

And take away the frown.


A tablespoon of consciousness

In the higher, sweeter form,

Releases the boredom 

From the old-world norm.


A taste treat of light

Clears out the dark.

It reminds us 

We can take a walk in the park.


A few drops of syrup

Can sweeten things up.

Sometimes a few drops

Won’t quite be enough.


A spoonful of sugar

Can be replaced

With honey or jam,

And that will be the right taste.


No matter how you state it,

Whatever sweetener you use

Will take you to higher places

 Away from the 3-D ruse.


So sharpen your palate.

Use whatever sweetness it takes

To rise in consciousness

And be in a 5D place.

Some of us are having lucid dreams. Others are blessed with miracles. I have several clients who have had complete and total healing. One worked on it for over 20 years. Then she was shown in a dream by a teacher on the other side that she was completely healed. Another client who had a stroke in February 2020 saw a human brain and he was also told that he was healed. 

The other night I dreamed that I was with the fairies, the nature spirits and elementals and they were all celebrating. Like us, they are ascending and they were celebrating the new creativity that they will be expressing. They were excited about new colors they were going to be able to work with, new flowers they would create and were so happy.

All of the different kingdoms are going through this ascension right now.

The mineral kingdom, plants, and animals are all rising in consciousness. We are blessed to be here now.

Even though we have distractions and a multitude of things to attend to, we cannot forget for a moment the gift of life. Everyone here was especially chosen to be here now. Life is precious. It is a gift from the Creator. Let us be grateful for these bodies and for our presence here as we step into our mastery to help heal each other and the earth. We are here to remember how powerful we are and to create our new earth.


By Valerie Donner 


Expect the unexpected. 

Be grateful for what you receive. 

Share with others who may be in need.


Let the light delight you,

And surprise you in every way,

This is how you will be living every single day.


Be open to all possibilities.

There will be no more limitations.

There are solutions for everything.

Love will find a way.


Pay attention to your dreams

Where miraculous miracles can come through. 

Know you deserve all of this healing too.


The healing force is with you

So is the call of the wild, 

For you are deserving as God’s child!


Most of you probably know who Esther Hicks is, channel of Abraham Hicks for many years now. The other day she came up with a good affirmation: “Things are always working out for me.” This can be repeated as often as necessary and is a good way to alleviate worry and stress.

A message from Mira  from the Pleiadian high Council through Valerie Donner July 3, 2021

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I am pleased to speak with you today, to our beloved ground crew hard at work. We are with you and know of your comings and goings, your successes and your failures, as you see them. We realize your doubts and your fears, your needs and challenges. We comprehend how much your world is changing and your relationships, also. In fact, it is challenging to find any place in your lives that is not changing.

This is what ascension is about. It’s about loving, learning your lessons, and letting go. You cannot rise into higher consciousness if you are still holding onto the chair in which you are sitting. Can you imagine there could be something so much more comfortable for you? Maybe you will be sitting in the commander’s chair on your ship with your galactic family? Yes, anything is possible.

Gone are the days of the old illusions. You are awakened beings of light so the illusions apply very little to you now. You are aware of what is true and what is not. You have had numerous experiences of having been tricked. It’s becoming what you call “old hat.” The dark ones are having trouble tricking you and confusing you like they used to do. You know the truth in your heart. Even though tricksters still try to mess with you, you are finding their energy less attractive. Be aware if something seems too good to be true. Do not hang on to every word some of these people are saying. The garbage has to be taken out.

The truth is rising to the surface like a meteor falling to the ground. When it falls it will bring explosive information that will spread quickly now. Most of humanity, whether they realize it or not, want to know the truth. These are the end times of living in the material third dimensional consciousness. The human soul longs for peace. We reassure you this is how you will be living.

Step-by-step, day by day, you are creating your new world. Before you know it, you’ll be living in 5th dimensional higher consciousness. We are  working together as a powerful force of light to lift the earth and all of life into higher consciousness.

Keep your eyes on the skies because we are with you.


I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council and the Earth Council sending you, our love.


Heart of the Mountain Retreat at Mount Shasta

My retreat at Mount Shasta is intended to be from Thursday, July 22 through Sunday, July 25. As of this writing, there are terrible fires north of the mountain and south of the mountain. It is possible there could be too much smoke for us to go in three weeks but we are waiting to see.

Please send your prayers to all of these places where there are fires here in the west and everywhere. We are in extreme drought. Your prayers are needed.

Sessions with Valerie

You can help support this website and yours truly by having a session with me. I do spiritual counseling, readings, energy healing and clearings, and intuitive readings. My rates are: $60 for 30 minutes and $120 for 60 minutes. I may be reached at: or by phone: 925-287-8976. Contributions are gratefully excepted. You can use my PayPal address:


In Conclusion

Even though our world is crazy right now we still have a straight and narrow path towards our ascension. If we do our part by consciously keeping our thoughts and focus on the 5D energy, we will be living in the energy of the new earth. We will be much happier when we live like this.


Blessings love and light, 





Straight from the Heart

June 3, 2021


Dear Ground Crew:

Here’s the latest from Apollo ~ June 1, 2021

“In the razzle dazzle of these recent times, some of you may be feeling like you are hanging on for dear life. Yes, these energies are unlike anything you have experienced on the earth. They will continue to be jagged and chaotic as a part of the ascension experience. Regardless of what you are going through, it will all come together into a meaningful conclusion. Simply said, you will never have to live like this again. You have nearly completed your missions so you can fulfill the next steps in your purpose and destiny. You are about to receive your just rewards. Expect your heart openings to be many. The glory of the Creator will shine upon you and the earth. You are being supported and we are with you in all ways.”

Ground Crew, how are you doing? Some of you may be feeling you are being put to the test, which indeed you are! Everyone is being challenged right now. It can feel like a roller coaster ride. You might feel as though you need to hang on for dear life to the guard rails of your daily experience. So many crazy things are happening that one can feel that they might be living in an insane asylum. Little makes sense but you might be sensing the insanity is coming to a conclusion. This is also an opportunity for huge lessons and heart openings. One ground crew person referred to what’s going on as “the bifurcation!” It does feel as if we are living in two different worlds. This can be painful when our family and friends seem to have taken a different path. What can we do? We are learning along the way how to take care of ourselves in these situations. Here are some of the suggestions:

  • Set boundaries.
  • Listen to your body.
  • Read the energies
  • Feel if you are being called to be in a certain place with certain people or not.
  • Pay attention to what your body is telling you.
  • Feel into your comfort levels.
  • Learn about detachment.
  • Listen to your inner guidance.
  • Be kind to yourself.
  • Refuse to let yourself be abused, especially if someone thinks differently than you.
  • Make choices according to your comfort level.
  • Ask for help when you need it.
  • Connect with other like-minded ground crew.
  • Ask God for help along with your angels, guides and the Galactic’s.
  • Watch the sky.
  • Give yourself some humor or something to help you lighten up. 
  • Treat yourself to some bodywork or something else that makes you feel good. 
  • Release the stress. 
  • Focus on the light.
  • Let yourself be amazed by the miracles that are happening in your life. 
  • Trust your divine guidance.
  • Have compassion for yourself and others. 
  • Be grateful for your friends and family who support you. Open your heart and love all of them.
  • Detach from the fear about what might happen due to someone’s choices or your own choices. Remember what God said to me, “I have it!” 
  • Stand barefooted on the earth and ask the earth to adjust your magnetic fields if you think you need it.


Some of us have recently had shocking surprises, particularly with some people we know, who we’ve seen one way only to discover there was some very deep darkness within them. Truly there is so much light coming to the planet right now there can longer be any secrets. In Lee Harris’s June Energy Report, he discusses the topic of “revelation and reckoning.”

Now let’s look at the topic of integrity. When people are not in integrity their karma will come back quickly and whip them in the face. If someone is considering not being in integrity with another, and they have a conscience, they will feel uncomfortable and out of sorts with themselves. This is a time when we all need to get real within ourselves and with others. It’s also important to be in relationships with people where the energies are aligned and balanced. Take nothing for granted, like everything is the way it used to be. It is not the way it used to be, in the third dimensional material world, because we are in a higher consciousness and a higher frequency now.

Now I’m going to share some of my recent photos from watching the sky. I took this photo on May 26, 2021, the day of the eclipse. I thought I was just taking pictures of angel clouds here in Walnut Creek, California. On May 30th, I looked at the photo and blew it up while I was showing it to a friend. It’s the most amazing photo I have ever taken. If you look at it closely you will see a ship in the upper left-hand corner, a smaller one on the upper right, a long pillar of light and many other things. I saw that pillar of light along with two other similar pillars that were coming down from the sky that afternoon. I have never seen that before. The one in the picture looks like it’s vacuuming out the area, which we probably need.



This picture of Mount Shasta was taken on May 15 when I was on a weekend visit to get my mountain fix! It is from my friend’s land which is at the base of the mountain. She has a beautiful 5-acre plot of land where they will be building a home. 




The cloud picture was taken at sunset on my friend’s property where she invited us for a potluck.

Then when it got dark, we got to do some sky watching. This is one of my favorite things to do and it is something that we do on my retreat. She is set up with lounge chairs so you can lie down and watch the sky at night without putting a kink in your neck. She has a trailer on her property and made us hot tea and gave us blankets so he wouldn’t be cold.




When it got dark, the pink cloud turned white. It was close to us and blocked the full view of the sky. We watched the movements of the ships and laughed like a bunch of fools because it was so much fun. Then, I realized it that the white cloud, which was the pink cloud, was a ship. It only took me an hour to figure that out. I thanked the cloud for being a ship and for gracing us with its presence. It left right after that! We could feel a lot of heart energy and love coming from it. It was a few days later that I realized that it was Apollo! He can do things like that!

After we spent two hours in splendor, we were walking the trail back to the car. I looked up in the sky and I saw a ship that I had never seen before. It was covered with light and it was close. My three friends who live up in Mount Shasta had never seen anything like it. Right when I was going to video it with my camera, we heard this from Siri: “I’m sorry I can’t do that!” Of course, we had to have another round of laughter. We found out from another mutual friend who had also seen the ship that it was the International Space Station!

There are many magical and miraculous things happening. Sometimes we have to look a little deeper and think a little longer to realize how magical certain events are. These are some of the signs we are in higher consciousness. Let’s keep focusing on the beauty.

Magical Times 

by Valerie Donner


We are living in magical times,

 Like the beauty of a mountain

 And making words rhyme.


When nature presents itself,

 And we touch a tree

 Finding a smooth texture can bring harmony.


Watching a dragonfly,

 Listening to a bird sing 

 Brings joy to everything.


Looking at a cloud might make you wonder.

 It might bring something 

 Like the sound of thunder.


Standing on the earth

 With your own bare feet

 Can bring healing in a heartbeat. 


Watching a waterfall

 Beaming with light, 

And rainbow colors are a beautiful site!


Everything is new

 With bright colors galore.

 I don’t know about you but I want more!

A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner June 2, 2021


Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I am also placed in the Earth Council for the exact purpose of this Ascension process occurring now with your planet. As most of you know, we assist other planets with their Ascension process. We have a precious and vested interest in the earth. We are here to assist humanity, all of life on the earth, as well as the earth herself.

We are dear friends with the earth. We know love and respect her immensely. We celebrate her ascension for she deserves this graduation from the enormous and atrocious forces of darkness. Some of you may be feeling lighter frequencies due to the dark ones’ isolation and removal from your beloved planet. You might be feeling as if you can breathe again.

Right now, you are at a critical juncture in this grand shift. There has been a deep drilling down and taking out of the forces of darkness. Even though they know they are done with the earth, they are fighting tooth and nail to the very end. We want to assure you that this is nearly over and that Source has the upper hand.

Please focus your attention as much as possible on the light and the beauty of this unfolding. The plan is a brilliant one and the resources are many. Hold the light and keep your hearts open to each other.

We understand that many of you are challenged and struggling. It takes courage and strength to participate in the end of so many years of darkness. You are right there at the threshold of light. You can feel it and see it. The light is real. You are nearly Home. In fact, we already have many celebrations and reunions planned for you. Of course, these will all be the unmasked version where we can see your fully beautiful faces, read the light in your eyes, and feel the love in your hearts. You will indeed see the same with us.

Promises and prophecies have been made throughout the ages. It is now time for them to come to fruition. Beloved ones, you shall inherit the earth.

We always want to thank you for your good work, prayers, love, and devotion to your ascension. Each one of you make the world of difference to us and to the planet.

In deep love and devotion, I am in Mira.

Heart of the Mountain retreat at Mount Shasta

 July 22 to July 25


For most of the past 18 years I have done my retreats at Mount Shasta. These have been magical experiences for the people who have attended. We spend time in nature, I do meditations and channeling. This is a sacred mountain where we are connected in a higher dimension with the masters, Galactic’s and our Lemurian friends and family, who reside in Telos one mile underneath Mount Shasta in the fifth dimension. The Telosians have been holding the Christed energies for the planet for 11,000 years since the fall of the Lemuria. If any of you are interested in this topic you might want to get my friend Aurelia Louise Jones’ books: “Telos One,” “Telos Two,” and Telos Three.”

The retreat includes Sunday brunch at the Mount Shasta Resort, a sky watch, healing, new friendships, and experiences in nature beyond description. We will go to waterfalls, swimming in a beautiful lake, and bask in joy.

You will receive a 10% discount off the $444 for the four days if you pay by June 22. Food and lodging are not included in the retreat price. There will be no strenuous hikes on this retreat.

If you are interested, please email me at: or call me at 925-287-8976.


Other information


In my Monthly Meeting with the Masters Class on April 6, 2021, the Master Serapis Bey came to be with us. For three days in a row before the class his picture fell off of my altar in my bedroom so he got my attention. He is an ascended Master associated with Egypt’s Luxor Temple, and is one of the greatest ascension teachers for the planet. According to Aurelia Louise Jones’ book called “The Seven Sacred Flames, “Lord Serapis Bey can be called upon to open your eyes to the beauty of God’s creation.”  . . . “The Ascension Temple at Luxor sustains the pulsation of the ascension flame in the atmosphere of earth.”

This is a picture of Serapis Bey


In this class in deep meditation from bringing in his energy I saw the temple of Luxor, a beautiful big altar and people standing in line waiting to receive the ascension flame. Since having that experience I’ve been able to bring in the ascension energies for my clients and people in my Ground Crew Zoom Call. They love it and so do I. When you’re in these energies you’re not just in the fifth dimension but you are higher.

If you are interested in having a session, please contact me. If you want to be a part of our Sunday Ground Crew Zoom Call which is coming up this Sunday at 1:00 PM Pacific time. It is a discussion group in a spiritual context. You may also contact me. The class goes from 1:00 to 2:30 PM and is $20.

During these strange and challenging times, I still appreciate it if you have sessions (spiritual counseling, readings, clearings, and energy healing) or your contributions. You can PayPal me at: or send me a check: Valerie Donner, P.O. Box 5705, Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Thank you!

In Conclusion

This message today is intended to bring beauty and more magic into your lives. Everyone is here for us. Follow your heart. Hold the light and be the best possible you that you can possibly be!

Blessings love and light, 




Straight from the Heart

May 3, 2021


Dear Ground Crew:

This is a message from Apollo from April 29, 2021: “If you compare the lackluster of yesteryear to what is occurring now on the planet, you will realize you are living in a different world. Yes, these realizations can be challenging and discordant but you are playing a role in the movie. This is part of your ascension. The past must be cleaned out which is necessary for your evolution. Hanging onto the past is not an option. Moving upward and onward while reaching for the 5D energies and greater, is your destination. With each moment you are guided to stay present in the now. It is like trying to swat a fly. If you miss the fly, life continues. Burdens of the past are unnecessary for you to pack around. Use your focus to seize the opportunity that presents itself on your spiraling upward journey in consciousness. This is what is most important.”

Swatting a Fly

By Valerie Donner


When swatting a fly

Let it go by. 

Whether it is a hit or a miss,

Either way don’t cry.


You are starting anew 

With a whole life ahead. 

Remember this 

When getting out of bed.


Let bygones be bygones.

The Golden Age is coming.

Turn on your flyswatter 

And let it keep coming.


You might have a few hits

And a few misses.

Strike up the band

 And send out some kisses.


Flies can be annoying

 And so can these times.

That’s why some of us 

Make silly rhymes.


I wonder if we will have

 To put up with the petty,

Like flies in our faces

And garbage a plenty?


What is a fly’s purpose?

Is it to be an annoying speck of God? 

Is it a part of creation that can 

Become like a dirt clod? 


Who knows the answers 

To these simple questions? 

Why is the earth this way? 

 Perhaps flies have some suggestions?


Maybe this is just a riddle,

 For our planet at this time?

It’s something we’re in the middle of 

That somehow has to rhyme? 

A Blessings from the Angels


In our beginning conversation today the Angels and Higher Beings want to give you a message:

“Beloved ones, our diligent workers for the light. We are with you. We feel what you are experiencing in the depths of our hearts. We understand the wide range of emotions you are feeling. These emotions can be extreme from riding high in the 5th dimension in one moment, to the depths of sorrow in another moment. The emotions are intense so that you can release and heal.

“Perhaps you have ignored the full range of your emotions. And now you are beginning to understand what ascension is about. It has ups and downs. You are being called upon to be the true spiritual warriors that you came to the earth to be. You came because the Creator trusted you and knew that you could get the job done. 

“Therefore, you are feeling the gamut of what life is like on a dark planet that is becoming enlightened. Some of what you are learning is disdainful. It could be called a nightmare. You are shrieking with some of the information you are receiving. You are shocked at peoples’ choices. You’re being called upon to be strong, stronger than ever, and patient. We understand fully how are you are being put to the test.

“Today we hold you in our hearts. We weep with you and for your planet. We assure you the clarions of calls for your assistance and for the earth’s assistance have been made throughout all of creation. We are here. We ask you to call upon us when in need. 

“There are many blessed ones who look out for you and who admire you. You must trust us with all of your heart to know that you are well on your way for your ascension. The rewards will be many and you will have a bright, shiny, new planet where are you will be living in peace, harmony, beauty and joy. Your strength will be your faith in God and in yourselves.”

Ground Crew, how are you doing? Apparently, the angels thought we needed a boost today. Yes, these are confusing and chaotic times. We find ourselves standing in the light of truth and love and we have to stand tall. Before we came here, we signed up for a big job, bigger than we realized. And the great awakening is here and we are a part of it. We get to ferret out truth from fiction. Sometimes what we discover is surprising and disappointing. When we stand tall, we have to be able to be flexible to follow the light.

Galactic Federation spokesperson, Elana Danaan, gave us some good news on April 30.

Click here for the short video.

It sounds like the cabal corporate CEOs, Reptilians, and grays, are in a battle with the Galactic’s on Mars. Apparently, they have been removed from earth and are being taken care of there. 

The light is making good headway in clearing up the planet. Elana said the dark ones have been hiding in the DUMBS (Deep Underground Military Bases) but those have been getting cleared out. Praise God! Thanks to the, Galactic, Light Alliance and the military who have been doing this dirty work. It is about time. I’ve also heard that the leadership of the cabal is gone so they are floundering. The light is taking over. They surely have been doing some outrageous things that could be called insane. Have you noticed?

The Galactic’s want us to know that we are being protected, and provided for. We are becoming and realizing our multi-dimensional selves. This is where the power lies. Our strength is in the power of the light and our faith in God. Everything points to our homecoming, to our hearts, and how we go about moving back into the heart of the Creator. 

Many people do informative videos about things that we would not find in the mean stream media (Ooops, I meant main stream!). It seems that many of the good ones have been censored. However, they are finding other delivery systems. I do not feel that this is going to continue for much longer. Truth and the light cannot be stopped. Discernment is still necessary.

So, in these times when things seem to be crumbling and chaos is prevailing, it’s crucial that we take good care of ourselves. In my last update in April, I made suggestions and in the previous update I mention spiritual tools. Here’s a few more tips:

Work with the I AM, your God Self. St. Germain gave us a good saying: “Beloved I AM take full command of every situation this day and every day, Almighty I AM, Almighty I AM, Almighty I AM.” I have used this many times when challenges occur.

Stay conscious. This applies to your thoughts, words and actions.

Practice self-care. Do whatever you can to make yourself feel better like being in nature or having a special treat that makes you feel happy.

Do your inner work. When powerful emotions like anger and fear arise go within and trace it back to why you are so triggered. Work with your inner child.

Trust God. This is of paramount importance.

When it doesn’t seem like things are going your way, step out of your ego and let God take care of it.  

A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council

for Valerie Donner May 2, 2021


Greetings. I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I bring you good tidings today from all of us on the Earth Council and from everyone who is working for the betterment of the planet.

Again, I want to reiterate how important your presence on the earth is right now. You are doing some amazing things of which most of you are unaware. You were blocked from your connection with God; you lived in a veil of forgetfulness; your DNA was changed and you lost memory of who you really are and why you are on the earth.

You are powerful warriors of light. Right now, the veils have been lifted and you are beginning to have knowledge and clarity of who you truly are as divine beings, masters, avatar’s, angels and archangels. For too long on the earth you were taught to feel as if you were worthless. Society reinforced this through programming in a myriad of ways.  As of this now moment, we recommend you eliminate any thoughts of being less than the I AM God presence that you are. 

As you continue to hold the light on earth, major inroads are being made for the freedom of the planet. It is happening with powerful beings as well as technology that has been set aside for this perfect time. Many of these resources are surprising the dark ones who thought they would have control forever. I can happily announce that their control is diminishing rapidly along with their presence on the earth. Your prayers and meditations are powerful and are assisting massively with this harmonizing shift.

We understand your fatigue and desire to be living fully in the Golden Age. I reassure you that this is where you are going. You are gifted and talented beings who can constantly bring these 5th dimensional and higher energies into your life. This focus assists us and the planet. It enables the consciousness to rise and when you claim your new world you will find yourselves living in that consciousness.

Spread the word and spread the light. Connect with us in the Pleiadian star system and with the Earth council. Call forth your galactic family and your remembrance of your origins. Participate in the divine action that you were called to take in this now moment. Let go of fear and welcome in joy, peace, beauty, harmony, and lots of love into your life and onto the earth. Please know that abundance is yours and that everything you need will be provided.

We send you our love and gratitude. I am Mira.

Other information


Last year I talked about the power of the 3-6-9 as the most powerful numbers of creation. I mentioned my friend Jerry Gin, PhD, a scientist who has followed his passion in combining science and spirituality and the nature of reality. I’m pleased to say that his book is now available on Amazon. It is called “The Seeker and The Teacher of Light.” It’s “On the Teachings of Joachim Wippich and the mystery of the 369.” Jerry is an amazing person and you will be astounded at his process of discovering many modalities for healing and for creating harmony and balance, Tesla’s discovery of the 3-6-9.



Heart of the Mountain Retreat at Mount Shasta July 29 through August 1, 2021


I am happy to say that I have come up with some dates for a retreat at Mount Shasta. I’ve been doing this retreat for most of the last 17 years. We spend most of our time out in nature, enjoying the beauty, channeling’s, meditations, each other’s company, the healing of the mountain and the waters, along with whatever surprises come our way and they always do.

The price is still $444 with a 10% discount if you pay by June 29. If you were interested, please email me: or call me at 925-287-8976.

Sessions with Valerie


Some you are going through challenges and I know I can help you. I work deeply at the soul level so I feel things, see things and information comes. I do a combination of spiritual counseling, readings, healings, energy work and channeling. Some people just want to call and talk about what’s going on with the planet these days. Whatever you need I’m here to assist.

My rate is still the lower rate: $60 for 30 minutes, $120 for an hour. I have been meditating twice daily for over 40 years so that enables me to go deep.

Your contributions to this website are always appreciated. They can be made through:


In Conclusion


We have a lot going on, Ground Crew. What a time on the planet! If we can just keep our eye on the prize and focus on the light and love within, and the Creator, we will find the pathway will become easier. Maintaining a sense of humor is always good and letting go and letting God works too!

Take good care everyone and know that we are in this together and we are victorious!


Blessings, love and light,

