Photo: Michelle Malize Clark (Emporium)


Photo: Michelle Malize Clark (Emporium)


Straight from the Heart

March 3, 2023


Dear Ground Crew:

Here’s the latest from Apollo: “These are special times, dear family of light. You are beginning to realize who you are and letting go of who you are not. You are a part of the grand scheme to shift the Earth forever. The energies that you are assisting in anchoring into the Earth are beautiful and powerful. They are changing the planet and all of life. It is remarkable what you accomplished since we spoke last month. You have been releasing fear from the old matrix programming. No longer does it resonate with you, nor does it feel like how you choose to live. When that choice is made, one can only go forward into the blazing light. This is exactly where you are positioned now. Ground crew, you have chosen the new. The old no longer works for you. You have paid the price and now only the best is coming to you. This is going to be a remarkable time of renewal, replenishment, rewards, and replacement of the old. Throughout history you have waited for this time to come. You only dreamed that you could pull yourselves out of such circumstances. Some of it was pretty, just like the beautiful earth. Much of it was laborious, yet you still reached for the stars. Now they are here and you are one of them.”

Isn’t it nice to be told you are progressing, ground crew? Some of you feel like this has been going on forever, like a boring, old, long running movie. You may feel like walking away, or pulling the plug on the camera. This applies to those who are awakened. How many iterations of current events do you have to witness in order for the movie to be over? There’s multiple tales that have been told and you get to question who’s telling the truth and who isn’t. It’s only your heart that reveals this and the rumination in your mind will only continue to make you feel crazy. It’s all part of the grand unfolding.

On top of the intense weather globally, earthquakes, winds, hurricanes, and other events that create fear, we have huge activity going on with the sun. On February 27, according to SA Smith, A Girl in the Universe, “We had a day of solar weather that was so active it was unbelievable . . . The Solar winds reached 850 KM/PS or even higher . . . There were G3 solar storms and the KP index range turn from 5 to 7 throughout the day . . . The aurora borealis of magenta and green came down into Pennsylvania in the United States.

Everything is open for flux energies to be high and possible coronal masses and more solar storms. She says this is powering us up for what is to come. It’s all part of Ascension.” The sun is “a bit off kilter,” per S.A. Smith, as of this writing on March 2.You can follow her on Facebook or on Telegram.

How does this affect us? How have you been feeling? Many of us are quite sensitive so it is possible to feel a combination of symptoms that some might even call ascension symptoms. Some of my lightworker friends, including yours truly, have been sleeping many hours more than usual. One friend told me he stayed in bed all day on the 27th. Yesterday another person said they were feeling like they were hammered on the 28th. DI felt like a space cadet and like I was walking around in a stupor. It was almost an intense drugged feeling. It’s challenging to do anything when you feel like that. You can get that dull, achy feeling in your head where you simply can’t even think. You could feel tired, itchy, have ringing in your ears, feel unmotivated, or nauseated. Strong cold winds, in the winter areas of the planet, are also contributing to some of these feelings.

Some suggestions on how to deal with this include: sleep, rest, drink lots of water, take a couple of capsules of lecithin. Although some of us don’t eat much corn, some people recommend popcorn, or food with corn in it. Listen to your body and it will tell you if it is craving something like that. It is probably not a good idea to do much driving, or doing anything, if you need to have your wits about you. Do what you can to stay grounded (like eating chocolate) and balanced by grounding to the Earth.

Drugged by the Light
By Valerie Donner

I feel drugged by the light.
Will I sleep tonight?
When I awaken
Will I find my body shaking?
Drugged by the light.


The sun keeps on moving
With circles and flares
Of high vibration.
Some can feel it.
Others aren’t aware.


Being drugged by the light
Doesn’t make one feel all right.
The brain is fuzzy
And the body the body is tight.
Love the light!


The sun is working hard
And so are you.
Playing with the light
Is what you do
To get through


If you try to remember something
It might not be there.
You left it in the ethers
Or else it went somewhere?
Blame it on the light.


The light is blinding.
It’s powerful and strong.
It helps you remember
Where you belong.
Hold the light.


When you awaken
From this drug of choice,
The sun will have awakened you.
Your hearts will rejoice.


Bring it on.
Bring us the Event.
Our hearts are open
And we are heaven bent.
You are the light.


The love and light
Is like a drug
That comes from Source
With a great big hug.
Drugged by the light.


Whatever your problems are;
They will melt away.
You can be forever happy
And live in the Golden Age.
Saved by the light.


From my observation, we could be getting much closer to the Solar Flash, also known as, the Event. On February 23rd, in my Zoom transmission with Mira, the first thing she started talking about was “New rules of Conduct.” I even saw it in writing. I believe she is preparing us for living in higher consciousness, the fifth dimension or higher. Although what she said is probably innate, it feels as if she was confirming where we are headed. When I do this work, I’m in another state of consciousness, so I do not remember much of what is said. We will see what she wants to tell us in her message today.


A Message from Mira from the Pleadian High Council through Valerie Donner March 3, 2023

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council currently serving full-time on the Earth Council.

I greet you today with all the love in my heart and marvel at the wonderful work you are doing. Yes, everything is chaotic, what you like to call topsy-turvy. Much is being toppled and is dissolving in front of you. Those who have always needed to “See it to believe it,” are scratching their heads a bit because they are beginning to see it, integrate it and then believe it. For much has been hidden from you on your earthly journey.

Thanks to the light, to you, the ground crew, the illuminated ones, the galactic’s, the Earth and the sun, everything is becoming an open book. You are beginning to view the various realities from a galactic vantage point. When you parcel out what you know about other people and how they live their lives, they could feel foreign to you. Your consciousness may have transcended the consciousness of others around you. This could be shocking at first, for little did you know, you would be in a disparate reality while on the Earth.

You are fully in the great awakening. This awakening is different for everyone. Some are beginning to see that the way they have been living their lives is no longer working. It’s all catching up with everyone. Your story is being revealed to everyone, especially to yourself. So you can see the ascension process is one of self discovery. The external world reflects back the inner world. What has been going on inside of you?

In the flurry of these chaotic times it is important to stand back and take a breath. Look around you. See what’s going on with the sky. Face each day with the sun whenever you can. Look for the beauty and feel the energy in nature. Look at your ascending self and see the light and the beauty within. Feel the rapture in your heart as it is opening widely and becoming one with Source. This is the true source of happiness. It means you are no longer in fear. You have will have released the bondage from the old material world.

Low and behold, one day you will experience your new self, filled with light and living in a whole new reality. You will merge with the New Earth, the galactic’s and with what that entails. Your frequencies will prove to be a new source of communication that will magnetize to you others of similar consciousness. This is already occurring on the planet.

We in the Earth Council congratulate you for coming this long way to your ascension. We see you and the Earth flourishing and basking in love, the way you were in your original incarnation. This is true for the Earth. She is delighted with the ascension process and is ready to become her fully higher dimensional self. You are doing this in tandem with her. It is remarkable.

Again, the Earth has taken on splendorous light as the dark forces are being dissolved and removed. Even though change is rampant while the old material world falls away, there is love in the air. This accelerated love and light is a cushion for you as the change continues to grow. Rely upon these news energies and rest in the comfort of love coming from the Creator. We have it covered, ground crew. We are one.

I am Mira sending you great love and light.



The Earth


Recently some marvelous information about the Earth and nature has come to my attention. The first the first thing I would like to share is this 20 minute podcast talking about the tops of trees. It’s about how scientists have been studying what is going on in the tree tops of the Redwood trees. It is quite amazing.

As children, in my generation, we used to climb trees and hang out in the trees. We loved it and the trees must have loved it too.

I have mentioned FMBR, Foundation for Mind Being Research, in the past. It is an organization in Palo Alto, California, that I have belonged to for quite some time. It is comprised of scientists, researchers, physicians, spiritual people, etc. and some famous people, like Russell Targ, PH.d and Dr.s J.J. Hurtag and Desiree Hurtag. Russell Targ is a remote viewer who taught the CIA remote viewing. Dr. Hurtag and Desiree are the authors of the “Keys of Enoch.”

They have placed their talks on YouTube: FMBRTV I highly recommend watching Renée Baribeau, “The Winds of Spirit: How to call upon the Wind Deities for Personal Transformation.” There will be some other wonderful talks about topics like “Synesthesia: The New Frontier in Human Potential,” by Maureen Seaberg. There will be another discussion by a woman named Veda Austin, who has been studying the consciousness of water for the past eight years: “The Secret Intelligence of Water: Microscopic Evidence of Water Responding to Human Consciousness.” There are many interesting videos from FMBR are and I hope you will enjoy them.

I am loving how much more aware we are becoming of the Earth and what she is telling us. What is interesting, as I’m writing this time, is that the “E” in the word “Earth” is capitalized on my Mac. I don’t recall this before and I’ve always wondered why all of the other planets started with a capital letter and the Earth did not. She deserves the respect.



Other Information


Little Esko

Many thanks to those of you who have prayed for a little Esko, my grand nephew, who at the age of two, had a branch from Redwood tree fall 200 feet. and smash the right side of his skull while sitting on a park bench in October 2021. It is a miracle the little guy survived. He had his surgery in January and he is doing well. He is so happy that his head is no longer “squishy.”

Please join me in send prayers to the family of Maureen O’Connell who passed away in February. Maureen was an original member of the ground crew when I started writing in 1996. She was a devoted spiritual being with deep connections to the masters. I’m sure she is in a beautiful place of love.



Zoom Calls for March

These calls on zoom with the masters and Mira are experiential, so you get to feel their energy. You also get to ask questions, if you’d like, particularly personal questions, if you choose. Here’s what I’m doing in March:

The Master Kuthumi, who was Saint Francis of Assisi, Thursday, March 9 from five to 6:30 PM Pacific time. $30

Mother Mary and St. Germain, Thursday, March 16 from 5:00-6:30PM Pacific Time. $25

Mira from the Pleiadian high Council, March 23 from 5:00-6:30PM. $25

You can pay me through PayPal: vdonner99 @ and then I will send you the link.



Sessions with Valerie

I have been working as a spiritual counselor, energy healer, reader, channel and teacher for about 25 years now. I have helped thousands of people. I work deeply at the heart and soul level so I feel things, see things and information comes.

I’ve been meditating twice a day for over 40 years. This allows me to go deeply into the heart and soul of those with him I am working, which is where the healing needs to occur.

My rates are: $70 for 30 minutes, $105 for 45 minutes and $140 for an hour. If you would like to make an appointment you can call me at 925-287-8976 or email me:




Your heartfelt love donations are always appreciated. You can send them to vdonner or by mail at: PO Box 5705, Walnut Creek CA 94596


In Conclusion

These are exciting times. We are blessed to be here as we watch the conclusion for the ascension of the Earth. Please stay positive and do what you can to take care of yourself especially if you are sensitive to the sun, the earthquakes or other events. Keep your faith in God and know that all is being taken care of. Spirit has your back.

With lots of love, prayers for all good things, light and magic and miracles,



Straight from the Heart

January 4, 2023


Dear Ground Crew:

Here is the latest message from Apollo: “You find yourselves at the beginning of a new Gregorian calendar year, which is a man-created out-of-sync-calendar. You also find yourselves increasingly involved in the energies of new creation, which some call the New Earth. When you reflect back a year ago you realize that the energies have changed significantly. You are no longer the same person that you were and that your planet is no longer the same planet that it was. You have the sense of unfamiliarity. In some ways there is a familiar sense of profound love and light that have entered your surroundings. You know that you are ascending. You feel the symptoms in your body and you realize that everything is fluid energetically and unpredictable. To some this can be exciting and yet to others, it can be off putting, but for certain, it is different. We hold you accountable for your own consciousness so that your deliberations bring you to the highest possible consciousness. When you enter into the fear energies, you get back into the third dimensional rut. The love energies are much higher and do not accept fear. This is my recommendation to you, that you follow your heart and listen to the love within. Trust what you are feeling and don’t get enveloped in the outside world that others would like to draw you into.”

Most of the ground crew have questions about this year; what will 2023 bring? Many on the planet have been wondering a myriad of questions:
Will we have NESARA or GESARA? When will it happen? Is there going to be a reset financially? When will we ascend? How much longer will the deep state be doing what they do? What will the price of gold or silver be? What’s going to happen to the banks or real estate? Am I safe where am living or will there be earth changes here? When are the galactic’s going to show themselves? Am I still going to have my job or do what I’ve always done? Will my family be all right? What about my pets? The list is endless.

We can continue to ponder these possibilities and questions but what does this all come down to? What do we have some control over? What is the most empowering direction for us to focus our energies on? And the answer is within. When we go within and focus on our I am presence, or God Self, whatever you want to call it, we will get the direction. By focusing on love and trusting God, we will keep our consciousness in the fifth dimension and even higher. When we revert back to fear, we find ourselves back in the third dimension. At this pivotal time, we cannot afford a negative thought. We need to learn to live with uncertainty and to follow our hearts.

Most of us know that we’ve been living in some kind of movie that is almost over. It appears that one of the main themes of the movie is to remember who we are as divine beings. We were taught to think that we were nothing, worthless, that we made a mess of our lives, or that our bodies don’t know how to heal themselves, and to rely on the external world that has power over others and has had power over us. Now we have enough information, as we awaken, to walk away from the reliance on the old material world. We are done with it!

Won’t it be a relief when we can throw away the old programs and start  anew! We will be able to create magic, miracles and perfect lives for ourselves. We will be empowered, amazed and astounded at what capabilities we have. We had to forget all of this to come to the third dimensional earth and participate in this movie. 

Some of the things that we will find ourselves doing will be flying, manifesting things out of the thin air, walking through walls, walking on water, time traveling, teleporting, telepathy, creating new technologies, space travel, meeting our galactic friends and families, terraforming, seeing the elementals, devas, fairies, and nature spirits, living in spiritual communities, creating multidimensional art and music, having open communication with animals and plants, reversing aging, and talking with family and friends on the other side. We will be able to discover that we can do pretty much whatever our mind can create. We will live in harmony, kindness, cooperation, love, abundance, joy, beauty and magnificence. How is that for a start at 2023? We will be free!

The earth is becoming our playground, a laboratory for our lives. We will be energized by our creativity and our relationships with our spiritual family and friends. Loneliness will be a thing of the past, so will self doubt and blame. There will be no more need for antidepressants or the old invasive ways of medicine. We will be unstoppable like torpedoes of light blasting throughout creation.


Torpedoes of Light
By Valerie Donner

We are torpedoes of light
Blasting throughout creation.
We are sparks of the divine
Dancing through time.

We pop up here
And show up there.
The sparkles of light
Are everywhere

You name it.
We will be there
Making pretty pictures,
Decorating every chair.

We are simply gorgeous
Manifesting the beauty.
It’s our favorite thing to do,
To be a real cutie.

We experiment
And explore,
Working with tones
And various colors galore.

We follow
What Source wants.
We create for the Creator
With words and extra fonts.

We are torpedoes of light
There’s no other words for it.
We are creators of love
And we are adored for it.

Now get busy
Write your own song.
Let’s play together
So we can run along.

As sparkles of light
We get our attention.
We are just one way
Of showing divine intervention!


A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council January 2, 2023 through Valerie Donner

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian high Council. I am pleased to speak with you today, for it has been a little while in your earthly times since I have spoken with you.

In your new year you will find this is the time of disassembling. You’ve already begun to experience what it is like as the third dimensional material world is deconstructing. You are seeing where the system is broken and is no longer functioning. This has created some gaps and some shortcomings in the system. You are adjusting and adapting and you will have to be doing much more of that.

As we review the Earth from the Earth Council’s position, we see that much is amiss. The truth is what you thought was serving you and functioning for you, wasn’t really serving most of you at all. The old way simply allowed you to function in a more rote manner. You didn’t have to think and figure out new ways of accomplishing what needed to be done. Now it is forcing you to be more creative to allow for new opportunities to provide what is necessary.

There are many old rules, regulations and laws that are now de- compiling. You might see them almost turning into compost, for that is about what many of them were worth. They just held you and kept you in line. You were forced to do certain things that really were not necessary. It gave some false power to those egos that needed to be fed, for one reason or another. We will just slam that behavior into the folder of the past and say that was the third dimension and that it no longer applies.

The third dimensional material world no longer has the strong hold on you that it had in the past. You are beginning to see how unreal some parts of your lives have been. Right now you might be wondering where you are and it seems strange. This is because change is rampant right now. It has to change because you are moving forward with love, light and truth at breakneck speed. Most of the dark ones are gone so they do not have the control over you they once had. This is to be celebrated. You will have much more beneficial lives.

The past is the past. It’s a lower vibration that pulls you down into a lower frequency when you get caught up into it. Let it go. Rise up into the new beautiful higher consciousness light and spread that light within your body and wherever you go. The Earth is becoming increasingly beautiful because you are infused with higher consciousness and light.

We are admire you, we love you and we support you. We are here for you. We are going great places and you will be happy!

This is Mira and I am sending you all of my love today and always.




Thank you for following me regarding my great nephew Esko. He is now four years old. In October 2021, right before his third birthday, he was sitting on a park bench when a tree branch from Redwood tree fell 200 feet and smashed the right side of his skull. It’s a long story but thanks to his mother who is a nurse, and her nurse friend, who was there at the park with her, they got him to the hospital and then he was flown to Oakland, California to a Children’s Hospital where they did surgery. So far he has survived two surgeries and he is going to have another one on January 26 to replace the skullcap. I ask for your prayers for the little guy, and for our family, and especially for his parents who are stressed out. It is a miracle that Esko is alive. He’s a little behind in his development but he is here with us. I am so grateful!


Solar Activity

According to, on January 2, 2023, we had a C class solar flare 90%, 35% M class solar flare and an X class solar flare 5%. The sun has been very active and is contributing to the rising consciousness on the planet. It’s also preparing us for the Solar Flash, which some believe could be soon. It is activating ascension symptoms. Some of these symptoms include: headaches, fatigue, aches and pains, fluctuating emotions, which are keeping us in a “state of flux.” “These energies are growing at a high level. This is all intended to get us to a higher version of ourselves. They’re helping us to rise up,” according to S.A. Smith from You can follow her on Telegram.



My Zoom Classes for January 2023

You are all cordially invited to attend any of my zoom classes. We would love to have you. They are experiential and you get to feel the energies of the Masters and Mira.

You can pay me through PayPal: vdonner99 @ I will then send you a link.

Thursday, January 12, from 5:00PM-6:30PM Pacific Time, the Master Kuthumi, who was Saint Francis of Assisi, will be with us. He is a beautiful Master who is responsible for the Earth, the animals, fairies and nature spirits, etc. He is a healer and offers healing for animals and humans in this class. He has beautiful energy. $30 Personal questions are allowed.

Thursday, January 19, from 5:00 to 6:30 PM Pacific Time, Mother Mary and Saint Germain will be with us. Mother Mary represents the divine feminine energy and Saint Germain is close to her and represents the energy of freedom. He also has a great sense of humor. $25 Personal questions are allowed.

Thursday, January 26, from 5:00 to 6:30 PM Pacific time, Mira from the Pleiadian high Council will be with us. You will love her energy if you enjoy her transmissions through me. We have been working together for many years now and know each other well. $25



My Work

I work deeply at the heart and soul level and use my gifts of claire- sentience, clairevoyence, clairaudience and claircognizance. I’ve been meditating twice daily for over 40 years, which allows me to go deeply into your heart and soul. This is where the healing needs to occur. I work with your team of guides, Masters, and Angels, as well as, my team of Angels, Archangels and Masters for quantum healing.

I can assist you heal relationships, contact those on the other side, provide clarity, directions and guidance, and help you heal from trauma, abuse and addictions. I can help you get in touch with your inner child, help your spiritual growth, assist you with your ascension, emotional clearing and improving your self-empowerment.

My rates are $70 for 30 minutes, $90 for 45 minutes and $140 for an hour. You can call me at 925-287-8976 to make an appointment or email me at:




Your heartfelt love donations are always appreciated. You may use PayPal: vdonner99 @ gmail.comor send them to: PO Box 5705, Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Thank you for sharing your abundance.

I can assist you heal relationships, contact those on the other side, provide clarity, directions and guidance, and help you heal from trauma, abuse and addictions. I can help you get in touch with your inner child, help your spiritual growth, assist you with your ascension, emotional clearing and improving your self-empowerment.

My rates are $70 for 30 minutes, $90 for 45 minutes and $140 for an hour. You can call me at 925-287-8976 to make an appointment or email me at:



In Conclusion

We are living in unprecedented times, ground crew. Our consciousness is rising and we are in preparation for moving into the Golden Age. Our bodies are changing. The answers are within. The Creator is with us and we are coming back into Unity and peace.

It’s an exciting time for us to be here and we are just about complete with everything we have needed to do. Good times are coming! We will be celebrating and celebrating and celebrating!

Happy 2023! May this year be filled with lots of love, perfection, light, joy, abundance, magic and miracles.

With love, magic and miracles, from my heart to yours,





Straight from the Heart

November 30, 2022


Dear Ground Crew:

Here’s the latest message from Apollo: “We are rapidly approaching what is called ‘the fire in the furnace.’ This is symbolic for the whole planet to be heated with the fire of love. This can be the time of year when you enjoy sitting in front of the fireplace sipping hot drinks, trying to stay warm and watching the flames. This year it will be different. There’s a new ignition system from creation designed to activate higher consciousness. It will end the darkness that will be turned to dust. You will rise like the Phoenix from the ashes into the New Earth. You’ll be living in the 5th dimensional consciousness. This is a time of great cleansing and healing. You will be celebrating the truth, the everlasting truth, that shall set you and the earth free. Fire is a part of creation that causes the clearing of the old and the creation of something new. The new creation will be superior to what it is replacing. It will stretch your imagination which will create something of great beauty. Relax, enjoy, and welcome in the new!”

How are you doing ground crew? Have you noticed there’s a different energy this year for the holidays? It’s a whole new spirit filtering through the energies of consumption. Yes, we still have the hype but it is different. There’s still the residue of the matrix as many blindly go about what they’ve done for so long. They don’t question a tradition. There is something so much more important occurring, the battle between good and evil. Many people have had to rethink what they’ve done in the past because they can no longer afford it, or don’t have the energy for it.

If the old way of living in the material world has lost its luster, you might want to watch this short video. It’s one of the best explanations I have seen. It is on YouTube: The Matrix is Losing Its Hold On You-Kyle Cease. “I’m Here For The Real Thing.” It’s a 10 minute video where he discusses how the matrix was a type of computer program that held everything in place so that everything was predictable. This very much benefitted the controllers. He says that now we are out of the matrix everything is just in the presence. It’s all unpredictable. It’s a helpful video.

You may have noticed how functioning in the material world has become increasingly onerous. It’s hard to find parts for things, you can’t count on delivery or the presence of certain items on the shelves, the price of gas is off the chart, etc. How do we handle what we used to take for granted? We get creative. We become patient. We realize what’s going on as a third dimension implodes upon itself. We might find better solutions for things, perhaps compromise?

Some of us believed housing prices would continue to rise forever, while forgetting what happened in 2008. We forgot scoundrels still exist and that other new versions of ripping us off arise with the same theme. Some people have been living in La La Land. They’re still programmed and asleep. They’re taking their lives for granted like everything is going to be the same that it was.

Then we have our beautiful ground crew seeking truth, holding the light, and shifting through misinformation and disinformation. Confusion is part of the plan. It’s to keep people off-balance and uncertain. Many want to know what’s going to happen next. We still keep getting the same answers such as: “This is to help wake up the normies!” Some of us are downright done with the excuse that everything is to wake up the normies. Or “It has to be done by the military, etc.”

What I think we need to do is to call forth the Great Almighty and pray for divine intervention. I think divine intervention would wake up the normies. They wouldn’t have any excuse not to be awake because they’d be living in the light. We are multi-dimensional beings needing a multi- dimensional resolution to the horrific conditions on the planet.

When some report the potential loss of more of our freedoms, another lockdown, or an even more lethal plague, we have to remember that this is the plan of the dark forces and is not of the light. The light is taking back the planet and we’ve already won. Our Creator knows all of the answers to our questions. All we need to do is listen within to our hearts. If you start feeling fear and your energy drops off, question the information. It just might be opinions of others but not yours.

I believe it’s good if we stop parroting back everything we’ve been told these last few years. How many times do we have to say the same things to ourselves and to each other? Perhaps we just need to get our own information? We can appreciate all of those who are in the forefront sharing what they know and helping us along the way. It’s beneficial that most of us have learned to keep our mouth shut with some of what we know to our families, and other woke ones. We get disinformation from the alternative media also.

Some of you may ask, “How do I get my own information?” You can ask your guides to help you find the truth. Meditation and prayer are helpful. Ask for clarity in your dreams and messages. We all have access to that. Ask the Angels of Clarity to help you find the truth. Do your own research. Someone who is really good at this is “Amazing Polly.” She is a deep digger and you can find her on Never rely on just one source. Listen to your heart. If you’re starting to feel fear, stop and pay attention. Pay attention to your own intuition. It can be subtle or it can be startling. Please pay attention to what’s going on around you. The energies are shifting and might portend that you are getting ready to be hit with a cosmic 2 x 4! I would prefer a celestial splinter, which is easier. (For those of you who don’t know this expression in the US, it has to do with the size of wood.) Write things down. Share what you were getting with a like-minded friend. Many of us are extremely empathic these days. Source has given us more empathy so that we can feel what is going on around us.



Being in Nature

So on to a more fun topic. This topic is about being with nature. I have been experiencing lots of magic and miracles with nature. A few weeks ago I was talking on the phone with a friend and I took a picture of my cat. There was also a neighbor cat that was in our yard and behaving very peacefully. My cat doesn’t usually like to share her yard. I sent a picture to my friend and she asked me what was that in the middle of my tree. It was a turquoise color. Low and behold it turned out to be a fairy!If you blow up the picture you can see two black eyes. I was delighted!

A few days ago I was walking in my neighborhood wearing my purple sweater and pants, along with a fuchsia colored jacket. I had previously looked at the sun. Sometime thereafter I looked down at the ground and all of the leaves of a certain type were flashing the fuchsia colored light. It went on for several minutes. I had never seen anything like this. My heart was jumping for joy!

About two days ago I was looking out my window and I noticed a bird that looked like it had a baby bird riding on its back. I couldn’t believe it. I never seen anything like that! I got out my camera and took a picture and I believe it was another type of fairy that was riding on the back of the bird. It was starting to turn a little more towards the evening so it’s a little hard to see, but I’m including the picture of the turquoise fairy in the tree and the bird with the fairy on it’s back!

Some of you may think I have gone a little ascension 5D type of crazy, however, I’m telling you the truth and I’ve been extremely happy having these multidimensional experiences. I believe our future will bring us many more of these connections with nature, the mineral kingdom, the animals, the earth and each other. This is not even mentioning our galactic family and we will see them also.

The other thing I have noticed is the profound manifestation of whatever I’m choosing to create for myself. I would just think of the way I want things to go when I have to do errands, or something like that. It happens the way I want it to happen. Some of you may be experiencing the same things? I am not the only one.


Show Me The Fairies
By Valerie Donner

Show me the fairies
And I’ll jump high and wide.
I know they have a message
And nature is the guide.

They like it when we talk to them
And realize they are around.
They work really hard for us
To have beautiful grounds.

They the paint faces of the flowers,
Using their creative delight.
They dance under the moon
In circles of fairy light.

They have beautiful houses,
That some can see and others can’t.
You can feel their presence
And “No!” they don’t have to pay rent!

I have visited fairy houses
In tree stumps and other digs.
It’s a special treat
To see where they live.

When you make the connection
You will always know they are there.
You might get tickled with a feather
Or find a little hair.

So call upon the fairies
To brighten up your day.
Tell them you need to play a bit
And they can have their way.


A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council November 30, 2022 through Valerie Donner


I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council.

I greet you today from the Earth Council, special ground crew. We admire your patience and your perseverance with the ascension process at hand. We compliment you in every way possible for being the most extraordinary ground crew with whom we have ever worked. You are admired by our Creator and all of the Galactic’s and Realms of Light. We honor you for your light, love, and for your exuberance, on your mission for the earth’s ascension.

Little did any of us know what an arduous process this would be. Because of you and our work together, a very large percentage of the dark forces are now off of the planet. The remaining stragglers are struggling to maintain what they have but too little avail. They are truly lost.

We celebrate this because they have done such evil and damage to life on the Earth. Even the Creator has risen up his arms in realization of the damage that has been done. Please mark our words that this shall never happen again anywhere in creation. The earth is the last post where a dark takeover will ever occur again!

They have always been trying to find what you have here on earth to keep it for themselves, and to control it and to control you! They have neutralized themselves to a point of no return. What happens to them also affects others with similar intentions. Some important lessons from creation have been imprinted in history.

We relish the way that we have all worked together. We have learned how to play the game and how to restructure where necessary. Due to this, we have made refinements in the ascension process that we can use later with other planets. They will be forever grateful for what you have done and what we have done together.

Because of who you are as profound beings of light, you will be welcomed to many other star systems and planets. You will share your stories and teachings with other ascending planets. You will be honored and revered.

You are now living in much higher consciousness. Some of you are in the 5th dimension and higher. Life will start to get easier for you and you will reap the benefits of your hard work.

We want you to know how much we love you and how grateful we are for all that you’ve done.

I am Mira sending you great love.

A Video From Me

I have completed my first video for you and here’s the link:


December Zoom Classes

Due to the holidays I will only be doing two zoom classes this month.

Kuthumi, who was Saint Francis of Assisi, is responsible for the Earth, the animals, nature spirits and all of the kingdoms: Thursday, December 8, 5:00 to 6:30 PM Pacific time, $30.  You may attend and bring your animals for healing.

Mira from the Pleiadian High Council, Thursday, December 15, 5:00 to 6:30 PM Pacific time $25.

Please send payment for the class to me through PayPal:

I will send you a link.


How I Can Help You

I have been doing my work as a spiritual counselor, reader, energy healer, teacher and channel for over 25 years. I am still offering $20 off a session through the end of the year. My regular rate is $70 for 30 minutes so now it is $60, and $140 for an hour is $120.

Please call me or email me if you want a session. Phone: 925-287-8976 or


In Conclusion

We are in incredible time of change. People are waking up and even more people are waking up. The matrix is gone and we are in the 5th dimension, and in higher consciousness.

Believe in magic and miracles, and a perfect life. This is what we are all creating right now.

The light is here and this is exciting.

Have a most joyful and light filled holiday season!

With love, magic and miracles, from my heart to yours,
