Straight From The Heart

February 4, 2025


Dear Ground Crew:

Here’s the latest from Apollo: “I greet you today in these new energies, with new words, in our new golden energies of light. The New World is unfolding quickly before your eyes. It is an amalgamation and a powerful one at that. It is taking into account the release of the old material world, while the new world is revealing itself in your heart. The show that is manifesting now is being held in the heart. Remember, you are returning to the heart of the Creator and the Creator is pounding loudly in your heart with new truth, beauty, joy and love. The more you see declarations from the the past, the more likely you will want to release them for the beautiful new future you are creating now. For really, the new future is the only way to follow. For our ground crew, you are monumental steps ahead of those who cannot conceive of this new future. So where is your focus, ground crew? How can it be any other way than moving forward? When you feel into the magic and the miracles that are happening daily in your lives, you will choose to run in that direction. You are determining how to let go of your doubts and fears. To be in the Golden Age, you need to be fearless. Uncertainty is a part of the fifth dimension but it doesn’t connote fear. Keep love in your heart and enjoy each moment. Keep making new choices that are happy and empowering. Become your future self now.”

There are many confusing and unsettling things occurring now on the Earth. Change is rampant. One of our jobs as ground crew is to breathe in the change and move through it. We have to be akin to super men and super women. We need to wear our special energized uniforms and see ourselves doing what we never thought we could do, moving through the challenges with power and ease.

As we breathe through the change we can use the golden light in the Golden Age as the energy that clears any obstacle away. This is the Golden Age where we really don’t have any obstacles. We need to be patient for all that we are going to receive, which is everything we need and then some. The divine intelligent plan is in place. We have already taken some of those who are not of the light down. This will be clarified as we progress.

It is imperative for the ground crew to stay focused on what will be the most benevolent healing thoughts and actions that we can take. We are asked to be more conscious than ever. Our thoughts, words, and actions are more powerful than we can imagine. So we need to use our thoughts consciously and carefully. We also need to pay attention to everything that is going on around us. We need to listen and feel into the energy. We need to take the best care we can of ourselves. We can use the new energies to tap into our best guidance with all of our beautiful Light Alliance friends. They are with us now and we are a part of this huge progress which is rapidly occurring.

It is take down time. Those who are not of the light have been and are being removed. The energies that they used to injure the Earth and life on the Earth, are being turned into ash. These dark energies must be removed from the Earth forever never to return.

You are witnessing this now. It is being exposed for all the world to see. This is especially true for those who have the eyes to see and the ears to hear. This is the great awakening and it will be shocking to many.

Right now, you may be experiencing cognitive dissonance with some of your family and friends who cannot even see some of the good changes that are being made on the planet, particularly in the United States. It can be shocking when these who you know so well cannot even acknowledge that some decisions are being made to improve their own health. It has been shocking to some of us to see the hatred seething forth from those who we love and care about. Are you feeling the separation?

One of our roles is to find peace with these challenging realizations. Our ability to accept the programming some of these people have had, will give us some peace and understanding. Some of us may need to grieve this separation and let it be. It is important not to force our opinion or judgment and those who think differently. We can use our energy and let it expand out in that golden sparkly light that will heal our hearts and the hearts of many.

We are in the Golden Age and we have the golden rights as the golden warriors of light to use our tools to accomplish everything we came to do. We will succeed. We already have.


Golden Warriors

By Valerie Donner

We are the golden warriors

Of light.

We are here

To make things bright.

We look in every corner

With sparkling light filled eyes.

We leave no stone unturned

As we ferret out the lies.

The grass is very green

As the golden light is seen.

Things won’t be the same

Because we’re playing a brand new game.

We are golden warriors

With many special gifts.

We can turn things around

And squelch all the riffs.

We can soothe the savage beast

And put them down to the very least.

Just watch us move

Because we are in the Golden Groove.

The golden warriors

Cannot be stopped.

We reside

With the Creator on top.

A Transmission from Lumina through Valerie Donner on January 31, 2025

This is the Lumina. I am responsible for the luminescence of creation. This is what I want to speak about today.

You are highly charged as ground crew with the light of creation. This is a nonstop process. It comes from the fire of creation.

I want to remind you of the importance of your work. This luminescence is what drew you to the Earth at this time. This is where you will be filling anything that is not of the light on the earth with Light.

Please allow yourself to sit with this feeling of creativity and power from Source. It is who you are as luminescent beings. You have been given these gifts to be used for, wired for, this great purpose of the transformation of the Earth and all of creation.

This is how powerful you are and I am here to remind you of this great work in which you are now finally fully engaged.

The expansion of this beautiful golden light is beyond description. It is power beyond measure. It is who you are as a part of the Creator’s energy.

I ask that you fully participate in this awakened state of being. Please allow yourself to listen to these words and hear what I am saying.

We are working together in our magnificent glorious time. This is the shift of all ages in the transformation into the Golden Age. Thank you for all that you are doing and for awakening to this wonderful, magical time on the Earth.

In the love and light of creation,


A Transmission from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council February 2, 2025 through Valerie Donner

Greetings. I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I greet you today with all of the love in my heart. This comes from your Pleiadian family, as well as, the Earth Council.

As many of you know, I have been working with the Earth Council for many years on a full-time basis to further the Earth’s ascension. It is a most worthwhile purpose. It is at its pivotal point because the shift is happening now.

I want you to know how wonderful life is going to become in the Golden Age on the New Earth. That which has been harmful and detrimental to life on the Earth is now being removed quickly and completely. You will not need to carry the fear anymore from what has happened in the past. We are with you.

The spells from the past are being removed. This includes individuals, families and all residents of Earth. It means bringing out the truth, including the hatred of the past. Locations and symbols are being cleared and their meaning brought to light. This can feel like it is all crashing down upon you, and the only thing you can do is protect yourself with the right thoughts, words and actions.

Getting caught up in the drama from the old material world is futile. It will waste your energy and keep you from moving forward into the Golden Age. Just see it as a deterrent and let it go. Some people enjoy being a part of the drama and that is their way of learning. It does not have to be yours.

You are following the stair steps to the beautiful new heaven that awaits you. It is here now, however, it requires you reaching up and looking at what is above. It is beautiful golden crystal light with edifices for all purposes. It is your refuge, your healing and your reward for all of the work you have done to assist the Earth

to reach the place where she is right now. Reach for it!

Thank you for all of your generous, devoted, positive thoughts and actions for the ascension process. It is all paying off with miracle after miracle. Embrace your new future with rings on your fingers and bells on your toes. Dance the dance of freedom, sing and be happy.

We welcome you back home with our love and gratitude. I am Mira and look forward to meeting you soon.

Valerie’s Zoom Transmissions for February 2025

Lumina, Wednesday, February 5 from 4:00 to 5:30 PM Pacific time. Lumina is responsible for the luminescence of creation. Her messages are deep and healing. Some who are on the call say the energies remain with them for well over a week.

The Master Djwal Khul, Thursday, February 6, from 5:00 to 6:30 PM Pacific time. The Master DK, as he is known, was known as the Tibetan and was responsible for the Alice Bailey messages for “The Theosophical Society.” He represents strength. In our calls with him we gain strength and receive great information and healing.

Mother Mary and Saint Germain, Thursday, February 13, from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM Pacific time. Mother Mary represents the Divine feminine energy. When she comes through she brings healing to your spiritual heart, as well as other places, where you need it. She and the Master St. Germain are very close. We like to call him Mr. Wonderful because he is. He brings humor, joy and truth to our calls. He represents freedom, so you can imagine how busy he is now. He is full of magic and miracles.

Mira from the Pleiadian High Council, February 20, from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM Pacific time. Mira is a beloved galactic who is loved dearly. You know who she is. She provides beautiful messages and also invites us to visit her in our etheric bodies on her ship, if you choose.

Each call is experiential. It is $33 and you can also order a recording of the call for the same amount. You can e-mail me at: if you want to attend. Once payment is received, I will send you the link for the call. You can also reach me by phone at: 925-287-8976

Valerie’s Sessions

As a spiritual counselor, intuitive reader, energy healer, channel and teacher, I work with your team and my team to assist you with whatever you need. My team includes the energies of the Christ, Mother Mary, St. Germain, Djwal Khul, Kuthumi, the Archangels Gabriel, Urial, Raphael and Michael, along with galactics like Mira and Lumina.

I have been doing this work for over 30 years and have been meditating twice daily for over 40 years. Some things I may help you with could be: determining the emotional cause of illness and helping to clear that, healing relationships, readings on different people and situation’s, speaking with those on the other side, and practical spiritual advice.

I have experience in the corporate world. I am able to go deeply with whatever is going on with you.

My rates are:

  • $75 for 30 minutes

  • $112 for 45 minutes

  • $150 for 60 minutes

You can pay me with PayPal: or with Zelle:

Please e-mail me at: or call me at: 925-287-8976 for an appointment.

In Conclusion

The Light has the right of way. It is the only way. It is redirecting anything that is not of the light elsewhere. You are beginning to see this globally. Change is rampant. Surprises and truth are being revealed.

The old material world is truly imploding upon itself. Perhaps you are starting to feel some relief of the possibility of being freed from the controls that kept humanity enslaved.

When you look up in the sky and see the light, you will feel the higher frequencies of the Golden Age. Focus on the sky and the light, ground crew. We are not alone.

Thank you for being a part of the ground crew. We are looking forward to meeting you and celebrating in the golden light in the Golden Age.

Here’s the song that I wrote and like to sing that helps uplift me: “Everybody’s singing, everybody’s singing, everybody’s singing, everybody’s singing. Everybody’s happy, everybody’s happy, everybody’s happy, everybody’s happy. Everybody’s free, everybody’s free, everybody’s free, everybody’s free!

With love to all of you!

In the light,
