Straight from the Heart

December 3, 2019


Dear Ground Crew:

Here is a message from Apollo, December 2, 2019: “The day of reckoning is here. All that is unjust and untrue will be swept away by the higher frequencies of love that are coming in waves. These are accelerating with every day. It is a world to behold. The planet needs help and she is getting it. Soon she will be given a new self. You will also become your grander yourself. You have much to do and you are beginning to get a sense of what that will be. Take heart. The darkness is nearly over and you shall live in the pure light of heaven on earth.”

Many people are struggling with the way we have been living on the planet for eons of time. It is almost as if we have been cocooned into the matrix. We couldn’t see our way out. We thought in the box however, some of us began to think out-of-the-box. We started to learn the truth and to think for ourselves. This is the last thing that the controllers of the planet want us to do.

Since the Harmonic Convergence in 1987, many of the Lightworkers began awakening. We learned about the great awakening, the Ascension, the Galactic’s, the dark forces, and we embarked on serious spiritual pathways. Some began meditation in earnest, read many new age books, went to classes and traveled, as we searched our souls for truth. We found some gurus of various levels of integrity, as we learned the importance of discernment and how to not give our power away.

There was another big shift in 2012 where even greater truths came to the fore. In these past seven years numerous jaw-dropping revelations have come to our attention. We learned that once one starts the awakening there is no going back. Today we find ourselves rampantly discerning truth from fiction. We are often rattled and disheartened with these findings.

We have come to the realization that most of what we have been taught is a lie. All of our institutions have come into question. Our governments, financial systems, educational systems, legal systems, corporations, main-stream media, as well as the healthcare system, have proven not to serve the interests of most of humanity. Not only that, we are being spied on in every aspect of our lives. Our technologies are serving their programmers at our expense. Censorship on the Internet is starting to get scary.There is an article you can refer to that is called: “Bookmark This: “Over 400 Links Google Doesn’t Want You to Visit-Thomas Dishaw.” Use DuckDuckGo to find the article. Don’t use google!

The atrocities of what has been happening in the area of child trafficking and human trafficking are abhorrent! We are beginning to see the fall of the Catholic Church, other churches, the Royals, CEO’s of major corporations and their minions. People around the planet are awakening and fighting for their freedom. They are tired of being enslaved and know they deserve better. Even Hollywood has some rotten Satanic followers. We will begin to find out how some of our beloved people in the entertainment industry have sold their souls for fame and fortune.

Suffice to say, with the rising frequencies on the earth, there are many “nonredeemable ones” who need to be OFF THE PLANET! Perhaps some of those who have called most of us “The deplorables” are simply projecting?

On November 22, I was privileged to attend the talk with Dr. Bruce Lipton, Steve Steve Bhaerman, and Foster Gamble at the Foundation for Mind Being Research, in Saratoga, California. It was a “fantastic” talk with over 300 people in attendance. It was the 10 year anniversary of Dr. Lipton and Steve Bhaerman’s book called “Spontaneous Evolution.” I would like to thank my friend Dr. Mike Buchele, MD, for his brilliant connection between Arthur Young and Bruce Lipton’s work. This was divinely orchestrated and took over a year to set up.

Bruce, Steve and Foster gave wonderful presentations. Bruce travels all over the world and remarked that he found this area to be the most conscious group of people. Steve added his important political viewpoints with humor and intelligence. Foster gave a special talk linking Arthur Young’s Theory of Process with “Spontaneous Evolution.” As he said in his first “Thrive Movie” Arthur Young’s book “The Reflexive Universe” was his favorite book. This process is seven Stages and we are completing the fourth substage of the 7th Stage and are now at what Arthur called “the turn.” The new “Thrive II Movie” will come out in May. If you have not seen Thrive one you should watch it. There should be a video of the entire talk in about a month. When it comes out I will link it with my next update for those of you who are interested.

With all of this clamoring for higher consciousness and Ascension, what can we do to thrive in the midst of shocking revelations? “It’s time we put our energy into fruitfully re-growing the Garden instead of fruitlessly scrapping over the scraps,” Swami Beyandanda aka. Steve Bhaerman in the book “Spontaneous Evolution.” What seems to be the most wise suggestion of some higher consciousness Masters, is to create heaven on earth. This is our job. We go within and find peace, harmony, joy and bliss.

The five dimensional energies are the energies of manifestation and movement into the sixth dimension. We get to learn how we can create heaven on earth. Letting go of all the challenging processes and patterns we have put ourselves through in this incarnation is key. We are no longer in that third dimensional environment. Releasing is the key. We get to stop beating ourselves up and love ourselves from the past, to the present and our new future. We are creating a new reality. It feels like an easy flow and important focus.

We may find our loved ones and friends going through challenges. Everyone is going through something, some major some smaller and every challenge is important to them. People are at choice points. Some are getting seriously ill, some getting out of relationships that no longer work, some are taking their lives, some moving or leaving job, or just popping out of their bodies at a young age. These are heart openings for all whose lives have been touched by these people.

A Recipe for Heaven on Earth

By Valerie Donner


What will make us happy?

What will make us free?

What new thoughts can we have

That will help us create 5D?


How do we do it?

Where do we go?

The answers are within.

We already know.


Why is it simple?

Why is it right?

Let go of fear.

Let in the light


Heaven is here.

5D is for the taking.

Step into joy.

6D is already baking.


You are no longer humans;

You are Masters in form.

Most of you are Galactics

And not of the norm.


Change your identity

To the bold and brave.

You had to be small

In order to be saved.


Be the best example

That a heavenly being can be,

Then you can be in the form

For eternity.

A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council

through Valerie Donner December 2, 2019



I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I speak to you today with all of the love in my heart for so much is unfolding on the earth right now. I am most specifically aware of this because I’m intimately connected with the earth for well over the six years I am a member of the Earth Council. We cover the most momentous issues on the planet and are aware of some of the lesser problems. Also, we know fully well that whether it is a small problem or a big one, our perspective is necessary and important.

We align with you with the manifold amount of energy and work that you are utilizing right now as you absorb the higher frequencies that are coming to you. We understand the physical ramifications of these frequencies that are causing symptoms, some of which you are unaware of their origins. We ask you to take excellent care of your bodies and bless them with receiving these higher frequencies even though you are not always not sure what to do with them. What works well is to breathe them and envision them as light to integrate them into your body. They are helping you become aware of your exponentially increasing power. Resting and drinking lots of water are paramount. Be grateful for your body and for all that it does for you. It is your home that you inhabit and that is how and why you are on the planet.

Do not let your bodies be taken advantage by anyone or any system that could do damage. Whether you know it or not, these bodies are intended to be respected and well taken care of. It is an important lesson for some people who have health issues now. It could be a part of their learning.

The gateways are opening their narrow passages. Some will be called to go through them and others will choose to wait. Some would like to go and others are hanging on out of fear or obligation to families and friends. All are being looked after and being taken care even in the most challenging situations. The limitations of your health care system are being revealed with all of their limitations, speculations and greed. The truth is coming out.

We are helping the planet and all of you increasingly. We are constantly monitoring your skies, where you live, and you. You are a great concern and loved beyond measure. We see how parts of the puzzles are being revealed to you, while you are left holding the pieces to see how everything fits. We understand this is challenging. Your old 3-D world is crumbling before you, and so many of the pieces of the puzzle do not fit anymore. This is akin to how you feel about your presence on the planet at this time. Many of you would like to be on board our ships and have a change from the boredom of the third dimension. You would like to be freed from the cumbersome way of life. You are fatigued and getting inpatient for the New World you were promised.

We can tell you that is very close. Your reality is changing rapidly into a much more appropriate and blessed one. We are using all of our means to assist with this process. We meet and confer regularly with our experts in whatever area in which we are working. We are also exporting forces of darkness and removing them from the planet. They had known this was going to happen but have been hanging on because they didn’t want to let go. They did not want to admit defeat but they are being forced to this time. Your planet will begin to feel lighter and lighter, and you will begin to feel more free.

I share this with you to provide information about our progress and our involvement. You are never alone and are appreciated so very much for your light and your love.


This is Mira sending you divine love and healing.

Other News

A friend of mine sent me this article about a new type of energy that I thought you might want to know about. I expect this to be one of many options that we will have to change our energy systems on the planet. Enjoy!

A Christmas gift from Me

In honor of Christmas and with next year being 2020, I’m going to take $20 off of a regular one hour session (for new clients the regular price is $140, and $133 for current clients) and $10 off of a 30 minute session. This includes spiritual counseling, readings, and energy healing. This will continue through December 31, 2019. You may email me at: or call me at 925- 984-8783 for an appointment.


In Conclusion

These are exciting times! Stay awake! Focus on happiness, joy, fun, laughter, peace, and heaven on earth.

Many thanks to those of you who have been reading my ground crew messages for over 20 years. I really appreciate hearing from you. We have come a long way together and we are almost home. We thought we were ready then but little did we know we had many more twists and turns in our Ascension process.

Have most blessed holiday season and a spectacular 2020!


I love all of you!
