Straight From The Heart
July 6, 2023
Dear Ground Crew:
Here’s the latest from Apollo: “Greetings. I am Apollo. We are busy keeping tabs on our ground crew because you are very much needed. We love, admire, and respect you and all that you are doing for the good of the Earth. There has never been a time such as this on the Earth. Perhaps this is why you are feeling the energies of massive change, which can be off putting at times. The energetic shifts are massive. They require courage and strength. Faith in the Divine Plan will keep you strong. Nothing can hold back what is in motion now. The light trajectory is moving faster than the Speed of light. It waits for no one and stops for nothing. Paradise for the Earth is the goal. This is why you are on the planet at this time. You are masters of frequencies and avatars of light. Our ground crew can do it all. You have done it and now just a little more is required of you before the completion of this project. We will take no prisoners and all of the old matrix and third dimensional ways of living on the planet are being removed. In the main, you don’t have to do anything. Relax into what is happening. It is best to go with the flow. Do not try to push a boulder up the hill because it will be fruitless. Use the light and the spiritual tools that you possess to proceed in this final round. We salute you!”
Ground crew, how are your life experiences these days? How are your dreams? My friend Roger told me that the other day that he was feeling frustrated about not doing what he came to do on the planet. Then Jesus came to him in a dream and said: “Roger you are making it way too hard. Give your heart to the Great Spirit and give your love to me. I will be there.”
This reminds me of one time when I was concerned about something and I heard this from the Creator: “I’ve got it!” I wrote it down on a piece of paper and keep it in the kitchen where I refer to it as needed.
It’s always good to get a reminder from our guides and those who look after us. They know our thoughts, words and actions. As we peel layers of the old third dimensional reality away and remember who we truly are, we will no longer have issues with faith. We will live powerfully as divine creators of our new world.
When that occurs and when we are asked how we are doing, we will say “I am fabulous! “ We will be enjoying life to the fullest, as we were intended to live. Doubts and fears will be no longer. There will be no more separation, judgment or anger. We will be in complete harmony with ourselves free from heartache and pain.
Some of us have been in deep and intense grief and pain. On May 11, my best friend Debbie made her transition quickly and unexpectedly. Many of us loved her because she is a bright light with joy, fun and laughter. One person referred to her as a “party.” She loved her family and her friends. I went into deep grief, which I know is a part of life. It is deepening and stressful. I believe others are going through similar experiences. In this process, I realized that this precious friend is not dead. She simply left the physical form and is coming to me in different ways. Sometimes she will send a bird, dragonfly, a butterfly, or a BEE, to let me know that she is around. We talk. The day after she passed she came to me in my heart and said, “Valerie did you see what happened to me?” She shows me and tells me what she’s doing. One day she sent me a picture, which I could wish I could print from my heart. She looked 30 years young with the most adorable animals standing around her that you could ever imagine. She loves animals. Mother Mary said that Debbie left because she didn’t feel she was doing enough here and that she could do more on the other side. She is a busy girl from what I can tell. Apollo told me when she got Home they made a big fuss over her. She got celebrated and she deserves it.
Here is a wonderful video from Bashar about death:
Beloved ones, life is to be enjoyed in every way possible. When you are enjoying your life you are making the Creator happy. Losing my dear friend Debbie has taught me to cherish my dear friends and family even more. It makes me want to not put anything off that we said we would do but to go for it! I hope this will make you feel better if you are going through, or have just gone through, what I have experienced. Please be grateful for the life that you’ve been given. It is precious.
Our Ground Crew in Action Team is very busy. On June 17, 2023 we had a Zoom call where Lumina did a 50 minute Light Activation for us and for the Earth. The energy amongst the small group of us was so strong that it affected the Schumann resonance, the heart beat of the Earth. It looked completely different. You can look that up on the 17th- 18th. What we did affected everyone’s hearts on the planet because we are all one. Thanks to everyone who is aligned with these light activations, whether you are on the calls or not. I know this is a busy time of the year.
According to SA Smith, also known as A Girl in the Universe, we are in the grand finale of the love wave. This means we are becoming our quantum selves and remembering who we truly are. Some of us have a lot of emotions and other ascension symptoms. Old issues are coming up and we are all being healed. Manifestation is also easier with these frequencies so watch your thoughts.
This is a video from SA Smith from June 28, 2023.
Time of the Light
By Valerie Donner
There’s been much in the shadows
But the light is bringing it out.
It’s time to open your eyes
To feel the clout.
The light is strong.
It comes from Source.
We are a part of the light,
Of course.
The light of creation
Is on a trajectory
To shift the Earth
From the old tragedy.
The dark took over
To make us forget
How powerful we are;
They ain’t seen nothing yet!
We were told we were nothing
But now we know more of the truth.
We are beautiful and strong
With love through and through.
We are wiping out the past
And bringing in the future
To remind ourselves of who we truly are,
That we are super.
With each breath of light
We’re beautiful.
We are part of Spirit
And that is dutiful.
It takes magic and miracles
To open your eyes and see
What is really true
And what can be.
We are creating it now
With the full force and strength
Of love and creation
That goes to Great length.
We won’t be duped anymore
To give our power away.
We will stand up for ourselves
And say “No” the right way.
Hold up your sword of truth,
Dear ones,
The light has taken over
And we have won.
A Transmission from Mira from the Pleaidian High Council Through Valerie Donner June 29, 2023
Greetings. I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council and a long term member of the Earth Council. We oversee all things of importance and especially the ascension process, that is occurring now on the planet.
Since we last spoke, a lot has happened to uplift the Earth and help you become your truly amazing quantum selves. We cannot disclose everything because some things have to be kept close to the heart. I can reveal the light is closing in on the dark. Much cleanup has occurred in this process and it is at an accelerated point. Please mark my words about how important it is for you to know this and to hold the light of the Creator in your heart.
Focus on the breath to help release the past. See everything that is bright, sparkly and new everywhere you look. You are creating the new.
You are a part of the magic and miracles.
You have spectacles awaiting you. You could be seeing ships, colors, activities, faces, messages in the sky and hear holy music from the cosmic choirs. These are precursors to the love waves that you are beginning to experience. What matters is that you stay aware and look around you. Notice everything. Do not expect others of lower consciousness to see what you see. It is there for you as markers of your rising consciousness.
Be bold with your steps up the ascension ladder. You are being guided by Source every step of the way. The process is natural and of perfect design. Your physical bodies are changing and you can notice this as well. You are a microcosm of the macrocosm. You have immense changes. See what is happening with your animals, plants, flowers, trees and others around you.They are also ascending and rising in consciousness.
Pay particular attention to how the old world is crumbling. You may be experiencing the challenges of the third dimension falling apart. Notice how you are functioning. For some of you, your body is in a much higher frequency so that when you have to deal with the material world it becomes choppy energetically.
This will not go on forever. We know that it feels endless and sometimes it can be exasperating. Remember the old story is going away opening the gateway for the whole New Earth in the 5th dimension and higher. What you see now is changing from moment to moment and day by day. You are no longer in the third dimension. The old way of life has disappeared. Let it go! It was not serving you or the rest of life on the planet. It was only serving those who are serving themselves. They will no longer be able to withstand this high frequency of love in the quantum energy of the Earth.
We surround you with the luminescence of creation. The ascension is being conducted with all of the emissaries of light, billions of galactics, Angelics, avatars and masters, Light Crew and the ground crew in the take down of the dark forces of the planet. Standby because this is going to become powerfully noticeable. Please remember it has to be done this way. The Creator is in charge, along with many brilliant strategists in human and other forms, who have been planning this for a long time.
I am Mira loving you with all my heart.
Ground Crew in Action Zoom Calls
I am continuing with the Ground Crew in Action Zoom calls that I started in April of this year. We have a strong core group of participants on these calls. Lumina does powerful Light Activations that affect all of life. Our last call was Saturday, July 1. The next call will be July 15 at 11:00 AM Pacific time. Most of the call is with Lumina’s Light Activation and with us working with the energy. There is usually just a small amount of talk. I am only inviting people who feel the energy in their heart and the truth, that this is something they are choosing to put their energy into. If you are one of those, you can contact me at: Valerie donner@protonmail.com
My Zoom Call Transmissions for July 2023
The Master Kuthumi, who was Saint Francis of Assisi, Thursday, July 13, from 5 to 6:30 PM Pacific time. $30. Kuthumi works with the Earth, the plants, animals, crystals, nature spirits, fairies, etc.
Mother Mary and Saint Germaine, Thursday, July 20, from 5 to 6:30 PM Pacific time, $25.
Mira from the Pleiadian high Council, Thursday, July 27, from 5 to 6:30 PM Pacific time. $25.
Personal questions will be answered in these classes. If you would like to attend please email me at: valeriedonner@protonmail.com. After you pay with PayPal vdonner99@gmail.com I will send you the link before the class.
My Work
As a spiritual counselor, teacher, energy healer, and reader, I work deeply at the heart and soul. I feel things and see things so information, comes. I do a combination of whatever you need. Sometimes people simply need to talk about what they are going through. Some may have questions about what is going on now. I can certainly help with all of that. I’m also good at helping to clear energy in relationships and in finding emotional causes for physical challenges.
I’ve been meditating twice a day for over 40 years. I work with your team of angels and masters and guides, as well as, my team like, Jesus, Mother Mary, Saint Germain, Djwal Khul, and Kuthumi and the Archangels Gabriel, Uriel, Rafael and Michael. I’ve been doing this work for over 25 years.
My rates are: $70 for 30 minutes, $105 for 45 minutes and $140 for 60 minutes. To set up an appointment you can call me at 925-287-8976 or email me at valeriedonner@protonmail.com
We always appreciate your contributions. You can make them through Mail: Valerie Donner, PO Box 5705, Walnut Creek, California, 94596 or through PayPal: vdonner99@gmail.com. Thank you with all my heart.
In Conclusion
We are deep in the process, ground crew. It takes fortitude, strength and courage to do all that is required of us now. We are doing it and the rewards will be fantastic.
We are accomplishing this together with the realms of light and our teams of masters, etc. We are pulling up everything we’ve got while we step into our future selves, who are most amazing.
Pray for a perfect life, perfect health and lots of magic and miracles every day. And then note the grace that you live in and the wondrous things that you are manifesting.
With lots of love, light and all good things,
In the light,