Dear Ground Crew,
Could it be that you are feeling the intensity of these changing energies? Are you looking more deeply at the news and feeling that it is off? Are you having multi-dimensional dreams? Do you have any unusual health challenges? Do you feel like it is almost time for our space family to face us? Does the material world feel like it is a runaway train? How unreal is the old reality feeling to you? Do you ever wish you had a magic wand that could help clean up the Earth? Are you looking for love and finding it in many more places? Does it appear that people are beginning to wake up? Does it break your heart to hear about radiation and acts of man’s inhumanity to man? If you answered “Yes” to at least three of these questions you are rising in consciousness. Yes, we are in the process of ascending. We can’t do it holding onto the past. We are doing it by assimilating Light. The Light is everywhere present and we can feel the love that is coming along with it. Today we are mourning the loss of Nelson Mandela. He was a profound Light on the planet for 95 years. As an Ascended Master, Mandela helped rid South Africa of apartheid. He was a world teacher of major importance. Can’t you just feel his presence (huge) from the other side looking down upon us? Did you know that there have been times on the Earth when it was so dark that there was only one soul here that kept the planet alive? It could have been someone like Mandela. Now we are assuredly in the multi-millions of ground crew here to usher in the new Earth, the age of Light. Today a beloved Lightworker from the Illinois area of the U.S. called me. She has had a meditation group of at least 14 people for 30 years. She wanted to know what we as Lightworkers should be focusing on now. I was so impressed with her longstanding meditation group I was almost speechless but told her I would make some suggestions:
These are a few simple suggestions for what we can do now. You can always add to the list. Take what you like and leave the rest. The other day I was driving on the freeway when something unusual happened. I saw a red-handled hammer come flying into my car and heard a big crash. I kept driving and waited until I got home to see the damage. The hammer was completely embedded in my right front headlight. The headlight was shattered and had to be replaced. Since I like to look at the big picture I went within to get meaning from the experience. How about “The darkness is getting caught up in the Light”? I feel so blessed not to have been injured or that my car was not damaged any place other than the headlight. We are protected. That’s why we still need to pay attention. People are kind of crazy this time of the year. There have been many accidents in this area. Have you noticed this in your area?
A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner December 6, 2013 Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council serving on the Earth Council. I greet you with love. We are very close. We have expanded our mission according to circumstances on the Earth as well as around the Earth. I think you know what I mean. There is a lot that you are not being told right now. I cannot tell you much either for it is not my job. Soon you will begin to hear from others. Some of the communication will actually come from those who should have informed you in the first place. It is impossible to hide the truth now. We want you to know that we love you and have your best interests in mind. It is good that we are focused on you and you can reciprocate by focusing on us too. Not only does it make our jobs more enjoyable because we feel welcomed but it lets us know that you ready to meet us. We are busy coordinating and managing chaos to a large degree. We are working with massive teams and intelligence due to the hazardous conditions on your planet. We need humanity’s cooperation. We need you to be ready to make changes. The Earth is moving ahead with her plans for her ascension. The earth changes will continue regardless. The extreme weather conditions will also continue. Please remember that life as you have known it will not be the same. This is what last year was about. As you rise in consciousness and prepare to meet higher consciousness beings you need to make many internal changes. It could be exciting for you and exactly what you have been waiting for. Can you feel that something substantial is on its way? Always trust your intuition, not what you hear from some outside sources. You will be moving into a more natural state of being and doing. It is natural for you to know various things. You will be looking inwardly rather than having to rely on others like you have in the past. Your planet is spinning out of control and your time as you have known it is ceasing to exist. You will have little choice but to be in the present time. We understand that it is challenging for you to be told some of this, yet is it necessary to bring new truth and understanding. This is for your highest good. You will be compensated with great love and Light, healing and a sense of wellbeing in spite of what is going on around you. Stay grounded and reach up to skies and heaven above you. Let the Light come to you to activate your cells and consciousness in the quantum field of energy that some of you are beginning to understand. To further our mission and yours it is important that we learn to work together. We are your friends and family. We love you and have the utmost appreciation for you. I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council.
Special Discount! If any of you need help please remember that I am a spiritual counselor, energy healer, channel, and teacher and that I also do readings. I clear energy and can help you further your path. You might want to give yourself a Christmas gift of a session or gift one to someone else who needs it. I also have Gift Certificates. If you order a session now I will give you a 20% discount just for being a part of the ground crew.
In Conclusion As Lightworkers, we are becoming increasingly drawn to each other. We are working diligently at night on the other side as well as here in the day time in this unreal world. We are realizing the illusion of the third dimension and that as we come together in the oneness we have much in common. Becoming a Master doesn’t mean you have all of the answers so if you don’t know what to do about something simply trust that you will figure it out. Please don’t get discouraged by the big jobs that must be done now. It is all in the hands of the Creator. Our boss will guide us in the most divine way possible. Our space family and the Light Realms love us immensely. Their love is coming through like there is no tomorrow. Our love is expanding with the speed of Light too. Catch the wave of love and Light and make your holiday season extra bright. Have a most wondrous Holiday Season! Here’s to a divine 2014! I love you! Blessings, love and bright Light, Valerie
©2013 The Ground Crew
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