Dear Ground Crew:
This will be a short update. I have important information from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council that I will be sharing in more depth in my update later this week.
In my March 21 class she informed us that she will be stepping down from the Pleiadian High Council to focus fulll time on the Earth Council. An alternate will take her place on the Pleiadian High Council.
You can interpret this in various ways, but it seems obvious that her full attention on the Earth is needed right now. We are loved and blessed by our Pleiadian family. Mira is dedicated to the Earth’s evolution.
May 3rd thru May 24th
These times of spiritual, emotional and physical change are challenging, so Valerie Donner and Noorah Hansen have created this series of tele-conference classes to offer support and insight for challenges found in relationships, health, finances, housing, and employment, along with other areas of your Life!!
This class will help you:
- Learn techniques on how to release fears and heal core issues.
- Receive deep insight into finding your truth.
- Become comfortable in embodying the divine feminine energy.
- To release feelings of being a victim and to become empowered.
- Develop your intuition.
- Adjust and adapt to the higher frequencies of 2012.
From this class you will receive:
- The ability to get unstuck
- Inspiration with new motivation to take action
- Expanded awareness in all areas of your life
- A feeling of upliftment and trust
- Answers to questions about your next steps
- Increased strength and clarity to follow through
- Tools for continued transformation
May 3rd Class #1 – Transmuting Fear into Heart-Centered Actions
May 10th Class #2 – Empower and Embody your Authentic Self
May 17th Class #3 – Awaken to your Feminine Power
May 24th Class #4 – Learn How to Live in the Higher Frequencies of 2012
Four 90 minute classes will be held on Thursdays,
6-6:30PM Pacific Time, 8-9:30PM Eastern Time.
Investment for the four classes is $197.00
Payable through PayPal by clicking here!
Or send a check to: Valerie Donner, P.O. Box 5705,
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
Payment is due by May 1st.
Both Noorah Hansen and Valerie Donner have been meditating regularly for 30-40 years and realized they were on similar paths when they met twelve years ago at Mount Shasta. They both work with the Masters, the Archangels, and other beings from the Light Realms.

Valerie Donner is a spiritual counselor, energy healer, reader, channel, teacher, and the founder of website. She works internationally and has taught numerous classes on spiritual growth, healing, spiritual relationships, and development. Valerie also does annual retreats at Mount Shasta. She may be reached at: 925-287-8976 or by email:
 Noorah Hansen facilitates Sacred Soul Circles for women world-wide, in Hawaii, England, The Grand Tetons, and Mt. Shasta. In addition to being an International Retreat Leader and Communications Coach she embodies the Presence of the Ascended Masters and creates ceremonial space for women to own their Feminine Light & Power. She lovingly encourages women to experience and deepen their truth of who they are and live from their Authentic Self. She is the founder of website and may be reached at: 530-926-2493 or by email: |
Thank you for being a part of the ground crew.
In love and Light,
Valerie Donner
The Ground Crew