Straight from the Heart
October 1 2020
Dear Ground Crew:
Here is the latest information from Apollo: September 30, 2020, “You have reached the Apex at the end of the old way of living. The new earth and the new way of living are on the horizon. Think about it! Begin to feel the Golden Age coursing through your veins. You are changing. You are experiencing the end times. No longer will earth experience the trials and tribulations of the dark controllers. You are seeing it fall apart before your very eyes. All is well for you to live perfect lives on a perfect planet. Get ready! You have a New World to behold.”
We could use a more perfect planet right now, don’t you think? The ineptitude’s of the third dimension are right before us. What used to work is no longer working. Time is speeding up, which is a good sign that we are going into higher consciousness. (I just heard that this September was like a year in one month. October is supposed to be like six months in one month.) Here in California in the San Francisco Bay area we are having hot weather and smoke from the fires in the Wine Country. Fires started there on September 27. Thousands of people have had to evacuate. As of this writing only about 5% of the fires are contained.
Some of these fires are the result of not-so divine interventions. They are the result of chemical spraying, arson, and other direct assaults on the earth and humanity. The dark forces are relentless and angry as their power and control continue to dissolve. If you controlled all of the money on the planet and had everybody else working for you, most likely you wouldn’t be happy if you were having your game end. That is what is happening. Just watch what is occurring. Please pray for divine prevention and divine protection, along with divine intervention and divine resolution.
What is important is that we keep our vibrations up through prayer and meditation, beautiful music, art, communication with like-minded friends and others, nature, animals and that which brings us joy. We need to stay on the trajectory of light. The light is huge and is getting stronger every day. I had an experience recently at night where a vast amount of light came to me in my heart and in my body. I felt profound love and happiness. These events are happening with other light workers. We are transducing the light and assisting in elevating the consciousness. In my class with Mira on September 22, she gave us a magnificent light acceleration. I told some friends that “I feel like I’m packing light.” This light is being appropriated to us so that we can use it wherever we go and whenever it is needed.
The sky was red upon awakening on September 13, 2020. There was no sun all day. It was eerie. It felt like we were on some other planet. It was like nothing any of us had ever experienced. Some thought that we were perhaps in the time of darkness that has been reported to be a part of the null zone of the photon belt. According to Magenta Pixie, who channels the Council of Nine from Sirius, we are in the null zone of the photon belt. She claims it could take a thousand years to get through it.
Here is a poem that I wrote that day:
Red Skies
By Valerie Donner
Lock them in!
Smoke them out!
The sky is red.
“Help!” I shout.
Burn the trees.
Burn my eyes.
Whatever happened
To our blue skies?
The situation stinks.
It’s not nice.
Our country is burning.
Throw on some ice!
Too many people
Are crying real tears.
They’ve lost everything
And are up to their ears.
What do we do?
Where do we go?
Rise up with the angels.
Let heaven flow.
There is no answer
For these horrible times
But to write a few words;
Make some rhymes.
Pray for rain,
Divine intervention.
There’s nothing swell
About this intention.
Be up in arms
With all that’s all awry.
We want normal back
And this is why!
What is happening?
Is this the new normal?
It isn’t natural
And it is far from formal.
A lot is at stake
While too much is lost.
Our beautiful states
Are a very high cost.
All of life
Is burning wild.
This isn’t normal.
It’s crazy, my child!
How could this happen?
How can it be
When we are a part
Of one family?
My retreat at Mount Shasta
I glided up to Mount Shasta on September 2 in great anticipation of my retreat. The skies were smoky until getting out of Redding, which is already about 3 1/2 hours from the San Francisco Bay Area. The last hour of the drive to Mount Shasta the skies turned blue and I could see the mountain. My heart was singing with joy because I was so happy to see the mountain. I knew that I was on a special mission with two other people who were the ones who needed to be there.
The mountain appeared to be more majestic than ever. One could feel the ascension occurring with the mountain and the higher dimensional energies in the city of Mount Shasta. I met a friend for dinner and when we looked up at the sky, we could see that some smoke was coming our way. It was from the fires in Oregon and Washington. There was a fire also south west of Redding.
I awakened to a beautiful sunrise the first morning there. This was the day the other two attendees arrived. With full excitement we went to beautiful Lake Siskiyou where we cooled down and had a channeling. All of the channelings I did, including this one, were from Telos, a fifth dimensional city that is one mile beneath Mount Shasta. It has been there 11,000 years with a million inhabitants, and is left over from Lemuria. They prepared us for the next few days of our retreat.
The second day we went up to Panther Meadows where there is a sacred spring that bubbles up from inside the mountain. See the picture. The native Americans consider it their church and in the early summer the meadow is full of wildflowers. This time of the year they were just about complete.
When we were hiking up to the spring quite a few people were coming down from there. When we got up there no one was there. We did see one lady pass by and then she disappeared. The whole 30 minutes I was channeling no one else came up to the spring, which is quite unusual. It felt like the Lemurians had cleared the meadow for us. It was the beginning of our work with the mountain. It was also a part of a large meeting with the Galactic’s and I cannot reveal much about this meeting. One thing I will say is that Apollo had told me there was a crystal that was brought forth from Lemuria for the earth’s ascension. It was activated at this time!
Then we went to lower Panther Meadows for a picnic. A nice-looking well-dressed man stopped to speak with us. He didn’t look like a regular camper in lower Panther Meadows. We were talking to him about St. Germain and other things. He looked like St. Germain and we determined he was an aspect of St. Germain. I remember asking him where he and his girlfriend were from but he didn’t specifically tell us. He just told us he had been to various places. A couple of days later I realized that he wasn’t from here and that was the mystery.
The next day we had to go back to the mountain to be above the smoke line. We went to upper Panther Meadows and had a picnic. After lunch we went to Ascension Rock and I did another channeling. The energies there feel like an opening to the mountain. Prior to about 1950 the people from Telos used to come out and visit. They also brought gold and paid for things in town with gold. When the military found out about their presence it became unsafe for them to come out so all of the openings to Telos were closed at that time.
We had fun exploring and laughing on our journey. After Ascension Rock we went to another place on the mountain that is one of the most still and quiet places I have ever experienced. It’s a place where I cross country skied when I lived in Mount Shasta. I did another channeling there until some hornets were surrounding us and making such a stereo-phonically loud noise in each ear so I couldn’t channel anymore. It was time to go rest.
Later that evening we were blessed to have a Crystal Bowl Concert. It was healing and a good way to end all of the work that we had done.
On Sunday, the last day, we realized that the smoke was not going to clear so we all came home early. We gave the mountain what we could give the mountain and the mountain gave us what it could give us. I heard “Mission accomplished!” and I knew it was time to go.
A message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council channeled through Valerie Donner
September 30, 2020
Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. You have my full attention from the Earth Council and for the earth.
Much is at stake right now and we are fully committed and involved every step of the way. We are a part of the bigger galactic picture where only the highest good of the earth and life on earth is paramount.
Gateways and doorways are opening so more light can reach those in need to assist with the ascension. We are helping in a myriad of ways. Even though humanity is feeling the push for change, the acceleration of the light, along with time speeding up, are taking precedence.
Some are stumped and are wondering what the strangeness is about. It is part of their awakening. Even though in some areas of the planet there is smoke, please realize that this is a smokescreen and that much is happening behind the scenes.
The landscape is changing and humanity is clearing within, where they live, and along with earth. It is not easy to let go and we are challenged as you are challenged because we feel and know what you are going through. This is a necessary change as difficult as it is.
Humanity must go deeply within to learn about themselves and to create some type of adjustment and awakening about what is occurring on the planet. From our observation we see that humanity was living a lie. Many peoples’ lives were unsustainable. The earth could not continue the way she was living either. Now you have the rising consciousness with many more people awakening and preparing to move into the fifth dimension and higher. We can tell you that some people are feeling the difference. We can assure you that the awakening is real and that life as you have known it is changing completely.
We know that change is uncomfortable but it is necessary. The light is drowning out the dark. Soon you’ll understand more of what we mean by this. Please do not try to comprehend everything with your mind but use your hearts to feel the love and the light that are present now on your planet.
Take nothing for granted. Be grateful for all that you have and for what comes to you. Be respectful of yourself and your role in the ascension. Take excellent care of your bodies. Get help when you need it. Have the courage to let go of what is no longer serving you. Replace fear with faith and love. Respect and honor the process of ascension that you are living through right now. Make light of things that used to seem so important but are no longer are because your values are changing.
Thank you for being a part of the ground crew, for your hard work, and for your diligence with the light.
I am Mira with loving confidence in you
“Thrive II” Movie is out
The new “Thrive II” movie by Foster and Kimberly Gamble was released on September 26. Some friends and I saw it and we think it is fantastic! It’s about science, new technology, what’s happening on the planet and even more. If you’re interested, I highly recommend that you go to this link:
Over 90 million people saw the first “Thrive Movie”, which is the highest number views for a documentary ever! If you haven’t seen it you should go online and watch it: “Thrive Movie.”
In Conclusion
2020 has not been the easiest year! It is full of surprises and I’m sure there will be even more. Keep focusing on the light. Focus on your healing and expanding the love in your heart. Please know that opportunities for truth and light prevail.
Please know that I am here for you if you need a session or want to join our ground crew zoom class which is every two weeks. The next one will be Sunday, October 11, at 1 PM Pacific time. The cost is $20 payable through PayPal. Please contact me if you are interested in a session, or the class, where I do prayers, channeling’s and we share what’s going on in our lives at: or call: 925-287-8976.
Blessings, love, and light,