A Call Into Action: Straight From The Heart
March 17, 2023
Dear Ground Crew:
Here is the latest from Apollo: “This is what I want to say to you today. You are privileged to be on the Earth at this time. I think you know that because this is a huge grand shift of monumental proportions. You came to be on the planet right now. We want you to know that all is well from our perspective. We are at the initial phase of gathering some of you together to assist with envisioning and co-creating the New Earth. Some of you may be in shock at the “Call into Action” that was originated from the Galactic’s and called forth by Lumina. Others were ignited right away. Regardless of what you are doing now, it is important you listen to the call in your heart. Ask how you can participate in raising the consciousness of the planet to bring in more light and co-create the New Earth. Right now this is a formless form of capable beings who are being called together to make this possible. You’ve been prepared for this before you incarnated. We know you will accomplish and achieve all that you designed for your project. Please heed my words. Back them up with some action. Start somewhere. Get creative. We are with you! Thank you!”
In case some of you did not read the last message from March 17, 2023 it was entitled “A Call into Action.” Some of you were able to make the call so the process has been started. Lumina did a powerful light activation for the group. Some people said it gave them a boost of energy to do more of their work. It was profound. An email group was started along with a Signal group.
These are the questions to ask yourself:
If you would like to attend please ask yourself the following questions:
- What would the New Earth look like?
- What will the New Earth feel like?
- Where would you like to place your energies and your heart’s calling?
- Who would you like to work with and what causes do you want to put your energy into?
- What you do you feel the priorities should be as we step in the higher consciousness?
- Do you have a certain role that you feel you’ll be playing in the ascension process for the New Earth?
- What are your passions for how to choose to live in new higher consciousness?
- What are your gifts and what is your expertise? This could be something like entertainment, music, art, technology, education, research, science, medicine, working with children or animals, or library sciences and administration.
Lumina is a powerful leader of the New Earth. In this activation she lit the switch to ignite the fire on the Earth. It is all going to be new and the old world will disappear. It is already happening. The portals and floodgates of love that only heaven can design are now open. The New Earth will be a place where all will want to visit. The colors will be vivid with lots of new hues. There will be rainbows everywhere with sparkly sunlight that will fill the air. You will breathe every breath of clean and pure energy light. You will see it in everything.
Who is the Lumina?
By Valerie Donner
I am the master of the sunlight,
A brave and holy light.
My energy is present
To make everything right.
It takes courage
To give it all you’ve got.
I stand up for creation.
Some can feel it.
I teach what needs to be taught.
I help create miracles
With love and the brightest light.
We need strength and courage
To rise above the Earth’s plight.
I come from the heart of the Creator.
I stand big and tall.
My mission is one of power
To light the way for all.
I am here to love you
With every thought and word.
The light has its own language
And soon it will be heard.
When you see a sparkle
Or a twinkle on a rose,
That is me appearing
And giving you a special pose.
I am here to touch your heart
To give you light in each breath,
Where you will stand in your glory,
So you can be your best.
There will be another Zoom “Call into Action Light Activation” on Saturday, April 8 at 11 AM Pacific time. Please contact me at: valeriedonner@protonmail.com if you want to attend. Otherwise, simply go within and see how you can be with us energetically to participate in your own way.
How are you doing, ground crew? It’s a bit challenging to describe the current state of affairs on the Earth. Some of the feelings are anxiety, fear and uncertainty, especially when it comes to finances, grief of loss of friends, families and pets, excitement regarding the new, abundance for everyone, the end of darkness, heaven on earth, agelessness, healing, truth, creativity, action, awareness, retribution, the release of stagnation, cleansing, awakening and revelation. After all, we are now in the Age of Aquarius as of the Spring Equinox on March 20.
This reminds me of the song by the 5th Dimension “The Age of Aquarius” from the stage play, “Hair.” Here it is: “The 5th Dimenison-Aquarius & Let The Sun Shine In” (2000) YouTube. Music and song can express so much of what we are feeling. Back in the 1970’s when the play “Hair” began, there was a feeling of excitement. It feels like that excitement is with us now. We have over come so much since that time. We have grown and many have awakened spiritually. We have become more aware. Most importantly, the light is here.
It feels strange to try to plan anything, or anticipate how we will go about making the transition from the third dimension to the fifth and higher. Please remember these are quantum times with quantum energies. We will have a new quantum financial system that will incorporate legitimate finances based on truth and precious metals. Everyone will have what they need. So we are in transitional times. The old control mechanisms are disappearing rapidly. The way things worked in the past will no longer work in the new system. As a result, we will have to make way with the new and help each other as we go.
A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian high Council Through Valerie Donner March 31, 2023
Greetings: I am Mira. I am from the Pleiadian high Council, however, I work full-time with the Earth Council for the ascension of the planet.
Ascension is the focal point on the Earth right now. There’s nothing more important and it is moving swiftly in this process. This is a transitional time for the planet. It is not time to follow the anxious path but to follow the path of light. Some of you may be having recurring dreams, or new dreams, about what you will be doing and are learning about yourself. Some of you may be very tired and need a lot more sleep. Quite a few of you are being affected by all of the solar activity, which is necessary for the activation of the wave of love, also known as the Solar Flash.
Please be assured that all is in good hands, that the Creator is with you, along with the most adept and experienced designers of light and creation. You have nothing to worry about. There are some who do not believe in The Event but they will experience it regardless. The best thing to do now is to allow your body what it needs if you experience some of the energies from the solar activity. This has sped up rapidly in the last few months.
You have a few more hurdles to go through as you make your way fully into the fifth dimension and higher. Your bodies are still adjusting and adapting to these energies. You may have new preferences for food, what you want to wear, who you want to be with, and what you are doing. Please pay attention to what you are doing and with whom you are spending time. See how it feels to be with some of these people. Do you feel uplifted and inspired, or drained? Your energy is valuable and important. It needs to be directed in the correct places. You also need to keep your frequency high and not let others lower it by their behavior or frequency. This can be challenging.
Make room in your life for all that uplifts and inspires you, and for what brings you joy and happiness. Create this in a context of beauty and sweetness. Allow magic and miracles to flow in abundance for everything that you need. Pay attention to everything that is going on around you. Listen to your body’s senses and what it is telling you under every circumstance in which you find yourself. What feels right and what doesn’t? This is all a part of the great awakening.
There is a deepening going on within humanity that touches the heart and soul in a profound way. With this deepening you will only do that which resonates with your heart. Therefore, you will be making new choices and changes that are in alignment with these feelings. The depth takes you to the truth, and, of course, the truth will set you free.
It was set up to be this way so that humanity could find its way out of the darkness. For too many incarnations on the Earth, humanity has had to muddle through life based on lies and deception. The light has touched the hearts of humanity so that this old overshadowing will no longer be able to exist. This is part of Ascension, I am happy to say.
Before you came to the Earth you made a promise to the Creator that you would see these times through. You said that you would provide your light, your love and your energy to assist in raising the consciousness of the Earth and all of life. You were chosen specifically for this time and you have done well, very well.
Thank you! We are grateful to you for all that you’ve done being the best of the very best of ascension teams. You are the chosen ones and you are deeply loved and appreciated throughout all of creation.
I am Mira loving you in every aspect of this ascension process.
What to do Now?
You have been told many things in this message today. Please take it to heart. Feel it come alive. Work with it so that you can prioritize this in your life. Think of yourself as walking in the footsteps of the Christ and one living the life of unconditional love and truth. Incorporate this energy into wherever you go and whatever you do. You are the great ascenders! You are here to dance and celebrate the Aquarian Age.
Valerie’s Zoom Calls in April
Because I am so merged now with the masters with whom I work and Mira, I am now calling my messages “transmissions.” They really are not channeling anymore.
These are the dates and times you will be able to participate if you choose to:
Thursday, April 6 from 5 PM to 6:30 Pacific time, we will be hearing from Master Kuthumi, who works with the Earth, the animals, nature spirits, fairies, etc. He was Saint Francis of Assisi in one incarnation. Personal questions may be asked. $30
Thursday, April 13, from 5 PM to 6:30 PM Pacific time. I will be bringing in energies of Mother Mary and the Master St. Germain.$25
Thursday, April 20, from 5PM to 6:30 PM Pacific time we will have the pleasure of hearing from Mira. $25
Please contact me at valeriedonner@protonmail.com if you want to attend. You can pay through PayPal at the vdonner 99@gmail.com
Light Activations and Sessions
I will now be doing light activations with Lumina in individual sessions. This work will accelerate your purpose and your destiny, will raise your frequency, and also provide grounding and healing. It will also assist the planet. $150 for an hour or $75 for 30 minutes.
If you need energy healing, clearing, spiritual counseling, readings or work deeply at the heart and soul level, I am still at the same rate of: $140 for an hour, $105 for 45 minutes and $70 for 30 minutes.
Please contact me for a session at: valeriedonner@protonmail.com or call me at: 925-287-8976. I pray that you will not let fear of spending money interfere with getting help for yourself during these challenging times. I can help you. We are all in the same boat. What we’re going through now will get balanced and settled.
Your contributions are always gratefully appreciated. You can send them through PayPal to: vdonner 99@gmail.com or to PO Box 5705, Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Energy exchanges work!
In Conclusion
We are all powerful masters, avatar’s, great ones, Elohim, adepts, commanders, etc. We are at the top of our game now and have been called into action. Your service is needed. We are creating heaven on earth and your prayers will be answered. Let’s go for it ground crew!
In loving service and in the light,