Straight from the Heart

November 4, 2019



Dear Ground Crew:

Here’s the latest message from Apollo: “The current that flows across the earth is different now. It is much more light-filled based on the rising consciousness of humanity. It is changing the electrical/magnetic charge and patterns that will bring peace. It also prevents the dark forces from altering this current. This makes it easier to expunge the dark ones because they have little influence. They are being removed at all levels. This cannot be stopped. You will soon be in the Golden Age.”

As you know, California just experienced what was called “Red October.” We have had power outages affecting as many as 2 million people. We have had terrible fires in both Northern and Southern California. As of this writing, they are mostly contained and should be out in the near future.

Before the power outages, I felt seething anger from the dark forces. Call it what you like, climate change, PG&E (our power company in Northern California), our governor’s fault, etc., many people have suffered as a result. Some of us researchers and scholars know that it is not just climate change. There is a harmful plan that the dark ones have been implementing for the last few years. However, they have underestimated the power of the people. We will rise above their plan. We will find alternatives to this old energy system. It is about 70 years behind technologically and we should be having free energy. This will bring true abundance to the planet. As people find these alternatives the dark ones will lose their power. It has been lucrative for those who own the old system, but their time is over. Many lives have been lost as result. Scientists and physicists have been killed for their knowledge of free energy. I had a physicist friend whose best friend was killed for his knowledge of free energy. They were both on the run from the dark ones.

On a personal level, I had one day without power due to a tree falling on a transmitter. The rest of the time my power was on. Some of my friends didn’t have power for a few days. My family up north didn’t have power for several days, including the hospital where my sister Melanie is still staying an inpatient. (Please continue to pray for her.) They had to use a generator and I understand it was stressful for the nurses. During this event we had smoke from the Kincaid fire. I chose to stay grounded and grateful. When the worst part of the event was over, I felt as if I had been in a different world. It didn’t seem like the same planet, and I don’t think it is.

The velocity of change is profound. We know this, and as Lightworkers we feel it.  We must learn what we can do to take care of ourselves as we go through these experiences. As we ferret out the truth, we will go through more eye-opening realizations. We need to clear what comes up inside of us that needs to be released. These old patterns no longer apply because we are not in the third dimensional consciousness. We are living in a different reality. We are blessed to be here now. Keeping up with our meditation and our inner work, along with prayers and other ways that we can participate spiritually, is paramount. Asking for help when we need it works. We have the power to use our authority to create the Golden Age.

This is such a beautiful planet. When we look on the bright side, we see nature, plants, the mineral kingdom, and animals filled with beauty and light, we are uplifted. Seeing a smile of a baby’s face, listening to the laughter of children at play, and seeing humans reach out to assist others can touch our hearts. It is incumbent upon us to focus on the goodness and beauty of this planet. It will offset the sadness around us. Being kind and courteous to others, cracking a few jokes at the grocery store, etc., are a few simple things that will help others.

In Lee Harris’s November Energy Report, he tells us that things are going to continue to get crazier. “Crazy” is about the only word that applies to the insanity that is going on globally. The service-to-self beings are becoming increasingly transparent. Can you stand it? Remember, we always can resort to popcorn to watch the stupidity of this matrix movie that is falling apart.

We are in a new reality. The difference between the old and new is unnerving. As we discover more truths about how dark this planet has been, we extract ourselves from the matrix. Our awareness is making a difference. The Galactic’s and the light forces are helping us. Many children have been rescued from underground bases. Underground tunnels have been taken out. One expert who worked in the military for 20 years and has been to some of these underground bases, claims there are close to 500 of these bases. He listed almost 200 that he had experienced and shared his knowledge of what some of these places are about. Now you know a little bit more about where our taxpayer money in the black budget is going.

Years ago, I worked with José Argueles, anthropologist, for a short period of time. He was the author of the “Mayan Factor” and was instrumental in teaching people about the Mayan Calendar.

 I remember him saying, “Human beings are the only species that pay to be born, pay to live, and pay to die.” Those words have stuck with me. He was on to something! Not only is it time for us to have free energy, but it is time for us to be free from the enslavement. Everything that is happening now is for the good so that we can awaken and be free. Lies, distortion and deceit are no longer acceptable. We are creating a new world.

A New World

By Valerie Donner


We are creating a new world

That is bolder and brighter

Than can be imagined.


Beauty and peace

Are the rule of the day,

Where harmony and joy

Will be the pay.


It will be coupled with love,

Dance and light,

With twin flames

Living in delight.


There will be abundance for all,

Whatever we need,

And an absence of self-service

Along with freedom from greed.


You will be living

In the heaven of your hearts.

Everyone will be doing

Their divine parts.


In your new world

You will be as free as you can be.

Happiness will be there

For you and for me.

A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner November 4, 2019


Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I am serving long-term with the Earth Council as the earth progresses with the Ascension process.

We understand how challenging it is for many of you as the earth moves through this Ascension. You have shakeups. This is what occurs on a planet when it shifts from one reality to another. It can be choppy with breakdowns and breakthroughs. It is significant. The old third dimensional material world has not been serving most lives on the planet.

The earth wants to be free from the abuse and disrespect that she experienced from the darkness. She is patient and tolerant, but she has a right to freedom. Little did she know that this darkness would prevail for such a long time. That is why the ground crew, the most powerful light beings from all of creation, came at this time. Remember your mission even in times of discouragement. See the big picture for the overall possibilities that are coming to you and the earth. This earth is a school and you are about to graduate. She needs you and your fortitude along with your dedication and devotion. We recognize that at times you find it difficult to remain on course with the discouraging news that occurs right before you. But like the earth you shall prevail. Goodness is coming your way.

As Galactic’s we wish that we could erase the obstacles in your way. However, we are using the methods that we have, which are many, to purge the darkness. Soon the earth will be free, and you will feel lighter and so will the earth. There are still numerous tasks to be completed and we have a heavy workload. You are working with us on this most important project. We are a team. We are getting to know you better and we love you. We are constantly making refinements and adjustments according to changing circumstances. We are flexible and reliable just like you.

In the days to come you will become increasingly aware of our presence. It’s possible that we could pop by for a visual visit. We hear your pleas for evidence of our presence. For those who are aware and look up to the sky, we are present. Some are having more awareness of us depending on who you are and where you live. We think it is important to establish our image as a part of the Ascension. Again, we can only provide what you are ready to receive. Soon the blinders will be off, and our presence will be well known.

It takes courage to be a part of this grand experiment with the Ascension of the earth. This is the first time a planet will be ascending with life left on it. It is a complex procedure. We know how torturous it is for you to learn the truth about how you have been living. It is dark beyond measure and this is shocking to a human heart. So, it is incumbent upon you to understand that it is non-humans who have used you with their dark ways. Humans with a heart and soul would never harm others as these terrible beings have done.

Needless to say, it is over for those who cannot match the energy of higher dimensional consciousness. They are being removed and never allowed to return. You will be free, and we will all celebrate with you.

I send my love to you and thank you for your loving service. I am Mira.


Other Information


Most of you probably know about Tom Kenyon. He is a psychologist and professional sound healer. He channels the Hathors, who are extraordinary healers from another universe. The website is: .  He has a special sound healing from the Hathors for the children of the earth. It is a special healing for these challenging times. Here is the link to this healing: Click here to listen to and/or download A Song of Highest Destiny for the Children of Earth

 For those of you who live in the San Francisco Bay area, The Foundation for Mind Being Research is presenting Bruce Lipton, Foster Gamble, and Steve Bhaerman in conversation, Friday, November 22, 2019 at 7 PM. It will be held at St. Andrews Church, 13601 Saratoga Ave., Saratoga. $30 for non-members.

 Foster Gamble is a student of Arthur Young, who published a book in 1976 called “The Reflexive Universe.” In his book he talks about the “Theory of Process.” On this 10-year anniversary with Bruce Lipton and Steve Bhaerman’s book “Spontaneous Evolution,” they will discuss the Theory of Process, which could be the unitive paradigm Arthur Young predicted we needed, if humanity is to survive and flourish. (no ticket fee), or: (with a $5.00 ticket fee)

 By the way, Foster Gamble’s new movie, “Thrive Two,” will be coming out early in 2020. If you saw “Thrive,” which has been viewed by over 60 million people around the world, you will want to see his new movie which discusses “this is what it will take”. “Thrive” is the most viewed documentary ever.

 With all that we are going through now, some of you might want to consider having a session with me. I am a spiritual counselor, energy/reader, and channel. You can reach me at the or call me at 925-287-8976. Depending on your circumstances, I can do a sliding scale.

Your contributions are still needed and are greatly appreciated.

In Conclusion


We are in the throes of doing our purpose on the planet. We have an abundance of assistance. We are strong and on track. We will get the job done for the Ascension of the planet as well as our own Ascension. Hang in there ground crew! It will be more than worth it!

Blessings, love, and light,
