Straight From The Heart

January 4, 2024


Dear Ground Crew:

Here’s the latest from Apollo: “Prophecies from 2023 have come and gone. Here you are in the new year of 2024. You are still seeking information and truth. Some of what you were told did occur and yet other information did not prove true. So what do you do after that? You gain wisdom, go within and find what is true for you. This is the best you can do. It’s always within. Sometimes you have to dig deeply to find your truth. You listen to what your body tells you, or what your heart says. You scrap the confusion in the brain, which is meant to be a distraction. The chaotic energies from 2023 were a part of a deep clearing and cleansing that needed to occur. These were necessary because there was a need for light. The light is truth and there is much to be gained from this truth. The energies were murky and convoluted. They were weighing the planet down. From here on stay committed to the path of the light. Cast away doubt and fear of the darkness. Release it from your consciousness, as well as, the consciousness of the Earth. Do not dwell on the past but welcome in the future. This is how you are creating the New Earth. By doing this you are still welcoming in your future self with your many gifts and abilities.You are powerful and strong. You were designed and are qualified to do everything that is required of you. We are holding you to it. You will continue to masterfully bring the transformation of the Earth into alignment with the divine plan.

We are truly walking into a new world because this new year of 2024 does not feel like any previous year. It feels as if we have closed the door on the past and that it no longer exists. That is quite an accomplishment. We had a busy 2023. We had ups and downs, successes and things that didn’t pan out. We had truths that could’ve made our eyeballs fall out after seeing them. We got to see more transparently who was real and who was not. We saw how desperate the dark forces are by their attacks on some of the Masters like St. Germain, and Djwal Khul, along with misconstrued information from sources like the Bible and other important texts. The handwriting is on the wall. Where there is substance it stays and where there is falsity it washes away. The people who brought these lies are also fading. It almost feels like a destruction derby and in someways, it is.

What makes you happy during these bizarre times? This is an important question to ask oneself. What is real? Nature holds salvation for us if we allow ourselves to get out there. When the soul needs replenishment looking at a beautiful tree, sunset, the sky, flowers, animals, and the magic of growth and renewal, can bring healing. What nature requires of us is to receive what it is giving and to take in the consciousness that comes with the gifts. Nature has much to show us.

Time after time nature is there for us, just like our Creator. All of creation likes to be appreciated and admired. This is true with nature. It feels our gazes and hears our comments. The birds and the animals acknowledge us as we begin to acknowledge them. They know us by our energy and our frequency. They know us by our light and our sound, and how we walk on the planet. When we respect the Earth and all of creation, we receive that respect back. There is dignity in consciousness. This catapults us into higher frequencies. From this experience more gifts are given.

Some of you may have been feeling disappointed because certain events happened but are still yet to be completed. This seems to be where 2024 feels almost like a void. It is unclear even for psychics to predict. In Chinese New Year’s this is the Year of the Dragon. The swish of a dragon’s tail can bring rapid change. Here’s a link for channel Michelle Fielding’s YouTube 14 minute message on “2024 The Year the Dragon.”

On a very positive personal note, there were many bright sides to 2023. It was mind-boggling to be able to capture a picture of the first City of Light on the planet over the San Francisco Bay area on October 14, 2023. Picture

Perhaps you have noticed your enhanced self awareness? This also applies to the ascension process as we extricate ourselves from memories of the past, and that also includes past lives. Our physical bodies are assisting us in releasing painful memories. When they come up we get to deal with them and release them. What is important is that we listen to our bodies, our emotions and that we attend to them.

It was also a gift to dream about a Portal of Bliss with a friend and to photograph it the next day in my backyard. 

I am also deeply grateful for our Ground Crew in Action weekly Zoom Light Activations with Lumina. About 10 of us gather weekly to use this powerful energy where it is needed on the planet and elsewhere. We have been doing this since April 2023.

Lumina is responsible for the luminescence of creation. I am honored to be able to speak with this beautiful being and to share her with you. I’m also grateful to share many of the other Masters like Apollo, Mother Mary, St. Germain, Djwal Khul, Kuthumi and beloved Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. It is also a joy to share the energies of Mount Shasta and Telos, the Lemurian City the resides in the fifth dimension one mile under the mountain. I have a special connection with Adama, the high priest of Telos.

Walking into the New Year
By Valerie Donner

I’m walking into the warmth
Of a new year.
Where will it take me?
Will I be far or near?

It feels like an open heart
With history untold.
Where will it take me?
What will it hold?

This open gateway
Is yet to be seen.
It’s like a new revelation,
Golden and fit for a queen.

There’s music playing,
Beauty and art around.
This new year
Is heavenly bound.

Magic and miracles
Are everywhere present.
They light up the world
And are luminescent.

There’s stories to be told,
Transformation to occur.
It’s going to be fast and easy
Like a kitten’s purr.

The stars will shine
In the skies above.
We’re creating Heaven on Earth
That’s full of love.

Stand ready, dear ones,
Be strong and aware.
The 2024 energy
Will be beyond compare.

Thank you for being open
Like this gateway of the year.
The Creator is happy
With your presence here.


Transmission from Mira from the Pleiadian high Council January 4, 2023 Through Valerie Donner

Greetings: I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I greet you today with high hopes, vision and prayer, for the ground crew 2024 mission on planet Earth. We are pleased to be of assistance and the excitement is building. We have achieved so much already with your assistance. Most of you know, that I spend full-time working with the Earth Council overseeing our part in the ascension process for the Earth.

We greet you today with all of our love in our hearts. We commend you for the progress you made in 2023. It is remarkable. Even though we do not celebrate time the way that you do, we honor what you do as a part of your process. We are privileged to be doing this work with such special beings as the ground crew.

From what we can tell, 2024 will be a big splash of the year. By this we mean, there will be profound change that will make massive improvements on the planet. You will be treated to many surprises that will improve your lives and the lives of everyone on the planet. You will have a huge influx of abundance that will make everyone’s lives easier. You will have clarity of your purpose and reason for being on the Earth at this time. You will reclaim your mastery and your gifts and abilities will be put to good use. They will be needed by many, so you will see yourselves becoming teachers and healers of those who need to know and heal from what has happened.

We understand what a treacherous journey it has been for our beloved light beings. You did not remember what you were getting into when you incarnated on the Earth. This is particularly true for this incarnation. Now everything is moving faster and faster, at full speed like you may have noticed. What is needed to be done is clear and you will be guided every step of the way. We are with you and we are surrounded with your galactic family, the Light Alliance, and many precious ones incarnated on the Earth for this special assignment. You know what it is. It has been quite a project.

We understand what a treacherous journey it has been for our beloved light beings. You did not remember what you were getting into when you incarnated on the Earth. This is particularly true for this incarnation. Now everything is moving faster and faster, at full speed like you may have noticed. What is needed to be done is clear and you will be guided every step of the way. We are with you and we are surrounded with your galactic family, the Light Alliance, and many precious ones incarnated on the Earth for this special assignment. You know what it is. It has been quite a project.

The Earth is progressing well. She is excited about her transformation and her healing. She is deserving because it is time for her ascension. She has suffered for many reasons. She cares for her children and for all that has happened to our wonderful beings of light. Fortunately, you are resilient. You will have remarkable healings and so will the Earth. We guarantee this to be a fact.

You have a whole new beginning in store for you this year. All of creation is watching what is happening on the Earth. You are big players in the rising consciousness of creation. That is why you are here now and why we are with you. We stand here with guidance, love, admiration, and unity. We are close to our celebration and our reunion with you. Let the love flow!

I am Mira in loving service to the Earth’s ascension and the progress of higher consciousness.

Valerie’s Zoom Call Transmissions for January 2024

The Master Dwal Khul, Thursday, January 4, from 5:00PM to 6:30PM Pacific Time. DK, as he is known, is the Master who came to me over 25 years ago to teach me to channel. He represents strength and is becoming increasingly helpful to us in these transmissions. He was the last Master to walk on the Earth and is an expert in healing, initiations, and the Seven Rays. He was considered the most knowledgeable of the Masters. We love him.

Mother Mary and Saint Germain, Thursday, January 11 from 5:00 to 6:30 PM Pacific Time. In my work with Mother Mary over the years St. Germain usually comes with her. Mary represents the divine feminine energy. She gifts us with information and healing. We call St. Germain “Mr. Wonderful.” He always has something important to tell us and he usually makes us laugh. He is one of the Founding Fathers of America. We love them both.

Mira, from the Pleiadian High Council, Thursday, January 18 from 5:00 to 6:30 PM Pacific Time. Our beloved Mira has much to share with us in these transmissions. She likes to offer us to visit her ship for a few minutes on these calls. We go there in our etheric bodies. We have lovely experiences with her.

My classes are recorded. They are experiential. They are $33 each and are payable to me at: through PayPal. If any of you would like to receive a recording of the call, you can email me at the same email address and pay the $33 for the class. Please email me if you would like to attend and I will send you the link for the call. Personal questions are allowed.

Valerie’s Work

I am a spiritual counselor, energy healer, reader, channel, and teacher. I work deeply at the heart and soul level so I feel things, see things and information comes. I work with your guides and angels, your team, as well as my team, which includes the energies of the Christ, Mother Mary, St. Germain, Djwal Khul, and Kuthumi, and the Archangels Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael and Michael. I am doing light activations with Lumina who is responsible for the luminescence of creation. I am also very good at getting the emotional reasons behind illness. I have been doing this work for 25 years. I’ve been meditating twice daily for over 40 years. I also worked in the corporate world as an healthcare executive, so I understand what it’s like to be in the corporate world.

My rates are: $35 for 15 minutes, $70 for 30 minutes, $105 for 45 minutes and $140 for an hour. I may be reached at: 925-287-8976 or email:


In Conclusion

We are working diligently with the light to change the Earth. Our energy has been and will continue to be, of great importance to the ascension of the planet and elsewhere. We have been put to the task and we are victorious. We will have many reasons to celebrate this year in 2024.

We have everyone helping us to take the next steps. We just need to stand strong and tall and do what is put before us. A spiritual connection in our hearts with Source is what will lead the way. The truth is being revealed.

Thank you for being a part of the ground crew. Have a most wonderful 2024! I love you!

In the light,




Straight From The Heart

December 4, 2023


Dear Ground Crew:

Here’s the latest from Apollo: “Greetings, I am Apollo. I greet you today with a blast of light to fill every cell in your body and to remind you of who you are as a beautiful divine being. Your divinity means everything. This is how Source works through you, through creation. It is of paramount importance now that you go within and ask to connect more with your future self. The future self plays a significant role in the ascension process. As you connect to your future self, you will be able to filter through truth just like you filter your coffee in the morning. The truth is stored within your cellular structure. It is ignited by the truth in your heart and by the light that is coming to your pineal gland into your light body. Your frequencies are rising beyond imagination. This means that your bodies are now a living expressing of your wholeness. You light up like a battery that has been charged to the fullest. It’s up to you to use this battery well. It is best you place yourself in this awareness and pay attention to where you are going and what you are doing. This is what consciousness is about. The consciousness needs to rise like the sun every morning, whether you can see it or not. This is how you accomplish what you came to do as your future self. So please be careful on what you place in your awareness. The destructive influences would like to show you ugliness to scare you away from beauty and love. Please do not let them do this. Stand for truth so you can be the pillar of light as a part of the blueprint for Earth’s ascension. You are the new role models for the New Earth. You are made in the image and likeness of God. It is time to step into that likeness.

How are you doing, ground crew? You may be feeling a little off or displaced with these intense energies. They are off the charts! So much is happening now right before our eyes wherever we go and even in our own backyards. There is beauty popping out everywhere. You are beginning to see colors like never before. Magic and miracles are happening everywhere. Unprecedented events like the aurora borealis is becoming visible in northern parts of the United States confirming rising consciousness.

Look at this, as you continue to make your ascension.  Increasing beauty is coming to you along with your expanded ability to see it. The other evening I dreamed that one of my friends and opened a Portal of Bliss. I felt the bliss all night long. We both felt that bliss the next day. On that day in my own backyard I was taking a picture of the sun. These two pictures show a portal in my backyard.

Another friend of mine just sent me some photos where she is traveling by the Great Lakes. She says there are portals everywhere. This might be something you want to look into where you live. Use your phone and see what comes up.

This beauty is coming to us because we are in the fifth dimension and higher. We are beginning to live in a world of wonder. We starting to see things we couldn’t see before and our technology is assisting us. Can you imagine how much better it is going to be?

When we focus on what is good, beautiful and true, we are filled with greater light. The fear-based media and some alternative news, tend to push some of the old third dimensional pictures that no longer apply. Focusing on the light will result in what we came here to do. It is a matter of making a conscious choice every day in every way.

Perhaps you have noticed your enhanced self awareness? This also applies to the ascension process as we extricate ourselves from memories of the past, and that also includes past lives. Our physical bodies are assisting us in releasing painful memories. When they come up we get to deal with them and release them. What is important is that we listen to our bodies, our emotions and that we attend to them.

Anytime we get called to do something nice for ourselves like take a beautiful walk, make a nice meal, talk to like-minded friends, listen to some beautiful music, or singing and dancing, we are bringing joy and higher consciousness energies to ourselves. This is important because it helps us to experience bliss, which is how we will be living in the fifth dimension and higher. We will be in joyful celebration as we live in harmony, love, peace, compassion, cooperation, beauty and gratitude. We will be with our like-minded friends and our galactic families. We have a wonderful future.

On a global scale NESARA and GESARA were finalized on November 5, 2023. This is when we change our whole financial system which will bring abundance to all of us, along with freedom. Here’s the link: Phil Godleski. Most of you probably already know about NESARA and GESARA because we have heard about this for years. It is in process.

Recently, I became aware of a golden planet called Christara. This is a planet of great abundance. The queen of abundance resides there and along with many goddesses of abundance. This is abundance that we can access right now. You might want to consider meditating on this beautiful planet. Feel the energy and breathe it in. Ask for your access to the abundance from Christara. Here’s a picture of what the goddess of abundance might look like.

It also appears that main stream media personalities who have pushed lies and been paid for it, along with committing crimes against humanity, are starting to be arrested. It looks like they are shaking in their main stream news fake booties. They never thought they would be culpable. This applies also to the elite. It’s looking like pretty soon they will be obsolete.

DecemberThe Take Down
Through Valerie Donner

The takedown is happening.
It’s really real.
The fake news will be no more
And they will have no way to appeal.

It’s done and it’s over.
They’ve completed crimes and they’ve lost.
They’ve done bad things to humanity
At a horrible cost.

When people find out how much
They’ve been fooled,
There will be no escape
For those who have ruled.

The take down is happening.
It is meant to be.
Taking advantage of others
Is an atrocity.

There will be no more service to self.
We are changing to service to others.
Love, beauty and truth
Will be all that matters.

We will not miss
Those brazen ones.
They are going places
Where it won’t be fun.

Good riddance to the rubbish.
We are bringing in the truth and the light.
The dark forces are being taken down
We have won the fight!

Transmission from Mira from the Pleiadian high Council December 4th, 2023 Through Valerie Donner

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian high Council. I am still working full-time with the Earth Council. Our Council is extremely busy right now. Much has been activated to bring forth the light and higher consciousness on the Earth. We are dealing with the multi dimensional world, the inner world, and the underworld, for all are being addressed simultaneously. There is plenty of work to do.

We thank the ground crew for all of their hard work. You have been holding the light for many incarnations and particularly this one. Everything is stirred up because it can no longer have a hold on the Earth as in the past. These energies will go where they can be dealt with most appropriately.

What we are doing is well organized and well thought out. We do this process with every ascension and the Earth is no exception. The Earth, however, is one of the most contaminated planets we have ever assisted. This is due to the assemblage of those beings who have been controlling the Earth for eons of time. They are being removed and will no longer be allowed to ever come to the Earth again. Many are being dis-created.This happens when beings are so dark they are beyond redemption.

The Earth and all of life on the Earth are in great need of healing. I am pleased to inform you that every aspect of the New Earth, where you will be living in the Golden Age, will be healing. You will live in gratitude and abundance. Your hearts will sing and you will be in bliss and happiness. What you are accustomed to seeing in the old third dimensional material world is over. Please take a few deep breaths as you absorb what I am saying. It is the truth and it is real.

You will walk lightly on the New Earth for you will be light filled. Your steps will be gentle and your illumination will be great. What you have experienced in the past is over and will be offset with such love and abundance you will feel like singing and dancing constantly. You will help others and they will help you. Your creativity and generosity will flow from your hearts. What you create and give with love will be acknowledged by the Creator. Angels will wrap their wings around you and the light will be reflected in every thought, word and deed.

The animals will have a lot to tell you for they too have had quite a journey on the Earth. Did you know they are Masters in disguise? There will be a beautiful exchange between you and the animals. The plants and the minerals will also be activated and participating consciously in your lives. The waters will be cleansed and will be respected. They will magically assist you with your bodies with your healing, as well as, the growth of your plants, flowers and trees. This is all a perfect package of love.

We thank you for your light and your patience that it has taken to hold your light on this Earth and to brave everything you’ve had to experience. You are deeply honored in all of creation. You are loved and respected beyond compare. You are to be revered and admired throughout eternity. In the future you will be able to go places where you will be able to tell some of the stories of what it was like to live on the Earth and to assist the ascension.

I am Mira and I love you. I am so grateful to be with you now as we take back the Earth.


Valerie’s Zoom Call Transmissions for December

The Master Djwal Khul, Tuesday, December 5, from 5:00PM Pacific Time to 6:30PM. We are receiving some beautiful transmissions from this great master who was also known as the Tibetan. He was responsible for the Alice Bailey channelings of the Theosophical Society. DK, as he is also known, is an expert on healing, the initiations, the Seven Rays, and was one of the most learned masters to come to the Earth. He came to me many years ago and taught me how to channel. He is helpful to all of us.

Mother Mary and the Master St. Germain, Thursday, December 14, from 5 PM Pacific time to 6:30 PM. Mother Mary represents the Divine feminine energy and is a steady source of healing for all of us and for the Earth. “Mr. Wonderful,” as we call him, St. Germain, is involved with the ascension of the Earth and especially with freedom.He has been an overseer of constitution of the United States. He always has something special to tell us and he is usually quite funny.

Mira from the Pleiadian high Council, Thursday, December 21, from 5PM Pacific time to 6:30 PM. Our beloved Mira is sharing the most beautiful light energy with us at this time. She often takes us in our etheric bodies to her ship, where we have some amazing experiences.

These classes are $33 each. I’m also recording them now and that is $33 for the recording. You may ask a personal question. Please use PayPal to pay me the $33 at: I will send you the link.

Christmas Discounted Sessions with Valerie Donner

This year my gifts and abilities have accelerated due to my work with Lumina, who is responsible for the luminescence of creation. My work has become even more powerful. So when you have a session with me you are also receiving a light activation from Lumina. My future self comes to assist you with whatever you need. It could be spiritual counseling, reading, energy healing or clearing, or a teaching. The energies work in a variety of ways to give you what you need at the time.

Since we are moving in to 2024, I am going to discount my rates of $140 for a session by $24, so a session would be $126 until December 31, 2023. A 30 minute session would be $70 less $12 making it $58. If you are interested in scheduling an appointment with me you may call me at 925-287-8976 or email me at:


In Conclusion

We are fortunate to be living in these times of amazing change with magic and miracles. This is what we came here to do and what we have been waiting for. There is new beauty with every glance, if one simply takes the time to notice. New energies and empathy, along with intense emotions, can be overwhelming but they are getting our attention. Beauty and wonder rain upon us. This is just the beginning of living in the 5th dimension and higher.

Have a miraculous Holiday Season. Be in the oneness of these special times. Keep your heart open and partake in the abundance and beauty of the light.

If any of you feel called to gift us with a special donation at this time you may use PayPal: Thank you to all those who have contributed to the website. You are greatly appreciated.

Love and all good things to you!

In the light,


The Latest From Apollo

Here’s the latest from Apollo: “Greetings: I am Apollo. I want you to know that life on Earth is going to become graphic. Maybe you have noticed the ups and downs, along with the wild and crazy patterns, that are disrupting the old multi faceted third dimensional world. This can be unnerving. However, if you remember who you are as a divine masterful being, you will know that you will be able to get through everything that comes your way. You likely understand there is no escape route but through the portal of ascension. This will take you into a higher dimension and your consciousness will change quickly. This includes everything and everyone who chooses this path. Many are in a daze at this moment. However, many are starting to awaken. There will be startling revelations that will throw some people to their knees. Locked in the hearts of many loving beings, there is a remembrance that is being triggered. You were told about this situation a long time ago. It is registered in your heart. Pay attention to what you are feeling and what is going on around you. Then, move with the flow. We are with you. We love you and watch over you. You are being guided with everything you are doing. We are here!”

How are you all doing, ground crew? These energies have been extremely challenging, especially during the two weeks between the eclipses. This was October 14 to the 28th. I hope you’re all feeling better after the last eclipse was over. Many were not sleeping well, or functioning at their best. If you are one of these then you are being validated.




The City of Light

Please look at these two pictures that I took on October 14, 2023 from my son’s backyard in San Francisco, California. I was staying there puppy sitting and being in a puppy’s world, keeping her from eating butterflies, or going after bees. My family have a new 3 1/2 month old dachshund mix. I was the only one home at the time, except for the puppy, and I decided that I would just be in the puppy’s world.

Later in the afternoon my granddaughter and her friend came home. I was looking at the sky and saw some amazing colors. I saw a partial sunbow. Then I saw a cloud, which was probably a ship, that looked like a fish, so I took a picture. The next day when I looked at the picture I found these images. What you are seeing is the first City of Light on the planet! It came in with the Solar Eclipse that day! I was so excited I couldn’t believe it.

Here’s a little more information about Cities of Light. This information comes from Source and also from some galactic input. I’m very happy to share it.

The City of Light is a gift from Source. These cities are coming to the Earth to amplify Spirit. They will bring in more light at this time of the great awakening. The energies of the City of Light will affect people in the whole San Francisco Bay area. People who are neutral will choose the good, and good things will happen. More people will awaken. There are many highly conscious beings living in the San Francisco Bay area. I believe this reaches from Santa Cruz to Fairfield, in terms of awakened ones and spiritual masters and avatars. They’re coming for avatars to know their connection to them and their power to access them.This is the first City of Light on the planet and it is anchored in for the duration. There will be Cities of Light all over the planet where there are metropolitan areas. They are in different stages of creation. There is one over Paris that is being readied to be anchored in. I believe I just saw a picture of one someone took from an airplane that is over Phoenix Arizona.

Since this occurred, I have felt a noticeable difference. We can be happy and heart centered. We can live in magic and miracles. We can focus on the light no matter what else is going on to instill fear. We can tap in to that City of Light and meditate on it. It will always help you.

Please share this with others.





From October 14 to October 28, the energies have been challenging. The eclipse energies have prevented us from sleeping well, have affected our nervous systems, and have been intense, to say the very least. Other situations are also contributing to this unease.

Combined with this, we also had solar activity that was off the charts. They affected the Schumann Resonance and things have felt out of sorts. Clearly, we are living in a whole new frequency. We are in between worlds and our
entire world is changing.

I wrote a poem about ascension because I feel it encapsulates some of the things you might be experiencing, so here it is:

What is Ascension?
By Valerie Donner

What is ascension?
It is quite a game.
It’s about rising in consciousness
And getting a new brain.

It can leave things hanging
In the old 3-D.
You might forget to wash your clothes
Or how to play Monopoly.

You might lose your appetite,
Or your taste for food.
You might not like your clothes anymore
And want to throw them out for good.

The ascension process
Is nothing to mess with,
But eventually you will rise
Into a state of bliss.

While you are wading through the rubble
Of the old material world,
You could feel like you are in a bubble
And not being understood.

You could lose something
That was right under your nose.
You could trip and tumble
Over garden hose.
(I pray not.)

Have you noticed
Nothing much from the old works?
When we try to make something happen
We could feel like jerks.

The old world is going.
The new is coming in.
It’s very exciting
And Heaven is about to begin.

Throw away the old.
Let it go.
Before you know it
This will be this will be end of the show.

You might also want to watch this video with the famous past life regressionist, who is an author of 19 books, the amazing Dolores Cannon. Here’s the link.




A Transmission from Mira
from the Pleiadian high Council
November 2, 2023

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian high Council. I am still working full-time with the Earth Council. As you may have noticed, the energies on the Earth are erratic. Change is rampant. We are working harder than ever for this good cause of the Earth’s ascension. Little by little, beat by beat, hearts are opening everywhere. Trauma is being released and the darkness is going away with it.

This feels like a fight to the finish and it is. A lot has been accomplished since we communicated last time. This never ceasing battle between the light in the dark is nearly complete. Those who no longer belong on the planet are leaving. This is making way for a whole new beautiful, clear, clean, harmonious Earth. It’s opening the doorway for the promised land of Heaven on Earth.

Please open your mind and your heart to the magic and miracles that are unfolding before your very eyes. Peoples’ hearts that have been frozen, are melting in the love. Those who cannot feel this love are becoming less comfortable. Imagine what your world will be like when everyone has an open heart.

This is how we live in the Pleiades. We live from our hearts. We enjoy every moment. We live and create. We have fun with lots of social time. We share special stories and we love and care for each other. We explore new ways of living and doing things. We keep creating new forms of technology that we share. We live for the moment. Self expression of the true self is the norm. Everyone is encouraged to create and express. There is no form of competition. We would never think to harm another or allow another to be harmed.

We live a very long time. We assist each other’s growth. We make beauty everywhere. We will be helping you with your ascension transition. This is part of what we do. You will get lots of assistance. And you will be well looked after.

And your future is positive. It is better than that. It is great! We look forward to celebrating with you in unlimited ways, including abundance. We thank you for your steadfastness and your powerful light. Sanity will be restored.
Soon we will be speaking as old friends and neighbors as we get to know each other. Hold your heads up and know how grateful we are for all that you’ve done and all that you are doing.

I am Mira and I love you in so many ways, as we all do.



Straight From The Heart

October 13, 2023


Dear Ground Crew:

This is a pivotal time on the planet and I feel like we are all on standby. Therefore, I am writing a brief message for you today. It is from Lumina, who is responsible for the luminescence of creation. This is what she wants you to know:

“Greetings. I am Lumina. The light is here to stay. It is increasing daily. The energies are powerful. We are working together. It is a light infiltration that is exposing the darkness.

“There is a last ditch effort by the dark forces to continue to instill fear.  Remember that your role is now is to shift the fear. Please listen to your heart for the truth and do not believe what you see on your screens. These are devices to keep you distracted and divided. 

“It is a time of great heart opening for the human family. The Earth is a heart centered planet but was taken over by those without hearts, which is becoming increasingly visible. A human heart would not intend to harm another. It is created and activated by Source. It is run by the battery of love, which is light. This is what brings forth creation.

“Because the light of creation is important and powerful, it can also annihilate that which is not the light. By exposing the darkness the light knows what to do to remove it.

“The planet is shifting from those who only serve themselves to a service to others planet. This is a massive cleansing and clearing. Ascension is occurring.

“Please reach out with your light to assist others while their hearts are awakening and even breaking. Send your love everywhere on the planet. Reach out and touch somebody’s hand. 

“Please remember your consciousness carries the light. When you focus it’s like a transmitter of love sending your light wherever it goes.  It is ideal to focus on what is real, good, and true.”

We have our work cut out for us, ground crew. We can do it though. That’s why we are here. We need to remember that we are great avatars and masters.

When we are around others who are in fear and stress, sometimes we can help by reminding them that’s there are more sides to the story than what is being told. Hold them in your heart with compassion. Love will get us through.

You Are Invited


I have been asked to expand my presence on the Internet. Therefore, I am starting to participate in some online summits. It will be recorded information about various topics like healing, shamanism, and the wisdom of the heart. I will also be offering something free.

The first video series in which I will be participating is with Janine Giesbrecht in the White Raven Series. This will October 13-19, 2023. You are all invited. You can receive a free 15 minute video chakra clearing. You will receive some e-mails with the details. LEARN MORE HERE

I hope you will find some things of interest in this series.

Thank you for being a part of our fantastic ground crew.

In the light,
