Dear Ground Crew,

How are you doing? Has your life been in a little intense lately? We have been dealing with some challenging energies with Mercury Retrograde in Pisces that is bringing up a lot of emotions. It looks like after Mercury goes direct on the 18h of March things should start heating up. Have any of you felt like it has been challenging to focus and get much accomplished? We are also coming out of three days of the Dark Moon energies.  

It has felt “funky” as one of my friends described it. Did any of you feel sadness in your heart around the end of last week March 6-8th? I have talked with other Lightworkers who felt similarly. It might have been something happening with the Earth that we don’t know about. As Lightworkers we are not only sensitive to the Earth but we are clearing energies for the entire planet. Don’t you agree that Mother Earth needs it?

Our Earth needs our love, support and healing. There are some hot spots that require intense focus. These include Syria, Egypt, Israel, Palestine and North and South Korea and any other place where you feel called to focus. Prayers, love and Light are necessary for us to create the peace that we believe is our future. The future is now so let’s get with it, ground crew.

Relationships that are out of alignment or out of integrity are being transparently brought to the Light for new choices. One enlightened friend said “The person with the highest consciousness in a situation is responsible for the resolution.” Think about what a responsibility we have as Lightworkers to clean up a lot of injustices and to right some wrongs.

The media continue to drive home guns, violence, fear, and upheaval, as their fear about losing control rises. Some of us have observed an influx of chemtrails. Mira said “They are doing this all around the world to keep humanity under control.” Who knows exactly what their nefarious intentions are but they are making their statements. They live in fear of the Light and it is our job to keep anchoring in the Light.

There are also some strange new diseases that spread rapidly and can keep people sick for several weeks. We must keep up our immune systems.

Have you noticed your increased empathy levels this year? It can be uncomfortable to feel as much as we do now however, it is necessary for our increased awareness and the expansion of our gifts. It might seem like we are making sacrifices but the rewards are plenty.

Victim consciousness is endemic. It is our opportunity to make empowered choices for ourselves. This gets us out of the blame game and into knowing that we always have choice. It is up to us to make choices that make us feel good about ourselves.

How are you doing with polarity since 12/21/12? Does is still fit in your consciousness? Someone said to me today that they think that “Obama is the anti-Christ.” My response to her was that I believe anyone who does not believe in love is the anti-Christ because what Christ taught was love. He represents unconditional love and truth.

Most of you know that great souls such as Christ, Buddha, Mother Mary and others, are composite souls. Their energy is so massive that it cannot fit into a single soul for the work they came to the planet to do. They are comprised of aspects of perhaps millions of souls. It has been said that Jesus’ aura was so large it was 30 miles around. If one touched his aura they could be healed. The upshot of this is that if someone tells you they are channeling one of these beings they are only speaking for maybe an aspect of that great being not the entire being. They can only bring in some of the energies of these powerfully gifted beings from our Creator.

It took a huge amount of energy and focus in the Light Realms to set the energies for Jeshua Ben Joseph to incarnate on the Earth 2000 years ago. Since his incarnation the Christed Family of Light continue to incarnate and anchor in these Christed energies. This is part of the work that the Lightworkers are doing. That is why we must stay focused on the Light and not get caught up in the dark. Polarity does not belong in the fourth dimension, which is what we are in now, even though we still have to be a part of 3D.

If you notice the subtle shifts in consciousness, the timelessness and almost nothingness of linear time, the need to be in the now moment, the ability for instantaneous manifestation, the closeness of the Light Realms, our guides, Masters, our Creator, you will begin to honor that we shifted since 12/21/12 and that we are creating Heaven on Earth.



Heaven on Earth

Poem by Valerie Donner


Let’s go for Heaven on Earth.

What a beautiful sight!

With this new consciousness

Everything will be Light.


We can bend to and fro

With the greatest of ease,

While we find peace on Earth

And all will be pleased.


Whether it is in relationships,

Families, friends or work,

The days of separation

Will make us quirk.


It is up to us

To hold our heads high,

Reaching our thoughts up

Will make us fly.


Let’s keep our eyes on the prize

And when we do,

Living Heaven on Earth

Will see us through.

© 2013 The Ground Crew



A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie  Donner
March 12, 2013

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council currently working full time with the Earth Council.

We are deeply busy working to maintain balance upon the Earth. Our energies go out like the spokes of a wheel to hold steady the newer frequencies and the influx of Light. These powerful energies are a force field for change. They portend the elimination of all that does not serve the Earth or those living on the Earth with service to others not service to self. It is a big shakeup for many who have their own interests not the well being of all.

The Earth willingly gives to all but there are so many misappropriations of these energies that it is not serving the wellbeing of life. These discrepancies must be resolved and this is where realignment comes into play. On the Earth Council we consider all. The Legions of Light focus on repairing things that are out of order. In this manner it functions very much like the cells of the human body when there is disease only in this instance it is the cells of the body of the Earth. Each call attention to themselves and then change occurs. Balance becomes reinstated. This is happening everywhere on the planet. The energy is directed where there is the most need and then proceeds outwardly.

The clean-up crew is working diligently everywhere. From the smallest to the largest, the Earth’s elementals, nature spirits, devas, fairies, and others along with the ground crew, the Light Realms, Space Family and all of life are focused on assisting the Earth in the ascension process. The work that is being done is to keep most of life on the planet safe depending upon the soul’s calling.

The gracious loving Earth has been pulled down as far as a planet could go without losing her incarnation. Her intent to move back into her original state of consciousness is being honored. She has been patient with humanity and is moving into her eventual new position as a star.

We rely on the ground crew to assist with our work. What matters most is not the force of external power but the power of the force of Light. The Light needs to be the focus for this work will revamp the planet. It is the reason that we are working together towards this vision.

See the big picture now of how every thought matters and every act of caring, loving kindness to all creatures is a part of creating Heaven on Earth. When you live this way you are in resonance with each other with the new energetic template on the Earth. You are the co-creators of Heaven on Earth.

This is a reminder that we are working together for a consistent purpose as a part of the Divine Plan.

We love you and appreciate all that you are doing towards this cause.

I am Mira in loving service to the Earth.



In Conclusion

We are the ground crew and we are doing our work. For this work there will be many rewards most especially our ability to create our Heaven on Earth. Let’s work together towards this end.

Some of you have expressed interest in my sessions so I am including a detailed description of how I work. Please contact me if you have any questions.

Blessings, love and Light,

Valerie Donner


©2013 The Ground Crew




 Sessions with Valerie Donner

Working deeply at the heart soul level, which is where the healing needs to occur, Valerie uses her gifts of clairsentience, clairvoyance, claircognizance and clairaudience. She has been meditating twice daily for over 40 years so this enables her to go in depth from her heart when working with people. She has been doing healing work for 15 years and has helped thousands of clients.

She invites her client’s team of their own guides, Archangel, Angels and Masters, as well as her own team such as the energies of the Christ, Mother Mary, St. Germain, Kuthumi, Djwal Khul, the Archangels Gabriel, Uriel, Michael and Raphael, the Native American healers, and others, to be with you when the session starts. As she begins running the energy, information comes to her and she will give you a message. From there the session goes accordingly and includes a combination of spiritual counseling, energy healing, intuitive readings, channeling and teaching. It depends upon the clients’ wishes for the session.

Valerie works with quantum healing because it is a blend of the spiritual body, mental, emotional and physical body. Disease starts at the spiritual level, goes to the mental, the emotional and then the physical body. She gets out of the way so the energies of our Creator can work through her.

Some benefits of having a session include:

  • Greater understanding and clearing of emotional issues with relationships including with those on the other side
  • Energy healing for physical issues as well as from trauma, abuse and addictions
  • Clarity, direction and guidance
  • Release of negative energies
  • Deepening the connection with the inner child and your soul
  • Help with spiritual growth
  • Readings from hour angels and guides
  • Aligned chakras
  • Clearing out of old core issues like fear of being unlovable, fear of the future, fear of being alone or not good enough
  • Insight into your divine purpose
  • Improved self-empowerment and self esteem
  • Feeling lighter and more positive

Valerie also does channelings and readings.

Sessions are available by phone or in person.   Please contact Valerie at: or by phone: 925-287-8976   Rates are: $60 for 30 minutes, plus $30 for each 15 minute increments. Sliding scales are possible for those who need them.


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