Dear Ground Crew:
Here’s the latest message from Apollo on June 4, 2018: “We are wiping the slate clean so that someday you will have peace in your hearts and live in harmony and joy. We are working to eliminate the harshness and hazards of what you have lived through on the earth. The earth is a most loving being and deserves this too. You are graduating full scale from earth’s third dimensional life. Thanks to you, our Ground Crew, you have made it possible for the ascension process. We understand your impatience, yet please recognize that you are immersed in becoming your new selves on your new earth. We applaud you, and all who are working diligently to rid the earth of the darkness. You will shine like the ones who are with you now.”
Every day I speak with Apollo. This morning he seemed excited about the progress they are making with getting the dark ones off the planet. I got the feeling that something big is about to happen. He also told me that the light is enveloping the dark. The dark ones are actually serving the light by strengthening the light. Apollo also told me that it is almost comedic what the dark ones are doing. He says they are desperate to stay in power so they are in a lot of fear.
The earth changes are accelerating. Mother Earth has to cleanse herself. The volcanoes are erupting and the whole ring of fire is becoming more active. The earth is showing us how powerful she is and we had better pay attention. Change is here. We need to learn to go with the flow, especially if it is molten lava.
In the San Francisco Bay Area, we are having unusual winds that have lasted for weeks. A friend of mine from Russia told me they are having similar winds too. Change is in the wind. These are the winds of change.
There will be more water events, and earthquakes. The Master Djwal Khul mentioned recently that there will be more coastal areas. We have also had unseasonable weather. It feels like we are about six to eight weeks behind our normal patterns. Is that true for where you live?
This is not about being in fear. It is about paying attention. If you are connected to the earth, you will always be where you need to be and will be protected.
Time for Change
By Valerie Donner
What do you need
To stay in the groove?
Is it molten lava
That will make you move?
How high up
Do you have to go
To get away from the water
That needs to flow?
Are you paying attention
To what is going on?
Are you getting out of denial
That “normal” is gone?
Are you aware
Of what is happening to people;
Some are leaving the church
And getting kicked out of the steeple?
Can you read
Between the lines?
Many who speak from greed
Are starting to get their fines?
This is a time of change
that is long overdue.
There is a rainbow above us
Creating a whole new hue.
What Else is Happening?
These times require us to do a lot of inner work. We may be having various challenges in our lives, that require deep soul searching, clearing old issues, cleansing, rest, new diets, extra protection, making new choices and letting go of what no longer serves us. As the veils continue to lift, we are developing even greater gifts. Some are having lucid dreams. Our empathy rates are off the charts. We are being guided more than ever if we listen.
The Masters, Angels and Archangels, along with the Galactic’s are with us. It is possible to feel their presence in greater ways than before. They are aware of our needs. Ask them for help. Look for ways to help each other. This is a heart opening experience.
Some of you may be losing friends and family members. It can be quite unexpected and sad. There seems to be a lot of pregnant women right now. The earth is a happening place. Our prayers and meditations are needed more than ever. Meditation is becoming more mainstream. Even the “S” word— “Spirit”— is becoming mainstream. The masses are awakening.
Bizarre things are continuing to happen. One could be breaking things, losing items, finding significant synchronicity, losing power, along with shocking events. The other day on a Saturday, I was having a massage in my living room at 11:30AM, when someone tried to open my front door. It turned out to be a young woman who “didn’t think I was there.” My massage therapist said she thought the girl also looked under the mat to try to find a key.
Time continues to speed up so this creates chaos. We have less time to do things. Drivers in the San Francisco bay area are stressed out and some are not driving very nicely. We have to be cautious about our driving and our living, but not be in fear.
In many ways this is a most exciting time to be on the earth. Just look at how many babies want to come right now. This is the greatest show ever. We have to stand back, take it all in, and remember to breathe.
A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner
June 5, 2018
Greetings, I am Mira. I am in full service to the earth on the Earth Council, to assist with the ascension of the planet.
I greet you today in a new gateway that was just opened for the ascension process. It will allow more expeditious travel between planetary systems, by giving us more access to strategic locations where our help is needed. We will be installing some more of these as time progresses. We are coming from a place of strength and competency, and so are you. There are increasing numbers of us, because we are on a rapid trajectory to assist the earth’s ascension.
There has been too much outside interference with dark ones going where they do not belong. This is being remedied and will soon be complete. We have numerous ways to purge what needs to be taken care of. We have them running. We are making huge progress and there is still much that we cannot tell you. In the end, you will be made aware of all of it. Right now is not the appropriate time. We have to keep certain information to ourselves.
I can tell you there is a lot going on with your governments. It is behind the scenes. It is election time in the United States. Much change is afoot. Many new people have been called to action. The old system of service to self will be slipping away. You will have better cross representation of the populace. Make the best of the choices at hand. You need to be heard.
It is important that you take a stand on what is most important to you. This is the main way that you will be able to change the planet. Follow your heart and put your energy in to projects of great value. Begin to envision your future. Picture a clean earth. Feel into the abundance that is coming to all of you. See a planet free in all ways. Stay centered and calm. Find new power and strength. Move into the oneness of life with every being on the planet.
We are finding our way to be with you again. Many of us are on the planet already. The truth about us cannot be suppressed. Right now your U.S. government is clearing the deck for full disclosure because they have been told by us that it cannot be stopped. They are trying to save face from anger and distrust when you all know the truth. It could happen sooner than you think. It could shake up many people but it needs to happen. We do not have time for spoon feeding the populace or your government’s control. It is nearly over.
We know that for some of you it brightens your day (or your night) when you see us in the skies. We delight in these maneuvers. We communicate telepathically and enjoy your excitement when we connect. You will begin to see much more of us. Welcome us and this makes it even more favorable.
These are exciting time for all of us. We love and support you. I am Mira.
Mt Shasta Retreat
July 19 – July 22
Heart of the Mountain Retreat at Mt. Shasta
My Heart of the Mountain retreat at Mt. Shasta is from July 19 to 22. If you plan to attend please register by June 19 to receive a 10% discount. We already have nice group that is forming to attend but welcome more if you feel called.
Please click here for more information.
Please click here for more information.
I can be reached at: 925-287-8976 or
In Conclusion
We are in full ascension mode. There is little question about that because so much is going on right now. This will continue to accelerate along with our consciousness. We are being helped beyond measure and we are loved to the fullest.
To keep yourself free from worry and fear keep your faith strong and your eyes in the sky. Do everything you can to raise your vibration. Take the best possible care of yourself that you can. Stay away from negativity. Observe the dramas that are occurring as simply an illusion.
If you need help, remember you can always call me for a session: or 925-287-8976. I work with the Masters and the Archangels, and your team, as a spiritual counselor, energy healer, channel or reader. I have been meditating twice daily for over 40 years so I receive powerful information.
Thank you for being a part of the ground crew.
Blessings, love and light,