Straight from the Heart
March 27, 2020
Dear Ground Crew:
How are you doing ground crew? I pray you are finding ways to creatively maneuver through these most challenging times. We are receiving the utmost support from the Light Alliance, Angels, our higher selves and creation. The other day Apollo said:
“This is only temporary. The best is yet to come.” When I start to feel a little stress I remind myself of what he said. I also tell myself “Spirit has my back.”
The intention of this update is to provide upliftment. Aside from a few waves of sadness, I have a happy heart. I feel an abundance of love in my heart and know that this is how we are going to be living. It is the fifth dimensional and higher energies that we have been promised and working towards. The blissful state is here for us now if we meditate and choose to do our inner work. If we choose love not fear we are there. Keeping our vibrations high is a requisite.
The following is a message from Apollo on March 24, 2020:
“The earth is like a merry-go-round right now. Where it stops nobody knows. The world is changing by the minute. Everything is evolving and revolving. It can be dizzying and that is why being grounded, centered, and balanced is key. Do whatever you need to do to achieve this state. From this you will stay calm.
“You and the planet are ascending. The old will end and you will have little memory of it. What is becoming important are the people close to you, getting rest, love, support, and enjoyment in everyday. Whatever is twisted will get straightened out. What is most important will be taken care of. Your hearts are opening and you must let go of fear. It doesn’t belong where you are going. The light has already won. Listen carefully and know you will always know where to go and what to do. We are with you in the oneness of all of life.”
On March 17, 2020, Apollo wrote the following: “There is no escaping the path that is before you. These are all of the necessary steps to take on the return trip home. Visibility, probability, and random thoughts and new beginnings, the truth and light are all working together for the final revelations at hand. Big adjustments and adaptations are required to move through these times of uncertainty. Everything is going as planned. It is working for a complete overhaul of the planet in order for the light and life to flourish. The dark forces are losing control and are being reminded of who is in charge. Remember, also, that you are part of the divine and that you are here and will have everything that you need. Stay in touch with each other and keep as balanced as you can. We are with you and you will move through these turbulent days.”
When I first started writing this message on the 24th, it felt like there was a semblance of normality. The gardeners came and mowed the grass. Another favorite restaurant opened for take out. The roots of my hair didn’t show too badly even though they were due for coloring that day. (Hair and nails are not considered essential. I’m wondering what man determined that?) There was an energy shift that day. Perhaps if it was because the president presented the thought that this could be over sooner than expected.
I have been inundated with information from texts, email, the internet, phone calls, my own intuition and channelings. Most of my friends are Lightworkers and are excited about these occurrences in which we are now living. New opportunities with technology are popping up. Even my granddaughter is able to Zoom with her friends who can’t go to school right now. It’s wonderful that we have this form of communication along with Face Time, etc. My granddaughter told me that with Face Time you can have up to eight people on the call and I didn’t even know that!
Famous psychic Sylvia Browne wrote a book in 2012 called “End of Days.” She predicted this: “In around 2020 a severe pneumonia like illness will spread throughout the globe, attacking the lungs and the bronchial tubes and resisting known treatments. Almost more baffling than the illness itself will be the fact that it will suddenly vanish as quickly as it arrived, attack again years later, and then disappear completely.”
This truly is a battle between the light and dark. The dark know that it is over for them but they are pulling their last-ditch efforts to take down our economy in the US as well as others. They planned what is going on now but I believe they still underestimated us.
Here is a few examples: Most earthquakes are not regular earthquakes but the Galactic’s blowing up the deep underground military bases that are very dark. The Vatican is going down. Many powerful CEOs are resigning. Some famous people are claiming to have the virus but could actually be getting arrested for crimes against humanity. The British Royal family is falling. The mainstream media is losing control and some reporters are actually telling the truth. Facebook, Google and YouTube have had their algorithms changed so they can no longer censor.
Social Distancing
By Valerie Donner
Shelter in place.
Don’t touch your face.
If you are healthy
You are living in grace.
Stay 6 feet away
Is what you do,
Then you won’t get
The CO-VID 19 flu.
Bring out your mask.
Wash your hands.
The special sanitizer
Is in great demand.
Wash your clothes daily.
Don’t touch those boxes.
Stay away from plastic.
Get takeout and the special washes.
Learn to cook.
Wash your cash.
Don’t spread the virus.
What more can they ask?
Stop driving.
Work at home.
Be with friends and family.
Get the job done.
Think oneness much
More than can be said.
Focus on love
And not fear and dread.
We are moving
Into a new dimension.
Our energies are getting refined.
We’ll get our directions.
Stay out of fear.
Kiss it goodbye.
Before you know it
The CO-VID 19 won’t touch a fly.
Keep your spirits up.
Don’t let them droop.
There is still plenty to clear.
And you will get the scoop.
Look out your window
For freedom do yearn.
Just remember this:
Humanity has a lot to learn.
A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner, March 26, 2020
I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council and also a member of the Earth Council. I greet you today with love and the utmost respect for all of the brave ones going through the turmoil on the earth right now
We are concerned that many of you are stretched at this time. Little did you know that you would be experiencing the crossroads of Ascension in such an extreme way. However, we have faith in you, ground crew, and know that you are up to the task. You are the most masterful Masters of creation and the most angelic ones with courageous hearts.
We on the Earth Council take your temperatures, measure your emotions and blood pressure, and are constantly assessing your well-being. We know what you are going through and we have compassion. We are intervening where you are stretched and have needs. Please understand that with this monitoring as long as you stay out of fear you will have everything you need. It is your job to spread the blessings of love, calm, peace, and joy in your daily life. You live in higher dimensions than most of those on the earth. You can do this and meet the requirements as further steps along your Ascension pathway.
The Gateway is open and there is a separating of the wheat and the chaff. Most of you have completed your souls’ desires in the third dimensional experience. As a result, your work is in the higher dimensions. We appreciate all that you are doing with us in the dream state as well as in the awakened.
Due to the rising consciousness, we will be able to show more of our presence. Please feel free to call upon me and your other Galactic friends to show themselves and to be of assistance. We are in this together. As this process continues, you may have your ups and downs. Please be assured that the downs will be few compared to the ups.
We are pleased to see the healing that is occurring on the earth with out the trampling around. The earth needs to rest and so does humanity. You can take part of what is going on now with the confinement as healing for all. Even though there is fear and stress with much of humanity, you will get through it. The third dimensional lifestyle has taken its toll. It has only served those at the top although there has been a benefit for others, it has not served most of humanity.
Adjustments are necessary. For many they are being made begrudgingly. We understand your numerous disappointments and the necessity of finding new ways to meet your needs. Trust this will come to pass and the inconveniences that you are experiencing now will lessen so that you can thrive in the future.
I am Mira sending your, love, assistance, high level healing energies, truth and support. We are one.
Other information
Important Message from Kymberlee Ruff, MFT
Messenger of the Hopi/Tibetan Prophecy with Grandfather Martin Gashweseoma and Ven. Bhakha Tulku Rinpoche:
The Pandemic and the Native American Prophesies
Another Message from White Eagle, Hopi indigenous on 03/16/2020:
“This moment humanity is going through can now be seen as a portal and as a hole. The decision to fall into the hole or go through the portal is up to you. If they repent of the problem and consume the news 24 hours a day, with little energy, nervous all the time, with pessimism, they will fall into the hole. But if you take this opportunity to look at yourself, rethink life and death, take care of yourself and others, you will cross the portal. Take care of your home, take care of your body. Connect with the middle body of your spiritual House. Connect to the egregor of your spiritual home. Body, house, medium body, spiritual house, all this is synonymous, that is to say the same. When you are taking care of one, you are taking care of everything else. Do not lose the spiritual dimension of this crisis, have the aspect of the eagle, which from above, sees the whole, sees more widely. There is a social demand in this crisis, but there is also a spiritual demand. The two go hand in hand. Without the social dimension, we fall into fanaticism. But without the spiritual dimension, we fall into pessimism and lack of meaning. You were prepared to go through this crisis. Take your toolbox and use all the tools at your disposal. Learn about resistance with indigenous and African peoples: we have always been and continue to be exterminated. But we still haven’t stopped singing, dancing, lighting a fire and having fun. Don’t feel guilty about being happy during this difficult time. You don’t help at all by being sad and without energy. It helps if good things emanate from the Universe now. It is through joy that one resists. Also, when the storm passes, you will be very important in the reconstruction of this new world. You need to be well and strong. And, for that, there is no other way than to maintain a beautiful, happy and bright vibration. This has nothing to do with alienation. This is a resistance strategy. In shamanism, there is a rite of passage called the quest for vision. You spend a few days alone in the forest, without water, without food, without protection. When you go through this portal, you get a new vision of the world, because you have faced your fears, your difficulties … This is what is asked of you. Let them take advantage of this time to perform their vision seeking rituals. What world do you want to build for yourself? For now, this is what you can do: serenity in the storm. Calm down and pray. Everyday. Establish a routine to meet the sacred every day. Good things emanate, what you emanate now is the most important thing. And sing, dance, resist through art, joy, faith and love. “Resiste – Renace
Mainstream Media taken over by White Hats, DUMBS bombed by Alliance, Vatican Arrest Updates, & more
The Event 2020 Planetary DNA Activation in Progress:
There has been an upsurge of toilet paper jokes. The laughter from these funnies can help offset the negative. Some people are amazingly creative. Here’s a couple to tickle the funny bone:
Heart of the Mountain Retreat
My Heart of the Mountain Retreat at Mount Shasta scheduled for July 23-26 is still within the realm of possibility but is also on hold due to the current circumstances. We have to wing it just like everything else now.
Sessions with Valerie
Beloved ground crew, I know that some of you might like to have a session with me for spiritual counseling, readings, healings, energy work or channelings. I am pleased to offer a sliding scale to help those of you who need my work and are having some financial challenges at this time. You may e-mail me at the or call me at 925-287-8976.
In Conclusion
We are in the throws of it, Ground Crew. Most of us are working diligently for the Ascension that is occurring. This year is pivotal and is bringing about profound change. We have to help each other, trust the plan, and know that this is something big. We are here for this now moment.
Blessings, Love, Truth, and Light,