Straight from the Heart
February 4, 2020
Dear Ground Crew:
Here is a message from Apollo that he gave me on February 3, 2020:
“It is time to stop going back to the past and move into the light. The earth is moving full speed ahead and is taking all of those who can match her speed with her. The past is like a parachute that lowers you back to the ground. It’s something you experienced from your own perspective and is not your future. You are being catapulted to 5 D and higher. This is why you have to let go. It makes little sense to feel obligated to try to take others with you. Each person has their own trajectory back home. Your focus is to pay attention to what is happening around you and to open to the new. It is a beautiful future that is forthcoming rapidly. Let the runaway madness that is occurring now remind you how quickly you are rising above it. Shake it off the way a dog shakes water off it’s back. If you stand next to the dog you get wet. Tell your free will to “sit pretty” as you go into your future.”
On February 4, “Apollo gave me this message:
“The time has come to tell the truth about everything. There are no more secrets. All of you must know that the practice to withhold will cease. The secrets and lies on your planet are about to be revealed. The truth of it will be told and many will be shocked and angry with the revelations. Get ready for some earth shaking news that is about to come out. After the air clears, all will begin the healing but there will be a lot of uproar first.”
Ground crew, how are you feeling? Have you been feeling the intense energies? Last week for some of us the energies were very challenging. Part of this had to do with the Schumann resonance, the heartbeat of the earth. It used to be at 7.5hz but last week according to, it vacillated and was as high as 63 Hz on the 27th of January. Now that can throw us sensitives a little bit off! Even my cat was acting strangely. She wasn’t eating very much for a few days. I heard this was true with other people’s cats. One of my clients is a special needs teacher and she said that last Thursday, the 30th, the children in her classroom were really acting out. It was difficult for some to be grounded.
On these kinds of days if you are feeling “off” it is probably better to stay home and rest, if that is possible. Otherwise, please be especially careful when you are driving and doing other things. Being in nature helps. We are electrical and magnetic beings so our energy fields are being impacted strongly when this is happening to the earth. Some are more sensitive than others and you know if you are one of them. It means that the vibration of the earth is rising and this is going to continue.
The other day I saw a movie by the famous physicist Russell Targ. It is called “Third Eye Spy”. Dr. Targ was from the Stanford Research Institute and taught remote viewing to the CIA starting in the 70s for 20 years. He is a psychic and can teach others how to travel psychically and see what is there. Some psychics are so capable they can even read files from afar. One can understand how valuable this could be to governments. He said something that stood out for me when he was talking after the movie. “Humans don’t like to keep secrets.” What I learned is that whenever there is a secret, there is a psychic light that surrounds the secret.
Just imagine how much light there is shining down on the earth now towards the psychic lights from the secrets! As we move more into the fifth dimension, we will be telepathic and there will be no more secrets.
Meanwhile, there could be some beings with some egg on their faces! For those who don’t understand our expressions, it means they will be found out.
The Coronavirus
I have been asked what I know about coronavirus. There is a plethora of confusing messages and some could be fake news. For instance, did they really hold up a cruise ship with 7000 people on it in Italy to check out one couple that could potentially have had the virus? Where did the virus the originate? How many people in China have it already? How dangerous is it?
It seems pretty clear that it is a biochemical creation made by humans. We know that the dark forces are losing and that they are angry. The only way they can stay in control for a little while longer is to create fear. What better way to instill fear than with the threat of a pandemic?
Many scholars and researchers are providing important information that can be found on the Internet. At least one psychic sees that this could be devastating. What do we do? Do we “cry wolf” and put everyone in fear? Or do we build some supplies to have in our homes for prevention? Liquid (colloidal) Silver is good, Osha Root Tincture, Oscillococcinum, sodium ascerbate (vitamin C), and the essential oil of oregano is one of the most powerful antioxidants. Frequent hand washing and wearing masks and staying away from crowds, could also be helpful. One person recommended Magnascent iodine in the nose, especially if you’re going to fly. It goes straight down to the lungs and helps keep them clear.
Anyway, some channels have predicted that there would be epidemics in the future. Could this be one of them? I believe our role as ground crew is to be smart, do what we can to take care of ourselves, help others, and be optimistic and loving.
Read the following article by Dr. Mercola that is out today:
Strange Times
By Valerie Donner
Strange, creepy and evil times
Have been coming our way.
The dark forces
Want to have their last say.
Shoot them with vaccines,
Make things worse.
Drum up new diseases.
Bring out every curse.
Hold them in fear.
Mess with their minds.
Control. Control. Control
Most of humankind.
They use their magic
So, they can still feel in charge.
While they are using up their resources
The light is very large.
We will not crumble
When you do your tricks.
In the long run
You will be run off quick.
They can turn this way
Or they can turn that,
No matter what they do
They will be hit with the fact.
Your time is over.
Take your toys and go.
We and the earth are done with you.
This ends the show!
A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner
February 4, 2020
Greetings. I am Mira from the Pleiadian high Council. I am working exclusively with the Earth Council for the Ascension of the planet.
I advise you to take nothing personally because everything is up for grabs. You are living in the end of times as they have been and this requires flexibility, the need for observation, and adaptability. You are being re-trained for a new way of living. Please take nothing for granted while you remind yourselves that you are being looked after by Spirit, the entire Light Alliance, the good Galactic’s and all of creation.
While this may seem a bit of a challenge, especially for those who are accustomed to planning out their daily routines, you are up to the task. Most of you are learning to adapt, some are kicking and screaming, and others are finding joy in the spontaneity. You will discover that living in the moment can be quite delightful. You are already being jarred into the realization that time is nonlinear.
We want you to have everything. Spirit wants you to have everything. Your job now is to allow your selves to live in magic and miracles. Your manifestation abilities are expanded. Test the waters. See what you can create. Clear what is no longer necessary. Be open and receptive. Allow the abundance. Rise above the mundane. Be generous and grateful. Expand your sense of self into that of a powerful master and being. Have some fun!
You are held in high regard for being on the earth at this time. We understand how anxious you are to be living in the fifth dimension and higher. We know the sacrifices and the limitations with which you have lived throughout numerous incarnations on the earth. You deserve your beautiful heaven that is in your dreams and in your visions. It is within your touch.
Reach for the stars. They are your heritage and your future. Feel at home in your heart and let your heart lead the way. Higher dimensional living is heart centered living. In you we trust. The very best is yet to come. Together we hold the keys to the new earth. Let the light shine and the truth be told. You were promised that you would inherit the earth. Your time is now.
I am Mira and we are loving you in every special way.
Other Information
In my Meetup group from last month we had three new Galactic’s at our meeting. One was a tall, goofy draconian, and then a Pleiadian mother and daughter. I believe that the daughter was a hybrid. I wonder who will attend this month? Our group is expanding to be quite large, extra fun, and most interesting.
In my January Mira channeling class, she discussed exposure not disclosure. She mentioned something about the Emperor having no clothes. It sounds like things could get juicy with the forthcoming revelations.
The numbers 3 6 9 are the most powerful numbers of creation. When written clockwise, they will bring in the frequency, according to the practice of bio-geometry, the energy of harmony and balance. (Bio-geometry is a combination of sacred geometry and Egyptian symbology.) The three is already clockwise. Practice writing the six clockwise. You have to start at the bottom. With the nine you start at the top. It is a little tricky. Put the numbers on little pieces of paper wherever harmony and balance are needed. Please let me know if you do this, what kinds of magic and miracles come your way. They have been profound for me.
Special Heart Healings
While on the topic of hearts, when we live in higher consciousness in the fifth dimension, we will be living from our hearts. Some people have closed their hearts down for a number of reasons. Perhaps they were traumatized, hurt or abused as children, ultrasensitive and afraid to open their hearts, or else they hide their feelings in their intellects. In the course of my work over these last 20+ years, I have seen people’s hearts held in a safe, looking like a rock, enclosed in a box, or various other ways of being out of touch with their heart. Because I work deeply at the heart and soul level, I have been able to help people open their hearts and heal their hearts. I feel this work is important right now. So, for this reason, I am offering heart opening/healing sessions. This involves working with the inner child, which is the messenger of the soul. The energy goes from the heart, your inner child, and to the soul. Depending on the person it could take a few sessions.
So, I am doing a special to help some of these precious hearts with their heart healing.
Mother Mary, the keeper of the hearts, helps me with this work. Did you know that Mother Mary works with our spiritual hearts in her ashram on the other side, for about a year before we incarnate?
My special prices for heart healings are only from now until the end of February is:
New clients: Regular hourly price: $140 X 3= $420. Special price: $333 ($111 per hour for a savings of $97.)
Existing clients: $133 X 3= $399 minus special rate: $333 ($111 per hour = $66 savings.)
Please call me at: 925-287-8976 or e-mail me at:
Valerie Donner is a spiritual counselor, reader, energy healer, channel and teacher. She has been meditating twice daily for over 40 years. She works deeply at the heart and soul level and has been doing this work for over 20 years. She works with your team of angels, masters and guides as well as her team for powerful healing.
In Conclusion
We are living in the most chaotic of all times. This chaos is necessary to awaken humanity and show them what is behind the scenes. The third dimension is imploding upon itself and we are seeing how ridiculously we been living. It is impossible to make sense of everything or to even know what is happening from one day to the next.
It is part of the Ascension process. Remember we have lots of help and we already know what to do. We’ve been through Ascension before and will masterfully complete it this time. The fact is, we have already done it and it is just energetically being revealed to us.
Hang in there Ground Crew! We have it covered!
Blessings, love, and delight,