Straight from the Heart
October 2, 2019
Dear Ground Crew:
Here is a September 30th, 2019, message from Apollo:
“Along with all of the clutter and the same stories, the light is breaking through the darkness and is gaining huge momentum. You can trust that we have the utmost authority to do what is required to remove the dark and scaly ones who took over control of the earth. You will be feeling better and better as the light shines everywhere. The celebration is in the offing. Remember, we are the good ones and we are here for you.”
My Experience at Mt. Shasta
Instead of having my annual retreat, my friend Cristal, from San Diego, and I went to Mt. Shasta. On our way back from Stewart Mineral Springs, Cristal got the message that we needed to stop at Black Butte, which is a small mountain next to Mt. Shasta. We parked and a message started coming through. It is from Ashtar, a being that I don’t usually channel.
A message from Ashtar, channeled by Valerie Donner, September 12, 2019, Mt. Shasta, California.
My friend, Cristal, and I are feeling lots of heart energy. “We have some time sensitive information. The portals are being opened. You are about to enter the time of no time. We have been waiting for you. Welcome!
“We greet you with great love and understanding. We bring you the Sword of Truth. There are more and more light ships entering through these portals daily, everywhere around the planet. It is necessary as part of the alignment for the heart of the earth and the calling home of the beings of light, and for the ground crew, who have been working diligently for eons. You are about to go home. It is time for us to take over and do what needs to be done. You have called it forth and we have heard you. The spells that have been cast upon the planet, particularly on the light, have been completely removed to lighten your load. We are here to facilitate you on your path. and we have heard your call on behalf of the planet.
“What has been in will be outed. We will assist in the governance of the planet until things can be stabilized. There is an overlay of a new financial system that will change the planet completely. Everyone will have what they need. It is not as the dark forces have planned, for what they have done to you and the planet will be taken over by the light.
“Just because the dark forces say they want something doesn’t mean they will have what they want. They are setting themselves up for a big awakening. We are grateful to them for what they have done and for getting you to a place where they can be taken over by the light. Just because they say they want something, or plan something, doesn’t mean that it will come to fruition. They do not understand. They think they know everything and that they control everything, however, this control is very much slipping away.
“We are today preparing for a big, big meeting here. We are welcoming you and thanking you for your direction and for all the hard work that you are doing. Please know that in your time is no time in terms of long periods of linear time that it’s going to take to shift all of this troubled planet. We encourage you and your friends of the light to know that we have powerfully taken over the planet. Nothing can stop what we have in place. We are here with you. You are with us. Nothing can stop us from what we are doing. We have plans in great detail and it’s going to come forward like a huge wave. First there will be gentle maneuvers; you will see immediate changes, unusual circumstances. For those who are just focused on the material world, they will begin to have little satisfaction with what they have. For those of you who are focused on the golden era of Mother Earth, you will love the beauty of this earth. You will love your new lives and the abundance that comes with this.
For all skeptics with good hearts, some of their hearts will be convinced very easily and many of them will change their points of view.
“There will be many arrests all over the world, and we will see to that. Those who are being arrested will go exactly where they belong. We have never before seen such darkness or suffering on a planet. You have the full support of the Light Realms along with all of us Galactics. Because of who you are, we are going to accomplish everything that needs to be done for you to have a wonderful new world awaiting you. We don’t think that you will be missing the criminals too much.
“We are your Galactic counterparts. You came here to be with us and to have some fun. We do like the fun you are having. You make us laugh. We are celebrating you, great ones.
“We thank you for your hard work and for all of your endeavors. Believe in yourselves. Know who is in charge and that we are real. Our love is with you everyday when you are here and even when you are not. Good bye for now.”
Two days later, on September 14th, Crystal and I went up to Panther Meadows, the beautiful place the Native Americans call their church. We basked in the abundant meadow filled with wildflowers. We listened to the bubbling creek that comes from the sacred spring from inside the mountain. It is a pristine beauty that fills one’s heart and soul. After spending a couple of hours there, we ventured to Ascension Rock. We rested there and went etherically into Telos, the city under the mountain that is inhabited by over a million Lemurians. They have been there for about 11,000 years. (For more information about Telos, you can read Aurelia Louise Jones’ books, Telos 1, 2 and 3.
At this point had a sacred spiritual experience that is too sacred to share. It is something that I am still processing. I can only say that the mountain is an amazingly powerful place. I now understand why I was not to do a retreat this year. In addition, my beloved sister, Melanie, was in the hospital going on two months, and I found out she was in Intensive Care while I was up there. My cell phone service was terrible up there so that was even more stressful. It turned out that Melanie had a turnaround while I was there and I even got to speak with her a little on the phone for the first time in almost two months.
Melanie is still in the hospital and I ask all of you Angels to please pray for her. It still looks like it could be a long healing process. Thank you!
On Sunday, September 15, some friends who met at my retreat about nine years ago, came from Grants Pass, Oregon, to visit me. We spent a lot of time watching the skies because there were numerous cloud ships going into the mountain for that “big, big meeting” that Ashtar told us about. I have never seen so many different ships. Here is a picture of one them. It looked rectangular and was topped with what looked like a man on the top and a woman with flowing hair behind him.
The ship with the man and the woman was a sign to me. I intuited that it was a King and Queen, twin flames, preparing us for the coming together in divine twin flame relationships. I have heard, like perhaps some of you, that this is the time for the coming together of twin flames. Isn’t that wonderful! So many ground crew have been without relationships or bereft of good relationships, for much of their lives. This truly is a gift. We should welcome this blessing and gift from Source.
Apollo was talking to me the other day about “Galactic Power” so I wrote the following poem:
Galactic Power
By Valerie Donner
Galactic power makes me feel good.
I look in the sky and feel understood.
Galactic power is strong and bold.
It can transmute the darkness with a single hold.
Galactic power is true to form.
It puts things together into a new norm.
Galactic power that is true to the light,
Is creating a turnaround for the earth all right.
Galactic power is here for us.
They will be giving us their technologies we will be able to trust.
Galactic power is smooth and easy.
It helps us deal with 3D and not get queasy.
Galactic power comes straight from Source.
It is full of light and force.
Battle for the Earth
Many, many thanks to ground crew member, Gerd, from Germany for the following. He received the information from a Polish Magazine written in German and had it translated into English for me. It is extremely timely and important. “It is from a source from Poland. I don’t know them.”
Source: Zlota Swiadomosc, Wojna Bogow 8.30.2019
Battle for the Earth
On August 29, 2019, there was a great battle fought between dark alien forces and the forces of light. It was directly about the earth that was being fought for. The battle, in which 100,000 people and 250 million positive light forces fought against 1.5 billion representatives of the negative aliens, lasted 4 hours. These negative aliens consisted of three civilizations: the Anunnaki, the Higher Vampires and the Phenoloids (?). The forces of light triumphed, even though they were outnumbered! During the battle, several alien groups were expelled from their hiding places. Several portals were also destroyed, others were cleaned up. One of the portals that was destroyed was one located between the Black Hole in the center of our galaxy and Earth. It was at Sirius B, near Vega. At the edge of the galaxy a planet was discovered, which served the negative aliens as a station. By means of a portal, which served as an energetic shielding field, this was hidden from us. From there, the three negative civilizations attacked Earth. In addition, several small civilizations were involved. But above all it was one of the factions that was very negative. On the planet, which is more like a space station, there were parasites and many negative beings, which are completely unknown to us. This planet was taken by the positive forces and the shielding field was deactivated so that the planet, which is 30 times as big as Earth, was unmasked. Its inhabitants are now in detention there, on several dimensions. Two other systems in our galaxy have also been cleaned up and freed from the dark forces. At higher levels there was also a massive dismantling and cleanup of the nearby cosmos and intergalactic space affecting 403 galaxies.
It happened on August 29 because Earth would have passed through a portal 2 days later that would cleanse Earth and bring it into a new energy field and raise the vibration of Earth and humanity. Obviously the negative forces wanted to prevent this.
It was a very difficult fight. That was probably the biggest battle ever for Earth. But not all negative forces have come out of their hiding place. They have been greatly reduced, but have not yet completely disappeared. It could still take a while until they have completely disappeared, says the source of this explosive information. The battle ends when they have completely disappeared from Earth. The three civilizations with their assisting smaller civilizations had in the past put a matrix around the earth that had an emotional negative effect on us and blocked us in our freedom. It was connected with a parasitic consciousness of the ruler of the earth (Marduk), who is now in panic because he has to leave the earth. This parasitic consciousness has also affected us humans (which of course explains a lot!). The old matrix was neutralized and dismantled, which is a liberation for us humans. The positive forces now begin to create a fifth matrix of the 3rd density for the earth, which reaches into the 8th dimension. The complete infrastructure of the negative aliens in our galaxy has been destroyed. This was long overdue, because now a cosmic cycle of 50 billion earth cycles is coming to an end. The earth is very important, because from here a new cosmic civilization is to emerge, which is to function as buffer to negative civilizations. For this the earth must be independent and the people free.
A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner, October 2, 2019
Greetings, I am Mira. I gladly speak with you today.
As you can see, we are actively assisting the earth. The Earth Council, of which I am a full-time participant, is fully engaged with decisions and choices for the future of your beloved planet. We are excited and pleased with the progress.
Please know that the Divine Plan is in place. We are competent in our work and our efforts are effective. Much has been accomplished since I last spoke with you. We have completed some important projects on behalf of the planet. Perhaps you might have noticed the absence of chem-trails in your areas? A large number of dark ones have been removed also. We are happy to provide you with this confirmation and please know that we have other assignments that will continue to make a huge difference.
Your planet sank too low to achieve freedom on its own from the darkness that has kept you enslaved and abused. We are around you and on the planet, to assure you of your proper place in the solar system and with your galactic counterparts.
Other signs of these changing energies are the opening of the secrets and the emergence of truth; the awakening of humanity; times of being in bliss and joy (5D); easier manifestation; increased solar activity; more ships in the sky; pressure from inside to release issues that no longer belong; the rising Schumann Resonance; volatility of energies impacting the physical body; new like-minded friends and the departure of those with whom you are not in resonance.
We understand that many of you have unmet needs financially and in other ways. One suggestion is to use the 5th dimensional energies to manifest what you need. This is what the 5th dimension is about. Let go of the struggle, worry and fear. Consciously reside in the knowledge that you are being taken care of and provided with everything that you need. If you are someone with extra, give to others with open hearts and know this is how to begin living in higher consciousness.
Take time to enjoy the increasing light-filled energies in nature and in all kingdoms. Every kingdom is rising in consciousness. Look deeply into a crystal, the eyes of a child or an animal. Feel the softening of the layers of protection that used to keep you from noticing the love from creation. It won’t be long before you will be continuously residing in the Golden Age.
We are grateful to you, the ground crew, for all that you are doing, for holding the light, and for being receptive to our closer contact. Without you, we could not achieve what is necessary for the Ascension Process.
With great love and admiration,
I am Mira
Other Information
It has been quite a month. Lee Harris nailed it for me in his September Energy Report. He talked about it being “Grief leading to transformation along with “power.” He emphasized the importance of “self care.” For October he discusses the “winds of change”, “clearing” and “compassion beyond division.” “Say “No to overload with information or too much stimulation,” “live with the higher, magical frequencies.”
On September 24, I had my semi-annual session with my teacher Archangel Gabriel (Benu through Karen Cook). I asked him if he knew about the August 29th, information and he said he did. It really happened and we still have about “28% more of the dark forces to take off the planet.”
Thank you again to those who helped me last month with my outrageously high rent increase here in the San Francisco bay area. I still need help so if any of you can help I would greatly appreciate it.
In Conclusion
Hopefully, you are full of information but not overloaded. We are loved beyond measure and are being helped commensurately.
It’s almost Halloween here in the U.S. Don’t let the spooks get you down!
Blessings, love, and galactic delight,