Straight From The Heart

October 31,  2024


Dear Ground Crew:

Here’s the latest message from Apollo: “Today I come from the heart of creation. Powerful love and light are coming from the Creator. This is an exciting time for truth and love. It is what we have been waiting for. We are all excited in the Light Realms and we see the greatest restoration for the Earth and life on the Earth. Every aspect of creation is celebrating except for those who are without the light. The vibrations are already coming. Many of you can sense them. Nothing can stop this process. Before you know it, you will be living in the fifth dimension. You are the co-creators of Heaven on Earth. Breathe in and feel this truth in your heart. Know it to be so. Everything you have done in this incarnation and past ones has contributed to this significant time on the Earth. Your days of troubles and woes are behind you. When you are living in the light there is no such thing as separation, fear, or troubles and woes. Your happiness is guaranteed. You will begin to see and experience what I am talking about.”

Ground crew, we know you have been challenged particularly in the last six weeks or so. You are experiencing what it is like for a third dimensional planet to implode upon itself. You are also experiencing timelessness. This can make it confusing and chaotic. Clearly, it has not been business as usual. It is also uncertain and frustrating.

Some of you have been depressed. You’ve become more sensitive as life becomes more intense. This is another reason to let go and to move on in the creation of your own New World. How do you want to be living and what do you want to do? Where would you like to go and who would you like to be with?

What are your priorities? What is your heart’s calling? Where would you like to go? How would you like to participate in the cleaning of the Earth and helping others in a higher dimension? Are you ready to meet your galactic family?

There are numerous considerations and everything has been taken into account in the Ascension Process. Many are worried about their animals. The animals are ready and they will do fine because they are going through their ascension. Everyone is on their particular path. You are loved greatly.

Here is a link from from Paul Golden White Eagle with a “Special Message from the Earth Alliance and Galactic Starseed’s”

Here is a transmission from Lumina through Valerie Donner on October 30, 2024. Lumina is responsible for the luminescence of creation. Lumina and I work together with Source:

“Greetings, I am Lumina. This is a call to glory, beloved ones of the light. The light is here, it is there and it is everywhere present. It resides in every teardrop. It is in a piece of broken glass, a crystal, or a leaf. It expresses the light and nature of creation. It is powerful and contains the deepest intelligence of what creation is about.

The light speaks for itself. It has been somewhat ignored in the past, however, now the light is telling us to be on alert. There is nothing more powerful than this huge blast of Light that is coming to the Earth. We are talking about the power of love and creation. It’s about the fire of creation out of which you were born. It is all encompassing. You will begin to feel the love from the Creator.

You are on stage and the spotlight is on you. You and the Earth are the focus. You will receive the most uplifting light particles ever dispersed to a planet. It will heal that which needs to be healed. The beauty of the light will be blinding. You will see magnificent colors you’ve never seen before. You will meet beautiful beings you will recognize. You will be in a state of bliss and surrounded with golden sparkly light. You will realize what it is like to live as a Christed being.

This will come to you in a whole new atmosphere. This is the glory about which I am speaking. The Creator and I are with you attending to every detail. We welcome you with open arms and clear, peaceful hearts.We are one.”

We Knock On Your Door

By Valerie Donner

We knock on your door
Dressed as ourselves.
We don’t want candy
And we don’t cast spells.

We feature fairies
And angels and other holy things,
Where spirits are vying
For these beings.

We offer treats
Of nothing but the light.
We go where
Everything tastes just right.

You will love it at the beginning.
You will love it at the end.
In the long run
We will all be your friend.

Let us knock on your door
And open up your heart.
You will be happy
Like we were never apart.

Your eyes will be glazed over
In complete and total light.
Your life will change forever
And you will be bright.



A Transmission from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council Through Valerie Donner, October 31, 2024

Greetings: I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I am still working with the Earth Council. We have much to share.

The tales have been told and the signs have been seen.

There is a lot Happening this Halloween.

Yes, I am starting with a rhyme because everything is fitting together in the nick of time.

The old times will be gone and the new ones are entering in.

You’re ready for a beautiful life to begin.

All of creation is with you celebrating you for your great deeds.

The old game will be wrapped up and you are taking the lead.

You are being freed and that is a miracle at least.

Soon you will be freed from the beast.

The light will be so bright you will remember you are a star.

The ground crew are the best by far.

Get ready to celebrate in every wonderful way.

You will be so happy and that will be the way you stay.

I am pleased to be sharing this little poem. It is good news. You are ready to hear the good news. We know you well and we know how much you have suffered and gone through in this incarnation on the Earth, as well as others. But look at you now, you’re about to understand how important you have been to the Divine Plan to remove the Earth from the darkness.

You are aware of the struggles on Earth in the recent years. You have learned unimaginable truths with which you have had to learn to live and be quiet about most of the time. You’ve learned a new meaning of “separation” of what it’s like to have family turn on you, as well as others. This has been heart wrenching and sad.

I want you assure you that your new life and your new self, will register a beautiful portrait of who you are and all that you have done to assist the Earth. You belong in the Hall of Champions. You will get the recognition you deserve and the gratitude too.

We look forward to the Earth becoming an advanced civilization where we can come and visit you and you can come visit us. You are taking back the Earth and we are with you every step of the way.

Thank you for your outstanding work, for your love, commitment, gifts and abilities. We can’t wait to get to know you better.

I am Mira and I love you beyond measure.

Valerie’s Zoom Transmissions for November 2024

Lumina, Wednesday, November 6, from 4 to 5:30 PM Pacific time.

The Master Djwal Khul, Thursday, November 7 from 5:00 to 6:30 PM Pacific time.

Mother Mary and the Master St. Germain, Thursday, November 14 from five to 6:30 PM Pacific time.

Mira from the Pleiadian High Council November 21, 5:00 to 6:30PM Pacific time.

My classes are experiential and healing. Some people say they sleep better afterwards and that the energy from these calls sticks with them for a week. If you want some uplifting energies you might want to participate. Each call is $33 and you can pay with PayPal at: and I will send you the link. You may also pay with Zelle using the following:

Valerie Donner – The Ground Crew –

Valerie’s Work

As a spiritual counselor, energy healer/intuitive reader, I work deeply at the heart and soul level. I feel things, know things and see things. I work with your angels, guides, your team, along with my team, which includes the energies of the Christ, Lumina, St. Germain, Mary Magdelene, Mother Mary, Djwal Khul, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Michael, and Serapis Bey. Other beings like galactics may also be involved.

Lumina and I are having some very powerful sessions with others. We have the ability to clear negative beings which can bring forth great healing in relationships.

This is what one person said about her recent session:

“I’m still feeling the magic from the session yesterday and I can’t thank you enough. This morning I woke up at 2:30 AM again. This time without that heavy feeling in my solar plexus. Then my grandson came in (first time without asking him to come) and we talked for a long while and he wanted to stay, so I sat up and went into a meditation with him going through all the chakras and letting in the Christ light. That was really good. After that his sister came in and she visited with me for a while. Now when I think of them I feel love and not the strife. This is really good. I know what you did yesterday was a lot and I am so grateful I am going to make a donation to the Ground Crew.” C.C.

If you want to have a session you can call me at: 925-287-8976 or email me at

Right now my rates are:

  • $35 for 15 minutes
  • $70 for 30 minutes
  • $105 for 45 minutes
  • $140 for 60 minutes.

I may be raising my rates in the near future.

In Conclusion

The energies of the light are huge. We have been inundated with light and it looks like we’re going to have even greater light. Our physical bodies have had many challenges and certainly have needed more rest. This is the time of the great awakening and great change.

Most of the ground crew feel complete with the work we have been doing. We only choose to be in the fifth dimension and no longer want to be in the energies of the dense third dimension.

Let’s focus on being in the Golden Age and out of the dark ages. It feels like we have done our work, ground crew. Thank you for all you have done and for being a part of the ground crew.

If any of you feel called to make a contribution to this website you can do it with PayPal or with Zelle. You can also use the mail. The Ground Crew. PO Box 5705 Walnut Creek, California 94596

Love and all good things.

In the light,
