Straight from the Heart
July 5, 2018

Dear Ground Crew:
Here is the message from July 4, 2018 from Apollo: “Repetitive moods will require new consciousness. You must become aware of the fast pace otherwise you can easily get lost in the turmoil. This is all required as the last vestiges of an old civilization leave. Everything is being turned up and released to the wind. The winds of change are upon you. The role of the ground crew is to be the best anchor that you can be. Stay grounded and centered. Be open to the unfolding. A new era is upon you. Awaken and rejoice in what you have to look forward to.”

How are you doing with staying grounded and centered like Apollo suggested? As Lightworkers we are fortunate to know the big picture of what is happening with the massive changes on the planet. Most of humanity are unaware and asleep. Some people in the San Francisco bay area are driving their cars horribly. It requires one to be very aware. I imagine this is occurring everywhere.

In Lee Harris’s July Energy Report, he mentions that humanity has “real nervous energy.” The changes are so rampant that people are challenged adjusting. Everything is happening quickly and we know that humans do not like change. The best we can do is go with the flow and trust Spirit.
It is my experience that we can connect more readily with the Higher Realms, like the fifth dimension. It feels like being in a state of beingness. It feels like you don’t have to do anything but be quiet. We have plenty to process and are continuing to clear our issues from this incarnation and past lives.

My meditations focus on oneness and love. Meditate on your heart chakra and merge with oneness and love. This is how we will be living in the fifth dimension and higher. It will also help you raise your vibration. Staying away from fear and upsetting situations is paramount to keeping the vibration high. I like what teacher Jim Self said in a recent talk. He mentioned that when you hear upsetting news, you can ask yourself: “What can I do about it?”

This question facilitates our ability to not get upset about everything that’s going on. Prayer and meditation can also help.As I am writing this today it is July 4, the Independence Day for the United States. It is about freedom! Much is being learned about freedom as the truth is coming out about everything. Our awareness is changing. The truth shall set you free, right?


By Valerie Donner

Freedom from fear,
Freedom from debt,
Freedom from control;
It’s the freedom we will get.

Freedom from the dark,
Freedom from the past,
Freedom from enslavement;
It can no longer last.

Freedom from creeps,
Freedom from criminals,
Freedom from churches,
Freedom from their hymnals.

Freedom from service to self,
Freedom from corporate jobs,
Freedom from mind control,
Freedom from nasty slobs.

Freedom from lies,
Freedom from harshness,
Freedom from bullies
Leads to kindness.

Freedom from despair,
Freedom from drugs,
Freedom from depression
Healed with lots of hugs.

Freedom to live from your heart,
Freedom to have all that you need,
Freedom to live on planet
Without any greed.

Freedom to look in the skies,
Freedom to set your destination,
Freedom to connect with the Galactics
To create your manifestation.

Freedom to follow your bliss,
Freedom to do what your heart calls you to,
Freedom to live much longer
If that’s what you want to do.

Freedom, freedom is the most important thing.
It allows you to express your creative being.

More Information
In my Monthly Meeting with the Masters on July 3, Paul the Venetian, came to speak with us. He represents the Third Ray and holds the office of the Maha Chohan, which represents the office of the Holy Spirit for this planet. According to the book “The Seven Sacred Flames,” by Aurelia Louise Jones, “Paul the Venetian was the inspiration behind the construction of the statue of liberty in France. The statue, among other things, represents the flame of liberty, the same flame that Paul the Venetian gifted to the Incas long ago.” His last incarnation ended in 1588.

In our class what he said about liberty is: “Be true to yourself; don’t let anyone railroad you; be an example for others; let your light shine; and stick to your values.” During these times of chaos and confusion, in my opinion this is good advice. In our process of mastery, we are garnering our strength, and from this strength you will always be shown what to do. You will continue to build courage and power as beings of light.

Apollo and I talk daily. He provides me with important information about what is occurring on the planet from the Galactic viewpoint. He tells me that a very high percentage of the dark forces have been removed from planet. I gather this could be about 90%. (In February of this year it was 72%.) When we get to a few percentage points higher we will likely see the end of chem trails. In our San Francisco Bay area there have been fewer chem trails in last few weeks. How is it in your area?

I also get the sense that something very big is about to happen. In the past few days I have heard words “astounding,” “redemption,” and have felt a lot excitement coming from him. We truly are living in exciting times. Apollo has also told me that we have many emissaries here now in all walks of life to assist us with Ascension. This means that even though we get information about what is going on various places like our governments, etc., there is much more than meets the eye. The divine plan is unfolding.

A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council channeled Through Valerie Donner, July 5, 2018

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I work full time with the Earth Council to assist with the Ascension Process.

I am pleased to report that all is proceeding well with your Ascension Process. Missing parts have been put together. Massive amounts of karma have been cleansed. Relationships are being healed and cleared. Like the earth, you are moving on. You are clearing out the past and letting go of what no longer serves you. The earth is volcanically erupting as she releases molten lava to clear massive amounts of darkness within. It is not her darkness. It is a result of what has been done to her. She has been showing how powerful she is and how ready she is for her ascension. Humanity is beginning to pay attention to these messages.

It is a time on the planet when you cannot take anything for granted. Change is the constant. New patterns of thought and constructs are being created now. They are required for the higher consciousness that you are creating. When the time comes there will be many awakenings and gifts from the Galactics and Light Realms. You will be the beneficiaries. You have earned it from all of your hard work.

There will be many openings from within the earth and you will find this true within your selves. You will discover many things that you did not know about yourselves as they come to the surface. You will reunite with old friends and family from past lives. You will reconnect with many Masters, Archangels and others. There will be many reunions with soul family along with galactic family. You may even reconnect with some of your ancestors.

Cherish each moment of every day. The new developments may be like petals blossoming on a flower. Whether you like some of the revelations or not, they will get your attention. They will make you wonder why you didn’t see certain things before. You will see and sense that you have been living in different time lines as well multiple dimensions. All can seem bizarre. Do not let this upset you. Please understand this information is necessary for your awakening.

We continue to monitor you and your progress. We stand by ready to intervene wherever necessary. We hope to impress upon you the seriousness of these times. We have enforced this message to the dark ones who are still hanging on. They are in fear and want to remain in control. Their days are ending and this is the message that we are consistently reinforcing. Please understand that you, along with the help of billions of the forces of light, are taking back your planet.

We assure you that behind the scenes the plan is ready to be implemented. Stay awake and aware. Listen to the voice within for your own guidance. Find your own truth amongst the numerous lies. Keep your truth to yourself unless you have others with whom you can share. You can talk to us for we appreciate your input. Your involvement is meaningful and important.

You are our beloved ground crew. We appreciate and admire you for all that you are and all that you do.
I am Mira with lots of love.

In Conclusion
I am heading to Mount Shasta in a couple of weeks for my Heart the Mountain Retreat. We have a lovely group of people who have been called to the mountain. We will be communicating with nature, the Galactic’s, the Masters and Archangels, and with each other. I will be reporting in my next message for August.

Please be open to all of the magic and miracles that will be coming our way. Let’s focus on love and oneness in all that you do.

Blessings, love, and light,
