Straight From The Heart

September 29, 2023


Dear Ground Crew:

Here’s the latest from Apollo: “Greetings my beloved family of light. There are many reasons to speak with you today. Much is astir on the Earth and in creation itself. You are feeling this activity on every level. The sun is preparing for a big event. Your body is feeling this with headaches, fatigue, foggy brains, feeling out of body, myriads of emotions, flu like symptoms, confusion, and lack of motivation are just few examples. The old material world may have lost its luster and your mind is challenged to make plans for your future. Does this sound familiar? Our ground crew are particularly affected because of their sensitivity to the impact from the light of creation. There is a huge push right now for the ascension of the Earth. This is why much has been done to your physical bodies, and all of your bodies right now, in preparation for higher consciousness. Part of this process is letting go of the old and, most particularly, releasing fear. Fear is an impediment to your ascension, so I suggest that you consciously move to new creation and higher thoughts, if fear enters in to your mind. I want to assure you that the light and all of creation are working together for your ascension. They have thought of the details that are necessary for you to blast into the light. You are the light and the light is blasting into you. You radiate this light and every day there is more. Sometimes you may feel as if you are in a suspended space, drifting and wondering where you might land. I assure you that you will land exactly where you are most needed and where you will be the happiest. This long journey of separation is almost complete. Stay attuned to your heart and your inner guidance. Celebration is close at hand.”

So dear ground crew, are you resonating with what Apollo just told us? In actuality, there’s so much more to say. The process is complicated. And a lot is occurring in the quantum realms. All of your energy fields are feeling what is going on. I want to remind you that the hard work you have been doing all of these years is over. Now it is a matter of focus. Where are you putting your thoughts? The material world is falling away. You must focus on self-care and listening to your bodies. Let the distractions go and focus on the light and the positive wonderful New World you are creating.

In doing this inner work I was shown a beautiful temple over Lahaina. I’ve been told that it is the first temple for the New Lemuria. I wish I could photograph what I see and what that temple is doing energetically. Suffice to say, this temple is working in tandem with the area to bring back Lemuria. In meditation, or clairvoyantly, perhaps some of you can tune in to the temple and see what I see? We can place all of the people of Maui in the temple for healing, especially those from Lahaina.

What are you doing to raise your frequencies? What are you doing to release the past? Are you giving yourself time away from the distractions? Are you cultivating new friendships with like-minded people? Are you finding things to do that bring you happiness and joy? Even though we are in the thick of it, we need to focus on the joy in our hearts and what is bringing that.

We are at the precipice of massive change. The controllers of the world are no longer in charge. This opens the way for many new opportunities to live without corruption and fear. Imagine living without the financial stress, because that is our future. In fact, the playing field is being leveled and everyone will have an abundance of money. People will have everything they need so there will be no necessity for crime or taking things from others. In fact, the new quantum financial system is based on higher consciousness and frequencies. We will be living life the way we were meant to live. We will be free.

Although some are spreading fear about October 4th with the Emergency Activation System,” here in the U.S., it doesn’t mean we have to buy into it. Some people have created potential harmful scenarios but in our new reality this does not have to affect us. Divine intervention happens and I believe this is true in this scenario. Some have suggested we turn off our phones that day for about two hours. Here in the U.S. that would be about 11:00AM to 1:00PM Pacific Time. I don’t know if they are doing this else where? We have spiritual tools to get us through everything. Here are some of these tools:

Meditation, nature, telepathy with like-minded friends, Source, the Masters, angels, archangels, the Light Alliance, the galactic’s, prayer, the ability to focus on what we are creating, knowing we have authority over our body, our strength and courage, the power of the light within our hearts, the truth within our hearts, the Earth, grounding on the Earth, our innate intelligence, empathy and sensitivity, our open hearts and our abilities to help others, our awareness and higher consciousness.

We are living in and creating a new world.
It is possible that we could have a short period of time without the Internet, our phones and computers. Think about what resources that you have to get you through something like this. This is also when we can practice our telepathy visualizations, practice remote viewing, and stay in faith in Source, being confident that we will get through this. This could be the time when we move into free energy, receive quantum computers, quantum phones, and other new technologies that will serve us better than what the controllers provided for us and charged us for enormously.

In the past we have been taught to believe such statements as: “You get what you get.” “It is what it is.” “What is done is done,” etc. These are disempowering statements that made us feel like we were victims. I would like to propose we use new affirmations like: “We create what we create.” “ We are powerful beyond measure.” “We are the light.” “We are one with all.” “We live in love.” “We always have choice.” “We create with our thoughts and our intentions.” “I believe in magic and miracles.” “The universe is self correcting.” “I live in love, not fear.” “There is a solution for every problem so there is no need to stress about things.”

The Master St. Germain

Greetings: I am the Master St. Germain. Most of you know who I am. Some of you know that I brought forth the “I AM,” the two most powerful words that can be said. I am here to help you now, as always. This time it is about claiming your freedom. Freedom is what I am about. Many of you live in IAMERICA, which is what it was originally called, but the IAM was removed.


A Strong Message from St. Germain
Through Valerie Donner

You are supposed to be living in
The land of the free.
That’s why I came here
I came to be me.

I am here to help
You live undisturbed.
For the past has been dark
And I am perturbed.

I’m here to see
The end of this trash,
The lies, the slavery
And the dark ones having a blast.

But now the
Tables have turned.
Thanks to your light
The dark ones will be burned.

What they have done to you
Will be done to them.
They will have nothing
And you will have fun.

Their days are nearly over.
Isn’t that nice!
They’ve had a grand time pretending
They were sugar and spice.

But now the truth is coming out.
They’re going to have
To face the music
And will have no more clout.

Money isn’t everything.
As a Master I say:
“Your days are over.
You won’t have it your way.”

What you have done to life
On this beautiful planet,
Is reprehensible
And we will have nothing more of it.

So we say goodbye to you,
And clear out all your dirt.
The light has taken over
To heal the hurt.

A Transmission from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council
through Valerie Donner September 29, 2023

Greetings. I am Mira from the Pleiadian high Council. I am still working full-time with the Earth Council. We are busy covering all of the events that are occurring right now. We are diligent and are looking out for the entire populace on the planet. We are bringing it all home, for home is where you need to be. We will make certain you will get there.

We are pleased to see that there is more disclosure about our presence on the Earth, as well as, around the Earth. This will assist in helping people to become more aware of their galactic family, for it is time. You need us and we need you. We have important work to do. We have advanced technology to share with you that will make your lives easier. The Earth will be pleased because the new technology is quiet, like some of your cars. The technology will not run on gasoline. It will use clean and free energy.

You are in for some powerful changes that have been long awaited. In the third dimensional material world everything was about money. Technological advancements were not welcome. Healings of disease were unwelcome. Many have suffered and paid dearly due to greed and selfishness. When you move in to the New Earth and 5th dimensional consciousness, you will live from the heart. Choices will be made for the benefit of all. You will find remarkable treasures that have been buried in the Earth, along with many secrets from the past. Knowledge and information about your true history will be revealed.

Many of you as children believed what you were shown in comic books and other means of communication. You knew it in your heart, therefore, you will not be surprised when the true knowledge is delivered.

Time is moving faster and faster. You are awakening to your greater gifts. Due to your new consciousness and awareness, many portals are opening. This will help facilitate the new changes that will be brought forth. We are working at an accelerated pace so that humanity can shift easily and quickly into the higher consciousness. Many ground crew are already residing in the fifth dimension. They have joy and happiness in their hearts and have learned to rid themselves of fear. They are staying positive and setting examples for others to follow. It is easier than you might have thought to be in this higher consciousness because you are ready. You have been preparing for a long time. You are also weary of the old fears and thought forms. They are obsolete. So now you are easily moving into the new because you have done the work. You are happy and hopeful as you take charge of your new creations for your New World. This is truly a major step forward for your New World.

We are looking forward to the time when we can meet you face-to-face and learn more about you and your planet. We also can’t wait until you can come visit us. It will be delightful for us to take you on our ships and to show you how we live. Many of you have lived before in the Pleiades. Life is easier here. We do not have the stresses that you have had to live with, so I am sure you will enjoy yourselves when you come for a visit. We are masters of harmony and peace. We also like to teach our techniques for higher consciousness after planets ascend. You will see what I mean.

I am pleased to be sharing with you today and sending my love to all of you. I am Mira from the Pleiadian high Council.We are with you!


My Zoom Calls and Classes for October

Ground Crew in Action Zoom Calls are every Wednesday from 4 PM to 5 PM Pacific time. You may join these free calls where we work with Lumina, who is responsible for the luminescence of creation. She leads us with her light activations wherever they are needed. We are having amazing results. If you are interested in joining, please email me at: I will send you the link.

These classes are experiential. I have been working with these special ones for many years, so they are actually transmissions, not channelings. Classes are $33 each. You may email me at the above link and pay through PayPal:

Thursday, October 5, from five to 6:30 PM Pacific time, we will be with the Master Djwal Khul. He is also known as the Tibetan. He taught me to channel many years ago. He came to me. He is a gifted master and is the most knowledgeable master about healing, initiations, and represents strength. This is why he is here with us now. He also dictated the Alice Bailey books.

Thursday, October 12, from five to 6:30 PM Pacific time Mother Mary and the Master St. Germain will be with us. Mother Mary’s energy is healing, especially for our hearts, and the Master St. Germain is also funny and delivers some wonderful messages.

Thursday, October 19, from five to 6:30 PM Pacific time, Mira is going to be with us. You know who she is and we have some amazing experiences with her.

Sessions with Valerie

I work deeply at the heart and soul level, so I feel things, see things and information comes. I work with your team of Angels and Masters, as well as my team which includes the energy of the Christ, Mother Mary, St. Germain, Djwal Khul, Kuthumi and the Archangels Gabriel, Uriel, Rafael and Michael. I also work with galactic’s. We are able to get to the root of your issues and clear the energy. I am good at finding the emotional reasons for illnesses. I help clear energies with relationships and have done a lot of work with relationships both personal and business. I have been doing this work for over 25 years and I have worked in the corporate world, which has given me that experience also. I have been meditating twice daily for over 40 years. You can have an energy healing or clearing, spiritual counseling, reading, or a channeling.

My rates are: $70 for 30 minutes, $105 for 45 minutes and $140 for 60 minutes. You may call me at: 925-287-8976 to set up an appointment or email me at:


In Conclusion

We are in preparation for many wonderful things to change on our planet. We are ready. We are closer than ever to the love wave, also known as The Event, where we will be blasted with light from the Great Central Sun. This will raise our consciousness into the 5th dimension and higher. It is already happening.

We will have a whole new financial system that is quantum that will serve all of humanity. This will level the playing field and everyone will have more than what they need.

Please remember to pay attention to your animals because they are showing us the changing energies. Last night my cat had me pet her for an hour and a half straight, while she purred as loudly as I have ever heard her purr. I think she was feeling the love frequencies coming in. She was very happy.

Pay attention to the magic and miracles and be grateful for all that’s about to happen on the Earth.

If you choose to make a contribution to this website you can either send it by mail to: The Ground Crew, PO Box 5705, Walnut Creek, CA 94596 or use PayPal:

Love and all good things to you, ground crew.

In the light,





Straight From The Heart

July 6, 2023


Dear Ground Crew:

Here’s the latest from Apollo: “Greetings. I am Apollo. We are busy keeping tabs on our ground crew because you are very much needed. We love, admire, and respect you and all that you are doing for the good of the Earth. There has never been a time such as this on the Earth. Perhaps this is why you are feeling the energies of massive change, which can be off putting at times. The energetic shifts are massive. They require courage and strength. Faith in the Divine Plan will keep you strong. Nothing can hold back what is in motion now. The light trajectory is moving faster than the Speed of light. It waits for no one and stops for nothing. Paradise for the Earth is the goal. This is why you are on the planet at this time. You are masters of frequencies and avatars of light. Our ground crew can do it all. You have done it and now just a little more is required of you before the completion of this project. We will take no prisoners and all of the old matrix and third dimensional ways of living on the planet are being removed. In the main, you don’t have to do anything. Relax into what is happening. It is best to go with the flow. Do not try to push a boulder up the hill because it will be fruitless. Use the light and the spiritual tools that you possess to proceed in this final round. We salute you!”

Ground crew, how are your life experiences these days? How are your dreams? My friend Roger told me that the other day that he was feeling frustrated about not doing what he came to do on the planet. Then Jesus came to him in a dream and said: “Roger you are making it way too hard. Give your heart to the Great Spirit and give your love to me. I will be there.”

This reminds me of one time when I was concerned about something and I heard this from the Creator: “I’ve got it!” I wrote it down on a piece of paper and keep it in the kitchen where I refer to it as needed.

It’s always good to get a reminder from our guides and those who look after us. They know our thoughts, words and actions. As we peel layers of the old third dimensional reality away and remember who we truly are, we will no longer have issues with faith. We will live powerfully as divine creators of our new world.

When that occurs and when we are asked how we are doing, we will say “I am fabulous! “ We will be enjoying life to the fullest, as we were intended to live. Doubts and fears will be no longer. There will be no more separation, judgment or anger. We will be in complete harmony with ourselves free from heartache and pain.

Some of us have been in deep and intense grief and pain. On May 11, my best friend Debbie made her transition quickly and unexpectedly. Many of us loved her because she is a bright light with joy, fun and laughter. One person referred to her as a “party.” She loved her family and her friends. I went into deep grief, which I know is a part of life. It is deepening and stressful. I believe others are going through similar experiences. In this process, I realized that this precious friend is not dead. She simply left the physical form and is coming to me in different ways. Sometimes she will send a bird, dragonfly, a butterfly, or a BEE, to let me know that she is around. We talk. The day after she passed she came to me in my heart and said, “Valerie did you see what happened to me?” She shows me and tells me what she’s doing. One day she sent me a picture, which I could wish I could print from my heart. She looked 30 years young with the most adorable animals standing around her that you could ever imagine. She loves animals. Mother Mary said that Debbie left because she didn’t feel she was doing enough here and that she could do more on the other side. She is a busy girl from what I can tell. Apollo told me when she got Home they made a big fuss over her. She got celebrated and she deserves it.

Here is a wonderful video from Bashar about death: 


Beloved ones, life is to be enjoyed in every way possible. When you are enjoying your life you are making the Creator happy. Losing my dear friend Debbie has taught me to cherish my dear friends and family even more. It makes me want to not put anything off that we said we would do but to go for it! I hope this will make you feel better if you are going through, or have just gone through, what I have experienced. Please be grateful for the life that you’ve been given. It is precious.

Our Ground Crew in Action Team is very busy. On June 17, 2023 we had a Zoom call where Lumina did a 50 minute Light Activation for us and for the Earth. The energy amongst the small group of us was so strong that it affected the Schumann resonance, the heart beat of the Earth. It looked completely different. You can look that up on the 17th- 18th. What we did affected everyone’s hearts on the planet because we are all one. Thanks to everyone who is aligned with these light activations, whether you are on the calls or not. I know this is a busy time of the year.

According to SA Smith, also known as A Girl in the Universe, we are in the grand finale of the love wave. This means we are becoming our quantum selves and remembering who we truly are. Some of us have a lot of emotions and other ascension symptoms. Old issues are coming up and we are all being healed. Manifestation is also easier with these frequencies so watch your thoughts.

This is a video from SA Smith from June 28, 2023.

Time of the Light
By Valerie Donner

There’s been much in the shadows
But the light is bringing it out.
It’s time to open your eyes
To feel the clout.

The light is strong.
It comes from Source.
We are a part of the light,
Of course.

The light of creation
Is on a trajectory
To shift the Earth
From the old tragedy.

The dark took over
To make us forget
How powerful we are;
They ain’t seen nothing yet!

We were told we were nothing
But now we know more of the truth.
We are beautiful and strong
With love through and through.

We are wiping out the past
And bringing in the future
To remind ourselves of who we truly are,
That we are super.

With each breath of light
We’re beautiful.
We are part of Spirit
And that is dutiful.

It takes magic and miracles
To open your eyes and see
What is really true
And what can be.

We are creating it now
With the full force and strength
Of love and creation
That goes to Great length.

We won’t be duped anymore
To give our power away.
We will stand up for ourselves
And say “No” the right way.

Hold up your sword of truth,
Dear ones,
The light has taken over
And we have won.

A Transmission from Mira from the Pleaidian High Council Through Valerie Donner June 29, 2023

Greetings. I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council and a long term member of the Earth Council. We oversee all things of importance and especially the ascension process, that is occurring now on the planet.

Since we last spoke, a lot has happened to uplift the Earth and help you become your truly amazing quantum selves. We cannot disclose everything because some things have to be kept close to the heart. I can reveal the light is closing in on the dark. Much cleanup has occurred in this process and it is at an accelerated point. Please mark my words about how important it is for you to know this and to hold the light of the Creator in your heart.
Focus on the breath to help release the past. See everything that is bright, sparkly and new everywhere you look. You are creating the new.
You are a part of the magic and miracles.

You have spectacles awaiting you. You could be seeing ships, colors, activities, faces, messages in the sky and hear holy music from the cosmic choirs. These are precursors to the love waves that you are beginning to experience. What matters is that you stay aware and look around you. Notice everything. Do not expect others of lower consciousness to see what you see. It is there for you as markers of your rising consciousness.

Be bold with your steps up the ascension ladder. You are being guided by Source every step of the way. The process is natural and of perfect design. Your physical bodies are changing and you can notice this as well. You are a microcosm of the macrocosm. You have immense changes. See what is happening with your animals, plants, flowers, trees and others around you.They are also ascending and rising in consciousness.

Pay particular attention to how the old world is crumbling. You may be experiencing the challenges of the third dimension falling apart. Notice how you are functioning. For some of you, your body is in a much higher frequency so that when you have to deal with the material world it becomes choppy energetically.

This will not go on forever. We know that it feels endless and sometimes it can be exasperating. Remember the old story is going away opening the gateway for the whole New Earth in the 5th dimension and higher. What you see now is changing from moment to moment and day by day. You are no longer in the third dimension. The old way of life has disappeared. Let it go! It was not serving you or the rest of life on the planet. It was only serving those who are serving themselves. They will no longer be able to withstand this high frequency of love in the quantum energy of the Earth.

We surround you with the luminescence of creation. The ascension is being conducted with all of the emissaries of light, billions of galactics, Angelics, avatars and masters, Light Crew and the ground crew in the take down of the dark forces of the planet. Standby because this is going to become powerfully noticeable. Please remember it has to be done this way. The Creator is in charge, along with many brilliant strategists in human and other forms, who have been planning this for a long time.

I am Mira loving you with all my heart.


Ground Crew in Action Zoom Calls

I am continuing with the Ground Crew in Action Zoom calls that I started in April of this year. We have a strong core group of participants on these calls. Lumina does powerful Light Activations that affect all of life. Our last call was Saturday, July 1.  The next call will be July 15 at 11:00 AM Pacific time. Most of the call is with Lumina’s Light Activation and with us working with the energy. There is usually just a small amount of talk. I am only inviting people who feel the energy in their heart and the truth, that this is something they are choosing to put their energy into. If you are one of those, you can contact me at: Valerie

My Zoom Call Transmissions for July 2023

The Master Kuthumi, who was Saint Francis of Assisi, Thursday, July 13, from 5 to 6:30 PM Pacific time. $30. Kuthumi works with the Earth, the plants, animals, crystals, nature spirits, fairies, etc.

Mother Mary and Saint Germaine, Thursday, July 20, from 5 to 6:30 PM Pacific time, $25.

Mira from the Pleiadian high Council, Thursday, July 27, from 5 to 6:30 PM Pacific time. $25.

Personal questions will be answered in these classes. If you would like to attend please email me at: After you pay with PayPal I will send you the link before the class.

My Work

As a spiritual counselor, teacher, energy healer, and reader, I work deeply at the heart and soul. I feel things and see things so information, comes. I do a combination of whatever you need. Sometimes people simply need to talk about what they are going through. Some may have questions about what is going on now. I can certainly help with all of that. I’m also good at helping to clear energy in relationships and in finding emotional causes for physical challenges.

I’ve been meditating twice a day for over 40 years. I work with your team of angels and masters and guides, as well as, my team like, Jesus, Mother Mary, Saint Germain, Djwal Khul, and Kuthumi and the Archangels Gabriel, Uriel, Rafael and Michael. I’ve been doing this work for over 25 years.

My rates are: $70 for 30 minutes, $105 for 45 minutes and $140 for 60 minutes. To set up an appointment you can call me at 925-287-8976 or email me at



We always appreciate your contributions. You can make them through Mail: Valerie Donner, PO Box 5705, Walnut Creek, California, 94596 or through PayPal: Thank you with all my heart.  


In Conclusion

We are deep in the process, ground crew. It takes fortitude, strength and courage to do all that is required of us now. We are doing it and the rewards will be fantastic.

We are accomplishing this together with the realms of light and our teams of masters, etc. We are pulling up everything we’ve got while we step into our future selves, who are most amazing.

Pray for a perfect life, perfect health and lots of magic and miracles every day. And then note the grace that you live in and the wondrous things that you are manifesting.

With lots of love, light and all good things,

In the light,









A Call Into Action: Straight From The Heart

May 1, 2023


Dear Ground Crew:

Here’s the latest message from Apollo: “Thank you for your latest good work, ground crew. It has helped significantly to raise the consciousness of the planet. You are helping to fasten the grip on the darkness. There is still work to be done. You are now in the process of stepping into your light felt roles that will change the Earth forever. This is a serious choice point, dear beings of light. Most of you are aware, if not consciously, but at least subconsciously, the importance of you acknowledging your work as transducers of light. So much is still needed, yet it is only a breath away. Every time you pay attention to working with the light and feeling the light, you make huge waves in the shift of the ages. This is why you are here at this time. I recommend you make your focus the light. Close your eyes and welcome in the light and, if necessary, cry away the tears. Let your heart be filled with love and release the long-held fears. This will assist you in freeing yourself from the past darkness. Not only are you holding the light but you are becoming the light. The darkness has very little sway over you now. You recognize your power of the light. This makes you solid and steady. Please remember what I’m saying.

How are you doing, ground crew? Some of us are feeling a myriad of emotions. This is part of ascension. One minute you might have the feelings of bliss and joy, something you had not felt for a long time. At other times, you might need to cry because you are sensitive to the energies around you. The numerous changes are baffling. Even looking into a crystal ball will not predict what will be happening next. This is how the energies are in higher consciousness. We are learning to simply be present with what is going on from each moment to the next.



How to Raise your Frequency?

The other day someone asked me the question, how do you raise your frequency? This was in the context of talking about energy healing and how, if your frequency is high enough, you won’t even get sick.

Everything is frequency. Nikola Tesla discovered that every disease has a frequency. Royal Rife, who created the Rife Machine, also realized that. He experimented at first with chickens and found what the frequency of the illness was, and then he created a device that would send them the healing frequency.

It is true there are ways to increase your frequency. It has to do with body, mind, heart, soul and spirit. Each one of these parts of you needs to be fed and nourished. It takes some discipline. Regular meditation is key. Listening to your body is important. Just because someone tells you that something is not good for your body, that may or may not be true. Your body might be different and want what they’re telling you not to eat, or vice versa. One method for this is to use your body as a pendulum. You hold up the food or the supplement, medicine, etc. to your heart, close your eyes and say three times “My body needs this. My body needs this. My body needs this.” If it moves forward it wants it, if it moves backward, it does not want it. Listening to your body is super important. It can take some practice to get a stronger response from your body. The body talks.

Sometimes we let our taste buds rule what we put into our body but we have to remember that our taste buds don’t have a brain. They satisfy needs for certain things that we want but they may not be the smartest things to eat. Drinking lots of good water is important. Water carries consciousness. Consciousness drives frequency. The book “Power Versus Force” by Dr. David Hawkins, is an excellent book that discusses frequency. He calibrated frequency for many different people, religions, places to live, etc.

The Earth is now going through a shift in consciousness and many people are starting to discover they no longer want to eat the things they ate before, or drink what they used to drink. Perhaps they don’t get the exhilaration from that previous food or liquid that used to make them feel good? The body is changing from carbon based to silica based. The bodies are going to be lighter and the food that we will be consuming is going to also be much lighter.

The light is coming from the Great Central Sun and the Galactic Core and it is infusing the body with higher consciousness. By paying attention to what your body is feeling whether it needs rest, water, nature or whatever, you can also raise your consciousness. The body has intelligence and that is what you tap into when you ask it if it needs a certain substance.

Tapping in and thinking how you want to feel is a prerequisite for raising the frequency. The frequency is affected by the thoughts you think, the people you are around, and the distractions. The Earth is filled with lots of distractions, and loud noises, that keep people from listening within. Spending some alone time in contemplation brings harmony and that will also raise your frequency.

Earthing, standing barefooted on the Earth, raises your frequency. The bodies are electrical and magnetic. By standing on the Earth you receive that electrical input. Sunbathing is a way of being fed by the sun. We have been told many untruths about the sun. We have been taught to fear the sun. Therefore, we smothered our bodies with chemicals that actually created what we were taught to fear. Most of you are probably aware of this?

Here’s a meme that displays how you raise your vibration or lower your vibration.

The New Earth energies/5 D energies require a re-focus. This is freeing energy and positive energy. In our Ground Crew in Action Group, which meets every two weeks on Zoom, we receive light activations from Lumina. In these activations we receive high frequency messages, visions, guidance, and we are pointed at these new energies of focus. She is guiding us and showing us how her luminescence is helping to create higher 5th dimensional ways of living. We are starting to get more of a sense of what it will feel like, and look like, in the New Earth energies that we are co-creating. It is a fun group of people who are becoming more cohesive and are enjoying each other’s energy. They have a lot to share with what they are receiving about the New Earth and are helping bring each other into greater awareness.

The next “Ground Crew in Action Meeting” will be on Saturday, May 6, 2023, from 11 AM Pacific time to 12:30 PM. If you are interested in participating please email me at: I will put you on the list and send you the link. You might notice that I am not charging for this call. This is the fifth dimensional higher energy way of working. I know the universe will support me. I was told by the Galactics to do this Call into Action. If you need more happiness you might want to attend this call and focus on the new future. It is here and we are doing it.

One of the things I’ve noticed since the focus on higher consciousness, is that life becomes easier. The more that one removes them selves from the material world, while still functioning in it, there is harmony, bliss, joy, light, truth, clarity, love, easier manifestation, new connections and divine guidance. The benefits continue so that fear does not have to control your life. This is most important and why we still get to continue releasing the strong hold that fear has had upon us.

Slipping into the Future
By Valerie Donner

We are slipping into the future
And sliding out of 3D.
The material world has lost its luster
And now we’re focusing on how we want it to be.

These delicate thoughts,
Laced with dedicated devotion,
Are about releasing the past
And bring in the new loving emotion.

Why would you want to dwell
On a world that created hell,
When you can turn your world
Into something beautiful and swell?

In this new world
Everything is different.
From the fragrance of the flowers
To your own bodies needs that are significant.

You can follow the sparkles
And the glowing light.
Throw away the old
And the things that aren’t right.

What you are changing
Is a whole different dimension.
It brings new community
And re-focuses your attention.

Slide into the new.
Forget the old.
It’s time to rise above and ascend
To live in a new mold.


A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council Through Valerie Donner May 1, 2023

Greetings: I am Mira from the Pleiadian high Council still serving full-time on the Earth Council. We appreciate your hard work and we admire you for the excellent jobs that you are doing.

Many new projects are already spearheaded, as if you already were/are in the 5th dimension and higher. Your roles are about to change as you step forward into who you really are and what you came to do. You came back from the future to change this now moment on the Earth because you did not like what happened to the Earth. I am sure you can see that there is a reason why you did this because look at what has happened to the Earth.

Therefore, now your work is in full play. You need to step forward and emerge more with your future self. You need to call back your gifts and your abilities, to remember who you are. We are excited that you are doing this. We see your beauty, your truth, your strength, your love, and your power. We know so much about you and believe that you are successful in this huge project called the Ascension of the Earth.

Please remember that you are not just creating a New Earth but you are also involved in co-creating a whole new universe. Little do you remember every aspect of your mission, but as you step forward to do more it will reveal itself. You will begin to see what great masters, avatars, and powerful beings of light that you are. So believe in yourselves, ground crew. We are getting prepared to celebrate you and all of your good work.

We are working along side with you. We have all upped our capabilities and technology to further this process. The Earth is speaking to us and as we observe her. We see the challenges that she is facing. What we are doing together is of the utmost importance. I would even use the word “urgent” because everything is so out of balance and chaotic right now. It’s almost as if these projects need to be accomplished simultaneously. Yet we need to follow the power within these necessities and feel it present. Please know that everything is being done and will be accomplished at the right divine time.

This principle also applies to you in your lives. Follow the most pressing issues that you have and learn to clear and heal them. This will free you up to receive the higher frequencies, love and abundance that you so deserve. There is no one right way to do this, however, we do encourage you to shift your focus. The time is now. The rewards will be many. The celebrations will continue. And your hearts will be open and full of happiness and joy for all that has been accomplished.

Look to the stars, dear ones, for they have much to tell you. There is a story behind it all and you will remember. You will find with clarity and the truth why you are where you are right now on the planet. You will start receiving more signals from us and all of the galactic’s. So be open looking to the skies and waiting for what we will be showing you.

Truth is the truth and the light is the light. The light carries the frequencies and the consciousness together that will lead you home.

I am Mira speaking to you with great love and gratitude.


Zoom Transmissions are Starting next Week, May 11

The Master Kuthumi, who was St. Francis of Assisi, works with the Earth, the animals, nature spirits, fairies, etc. In this transmission I bring in his energy and he gives us messages. Some people bring their animals. He gives us good, inspiring messages and energies that are healing for humans, the Earth and the animals. This class will be Thursday, May 11 from five to 6:30 PM Pacific time, $30.

Mother Mary and St. Germain will be with us on Thursday, May 18, from five to 6:30 PM Pacific time, $25. Mother Mary represents the Divine feminine energy and St. Germain, who I call Mr. Wonderful, is funny and gives us some great information.

Mira, from the Pleiadian high Council, shares her powerful and amazing energies with us on Thursday, May 25, from 5:00 to 6:30PM Pacific time. She usually invites us to come visit her in our etheric bodies on her ship. Last month she took us into a music room on her ship. It was interesting because everyone felt frequencies, yet we didn’t really hear the music associated with the frequencies. Some people saw colors and lights that look like you could use to turn on the music. Anyway it was different and we all felt great afterwards..

Please email me at: vdonner with your PayPal payment for the class. I will send you a link usually on the day of the class.


Sessions with Valerie

Going through this Ascension process can bring up a lot of issues, especially from the past. It’s important to clear these issues because we cannot take them with us in the higher consciousness. In the 5th dimension, we’re not going to be living in fear and separation.

My sessions bring energy clearing, healing, information, higher frequencies, light, counseling, readings, and what is helpful to let go of that you no longer need. I also get good information on relationships and especially, with emotional issues that need healing if you have some health challenges.

My rates are: $70 for 30 minutes. $105 for 45 minutes and $140 for an hour.

To schedule a session you can either call me at: 925-287-8976 or email me at: .


In Conclusion

All of the light work we have been doing for these many years is paying off. Many star seeds and lightworkers have risen in consciousness and are living in the fifth dimension and higher.

Some of these signs are: seeing more beauty, higher frequencies, improved health, changed appetites, greater creativity, more harmony and a different flow of energies. Time has sped up and that also means that we are moving into simply being in the presence. There is also increased transparency so it is possible to see more clearly through things that are going on.

The Earth is changing and many people are awakening and asking questions they never asked before. Let’s play around with it ground crew and bring the light and the love wherever we are. Talk to people, compliment them, come back together in the oneness and bring joy. We are creating our new world and the time is now.

In the light,




Photo: Michelle Malize Clark (Emporium)


Photo: Michelle Malize Clark (Emporium)


Straight from the Heart

March 3, 2023


Dear Ground Crew:

Here’s the latest from Apollo: “These are special times, dear family of light. You are beginning to realize who you are and letting go of who you are not. You are a part of the grand scheme to shift the Earth forever. The energies that you are assisting in anchoring into the Earth are beautiful and powerful. They are changing the planet and all of life. It is remarkable what you accomplished since we spoke last month. You have been releasing fear from the old matrix programming. No longer does it resonate with you, nor does it feel like how you choose to live. When that choice is made, one can only go forward into the blazing light. This is exactly where you are positioned now. Ground crew, you have chosen the new. The old no longer works for you. You have paid the price and now only the best is coming to you. This is going to be a remarkable time of renewal, replenishment, rewards, and replacement of the old. Throughout history you have waited for this time to come. You only dreamed that you could pull yourselves out of such circumstances. Some of it was pretty, just like the beautiful earth. Much of it was laborious, yet you still reached for the stars. Now they are here and you are one of them.”

Isn’t it nice to be told you are progressing, ground crew? Some of you feel like this has been going on forever, like a boring, old, long running movie. You may feel like walking away, or pulling the plug on the camera. This applies to those who are awakened. How many iterations of current events do you have to witness in order for the movie to be over? There’s multiple tales that have been told and you get to question who’s telling the truth and who isn’t. It’s only your heart that reveals this and the rumination in your mind will only continue to make you feel crazy. It’s all part of the grand unfolding.

On top of the intense weather globally, earthquakes, winds, hurricanes, and other events that create fear, we have huge activity going on with the sun. On February 27, according to SA Smith, A Girl in the Universe, “We had a day of solar weather that was so active it was unbelievable . . . The Solar winds reached 850 KM/PS or even higher . . . There were G3 solar storms and the KP index range turn from 5 to 7 throughout the day . . . The aurora borealis of magenta and green came down into Pennsylvania in the United States.

Everything is open for flux energies to be high and possible coronal masses and more solar storms. She says this is powering us up for what is to come. It’s all part of Ascension.” The sun is “a bit off kilter,” per S.A. Smith, as of this writing on March 2.You can follow her on Facebook or on Telegram.

How does this affect us? How have you been feeling? Many of us are quite sensitive so it is possible to feel a combination of symptoms that some might even call ascension symptoms. Some of my lightworker friends, including yours truly, have been sleeping many hours more than usual. One friend told me he stayed in bed all day on the 27th. Yesterday another person said they were feeling like they were hammered on the 28th. DI felt like a space cadet and like I was walking around in a stupor. It was almost an intense drugged feeling. It’s challenging to do anything when you feel like that. You can get that dull, achy feeling in your head where you simply can’t even think. You could feel tired, itchy, have ringing in your ears, feel unmotivated, or nauseated. Strong cold winds, in the winter areas of the planet, are also contributing to some of these feelings.

Some suggestions on how to deal with this include: sleep, rest, drink lots of water, take a couple of capsules of lecithin. Although some of us don’t eat much corn, some people recommend popcorn, or food with corn in it. Listen to your body and it will tell you if it is craving something like that. It is probably not a good idea to do much driving, or doing anything, if you need to have your wits about you. Do what you can to stay grounded (like eating chocolate) and balanced by grounding to the Earth.

Drugged by the Light
By Valerie Donner

I feel drugged by the light.
Will I sleep tonight?
When I awaken
Will I find my body shaking?
Drugged by the light.


The sun keeps on moving
With circles and flares
Of high vibration.
Some can feel it.
Others aren’t aware.


Being drugged by the light
Doesn’t make one feel all right.
The brain is fuzzy
And the body the body is tight.
Love the light!


The sun is working hard
And so are you.
Playing with the light
Is what you do
To get through


If you try to remember something
It might not be there.
You left it in the ethers
Or else it went somewhere?
Blame it on the light.


The light is blinding.
It’s powerful and strong.
It helps you remember
Where you belong.
Hold the light.


When you awaken
From this drug of choice,
The sun will have awakened you.
Your hearts will rejoice.


Bring it on.
Bring us the Event.
Our hearts are open
And we are heaven bent.
You are the light.


The love and light
Is like a drug
That comes from Source
With a great big hug.
Drugged by the light.


Whatever your problems are;
They will melt away.
You can be forever happy
And live in the Golden Age.
Saved by the light.


From my observation, we could be getting much closer to the Solar Flash, also known as, the Event. On February 23rd, in my Zoom transmission with Mira, the first thing she started talking about was “New rules of Conduct.” I even saw it in writing. I believe she is preparing us for living in higher consciousness, the fifth dimension or higher. Although what she said is probably innate, it feels as if she was confirming where we are headed. When I do this work, I’m in another state of consciousness, so I do not remember much of what is said. We will see what she wants to tell us in her message today.


A Message from Mira from the Pleadian High Council through Valerie Donner March 3, 2023

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council currently serving full-time on the Earth Council.

I greet you today with all the love in my heart and marvel at the wonderful work you are doing. Yes, everything is chaotic, what you like to call topsy-turvy. Much is being toppled and is dissolving in front of you. Those who have always needed to “See it to believe it,” are scratching their heads a bit because they are beginning to see it, integrate it and then believe it. For much has been hidden from you on your earthly journey.

Thanks to the light, to you, the ground crew, the illuminated ones, the galactic’s, the Earth and the sun, everything is becoming an open book. You are beginning to view the various realities from a galactic vantage point. When you parcel out what you know about other people and how they live their lives, they could feel foreign to you. Your consciousness may have transcended the consciousness of others around you. This could be shocking at first, for little did you know, you would be in a disparate reality while on the Earth.

You are fully in the great awakening. This awakening is different for everyone. Some are beginning to see that the way they have been living their lives is no longer working. It’s all catching up with everyone. Your story is being revealed to everyone, especially to yourself. So you can see the ascension process is one of self discovery. The external world reflects back the inner world. What has been going on inside of you?

In the flurry of these chaotic times it is important to stand back and take a breath. Look around you. See what’s going on with the sky. Face each day with the sun whenever you can. Look for the beauty and feel the energy in nature. Look at your ascending self and see the light and the beauty within. Feel the rapture in your heart as it is opening widely and becoming one with Source. This is the true source of happiness. It means you are no longer in fear. You have will have released the bondage from the old material world.

Low and behold, one day you will experience your new self, filled with light and living in a whole new reality. You will merge with the New Earth, the galactic’s and with what that entails. Your frequencies will prove to be a new source of communication that will magnetize to you others of similar consciousness. This is already occurring on the planet.

We in the Earth Council congratulate you for coming this long way to your ascension. We see you and the Earth flourishing and basking in love, the way you were in your original incarnation. This is true for the Earth. She is delighted with the ascension process and is ready to become her fully higher dimensional self. You are doing this in tandem with her. It is remarkable.

Again, the Earth has taken on splendorous light as the dark forces are being dissolved and removed. Even though change is rampant while the old material world falls away, there is love in the air. This accelerated love and light is a cushion for you as the change continues to grow. Rely upon these news energies and rest in the comfort of love coming from the Creator. We have it covered, ground crew. We are one.

I am Mira sending you great love and light.



The Earth


Recently some marvelous information about the Earth and nature has come to my attention. The first the first thing I would like to share is this 20 minute podcast talking about the tops of trees. It’s about how scientists have been studying what is going on in the tree tops of the Redwood trees. It is quite amazing.

As children, in my generation, we used to climb trees and hang out in the trees. We loved it and the trees must have loved it too.

I have mentioned FMBR, Foundation for Mind Being Research, in the past. It is an organization in Palo Alto, California, that I have belonged to for quite some time. It is comprised of scientists, researchers, physicians, spiritual people, etc. and some famous people, like Russell Targ, PH.d and Dr.s J.J. Hurtag and Desiree Hurtag. Russell Targ is a remote viewer who taught the CIA remote viewing. Dr. Hurtag and Desiree are the authors of the “Keys of Enoch.”

They have placed their talks on YouTube: FMBRTV I highly recommend watching Renée Baribeau, “The Winds of Spirit: How to call upon the Wind Deities for Personal Transformation.” There will be some other wonderful talks about topics like “Synesthesia: The New Frontier in Human Potential,” by Maureen Seaberg. There will be another discussion by a woman named Veda Austin, who has been studying the consciousness of water for the past eight years: “The Secret Intelligence of Water: Microscopic Evidence of Water Responding to Human Consciousness.” There are many interesting videos from FMBR are and I hope you will enjoy them.

I am loving how much more aware we are becoming of the Earth and what she is telling us. What is interesting, as I’m writing this time, is that the “E” in the word “Earth” is capitalized on my Mac. I don’t recall this before and I’ve always wondered why all of the other planets started with a capital letter and the Earth did not. She deserves the respect.



Other Information


Little Esko

Many thanks to those of you who have prayed for a little Esko, my grand nephew, who at the age of two, had a branch from Redwood tree fall 200 feet. and smash the right side of his skull while sitting on a park bench in October 2021. It is a miracle the little guy survived. He had his surgery in January and he is doing well. He is so happy that his head is no longer “squishy.”

Please join me in send prayers to the family of Maureen O’Connell who passed away in February. Maureen was an original member of the ground crew when I started writing in 1996. She was a devoted spiritual being with deep connections to the masters. I’m sure she is in a beautiful place of love.



Zoom Calls for March

These calls on zoom with the masters and Mira are experiential, so you get to feel their energy. You also get to ask questions, if you’d like, particularly personal questions, if you choose. Here’s what I’m doing in March:

The Master Kuthumi, who was Saint Francis of Assisi, Thursday, March 9 from five to 6:30 PM Pacific time. $30

Mother Mary and St. Germain, Thursday, March 16 from 5:00-6:30PM Pacific Time. $25

Mira from the Pleiadian high Council, March 23 from 5:00-6:30PM. $25

You can pay me through PayPal: vdonner99 @ and then I will send you the link.



Sessions with Valerie

I have been working as a spiritual counselor, energy healer, reader, channel and teacher for about 25 years now. I have helped thousands of people. I work deeply at the heart and soul level so I feel things, see things and information comes.

I’ve been meditating twice a day for over 40 years. This allows me to go deeply into the heart and soul of those with him I am working, which is where the healing needs to occur.

My rates are: $70 for 30 minutes, $105 for 45 minutes and $140 for an hour. If you would like to make an appointment you can call me at 925-287-8976 or email me:




Your heartfelt love donations are always appreciated. You can send them to vdonner or by mail at: PO Box 5705, Walnut Creek CA 94596


In Conclusion

These are exciting times. We are blessed to be here as we watch the conclusion for the ascension of the Earth. Please stay positive and do what you can to take care of yourself especially if you are sensitive to the sun, the earthquakes or other events. Keep your faith in God and know that all is being taken care of. Spirit has your back.

With lots of love, prayers for all good things, light and magic and miracles,
