Straight from the heart

September 5, 2019

Dear Ground Crew:

Here is a message from Apollo on September 4, 2019:

What might be seen as disgusting to you in these days of Revelation is just the tip of the ice berg. The assault on the earth and humanity by the dark ones is not a pretty picture. Take note, this is being transformed and the offenders are being given their just desserts. This type of energy is no longer welcome or allowed on the earth. You deserve so much better. The destruction is being cleared and what will remain is a beautiful new way of life. Welcome it!”

This is another message from Apollo on September 3, 2019:

Look around you and see what you have not noticed. There is so much more than meets the eye. There is much that has been hidden. As you awaken from slumber it begins to reveal itself. This is the great unveiling. Many mysteries will be revealed, the secrets of the ages. You are on the Golden lit pathway of truth. This is the day of Revelation. It is the Golden age where all darkness will be washed away and only light and truth will prevail. Enjoy the process. It is your journey home.”

How have the energies been feeling to you, ground crew? Since last month, it feels as if everything is speeding up even more. Some have had a sense of timelessness. There could be a feeling of anxiety as humanity begins to realize that things are not the same. Sleep has been challenging for some of us. Our sensitivity has increased. Some are completely bored with the third dimension. They can’t find many things that they want to eat any more, and they are bored with the media, the hype, advertisements, the lies, the music, and the lower vibrations in general. Some are sensitive to the solar activity such as that which occurred on September 2, with a geomagnetic storm. (These have affected me for a long time. My brain just wants to sleep.)

We have discussed this before. We are between the two worlds. We are still housed in these physical forms and are having to go through the gyrations with paying bills, cleaning, working, eating, and doing what is necessary to sustain oneself in the material world. That is what we call 3-D. The ground crew is right now residing in the higher fourth dimensions, the fifth, and higher. Sometimes it can feel untenable. Yet, this is when we step into the magic and the miracles. This is where we are beginning to realize our new powerful manifesting abilities from the fifth dimension. It is where we become knowledgeable about our strength and our power. We are the ones that we have to be waiting for.

The energies have felt other worldly. Sometimes it feels as if we are in the toroidal energy, the Torus, that swings back and forth from the third dimension to the fourth and fifth. It can be destabilizing. One might get a sense of paradoxes. It can feel as if the world has gone mad, like nothing makes sense anymore. It is also possible to see the dark forces losing their power and using every trick that they have to try to prevent their demise, to little avail.

On September 3, 2019, the Master El Morya, came to be with us in my Monthly Meeting with the Masters Class. This Master is for the first Ray, representing the Flame of the Will of God. His main God qualities are omnipotence, protection, faith, and the Will of God through the power of the Father. This is according to the book called “The Seven Sacred Flames, written by my friend Aurelia Louise Jones. In past lives he was Abraham, the first Hebrew patriarch; Melchoir, one of the three wise men at the birth of Jesus; King Arthur; Thomas Beckett and Sir Thomas Moore.

During the class I could see him molding us like the clay, the way we make pottery. He said they “are creating new parts of the new directives and changes for earth. All will be held accountable. He suggested dealing with the big picture not the trivia. We are at the helm. There is much to be learned and gained. I have a lot to say about who is on this planet.”

We could feel the strength in the light. This beloved Master is strong. I have always known him as a no-nonsense master. I also feel that the Masters are just as concerned and complete with the abuse and service- to-self behaviors on the earth like we are. I saw El Morya sitting in a room at a big meeting table. “His activity is to protect spiritual focuses treated as heart center world movements, protecting whatever specific ideas will benefit the human race to hasten its evolution,” according to Aurelia Louise Jones. “ . . . he is primarily helping to magnetize, sustain, and radiate the positive consciousness of God’s Will into the atmosphere of the earth and to counteract the negative acceptance of every distortion created by human mind.”

Strange feelings

By Valerie Donner


Strange and eerie feelings

Of uncertainty and pain.

The ugliness is rising up

With human consciousness to be gained.


How has the old reality

Been buried for so long and so deep?

Most of humanity is distracted.

Many have been asleep.


Is this what they call

The Great Awakening,

Where everything is coming up

For a much needed reckoning?


Have we reached a pivotal point?

What’s this all about?

Are we at a critical mass

Where we can use more spiritual clout?


It used to be too easy

To bury one’s head in the sand,

But now it’s time for humanity

To get together and finally take a stand.


There is a myriad of things

That need to be changed.

Are we the ones to do it?

The old can’t remain.


The frequency of the earth is rising

And for many humans too.

The lower vibrating ones

Won’t have anything to do.


For we are at our Mastery

And we are going home.

We are the pillars strength.

That is enough alone.

Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner September 4, 2019

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. Most of you know that my primary focus of the past six years has been to assist the earth with the Ascension process.

I am pleased to say that this process is well underway. Some of you may be aware that the earth no longer feels the way that she used to feel, and since you are a microcosm of the macrocosm, this is true for you. You feel differently in your body and you maneuver differently too. Your accelerated awareness has contributed significantly to these sensations, for what would you be and where would you be if you were not on the earth at this time?

Yes, you are exactly where you are supposed to be in this now moment on beloved Mother Earth. She appreciates and values your energy and the energy in your hearts, beyond measure. She knows and honors your presence here on the earth at this time. You are her beloved children. You are created from her energy. Your dedication and commitment to your ground crew work make this Ascension process possible.

You realize how quickly time has sped up and how much your reality has changed in the past few months. I wish that you could see how productive you have been and how successful our work together has become. With your assistance we are able to achieve our business effectively and efficiently. In case you had not noticed, we are also making frequent appearances in the skies in many of your surroundings. In fact, we have one of our ships close to this channel’s home while she is writing today. We are assisting her with our Galactic energy increasingly with her writings. We want you to be able to feel us transmitting our energy to you through her words. We are all happy about this.

As we make way to open even more routes for our contact, you will begin to love and appreciate even more of what we have to share. We are here. We are closer than ever. We are aware of and observe whatever happens on your planet. If there is a need for our assistance we will be there.

These times are crucial for the Divine Plan. We recommend you listen closely to the earth and read between the lines about what is being communicated because it’s intended for you.

There will be many lessons to be learned as you continue your Ascension. We will get to learn about each other. You will learn the truth. By this time next year, 2020, your planet will look very differently and your lives will have changed. You will be following the rainbow of light and beauty. Your bodies will be lighter and brighter, along with your smiles. (No, you won’t tooth whitener for this to occur!)

We won’t keep you in suspense much longer. Keep doing your work, follow your hearts, and love immeasurably.

With much love, I am Mira

Other News

I am not doing my Mt. Shasta Retreat this year. The energies were not supportive for this to happen. I am supposed to be doing other planetary work. I will keep you apprised.

My clients are completing longstanding issues. I believe this is true for all of us. We cannot take these issues with us. It is imperative that we clear what is preventing us from being in 5D constantly. If any of you need help I would be pleased to assist you. You can contact me at: 925-287-8976 or e-mail:

We are in a rental crisis here in the San Francisco bay area. My rent just got increased ten percent. It feels like something really has to give. The greed and corruption are untenable.

If any of you would be able to make a contribution to the website I would greatly appreciate it.


Blessings, love and delight,
