Straight From The Heart
January 4, 2024
Dear Ground Crew:
Here’s the latest from Apollo: “Prophecies from 2023 have come and gone. Here you are in the new year of 2024. You are still seeking information and truth. Some of what you were told did occur and yet other information did not prove true. So what do you do after that? You gain wisdom, go within and find what is true for you. This is the best you can do. It’s always within. Sometimes you have to dig deeply to find your truth. You listen to what your body tells you, or what your heart says. You scrap the confusion in the brain, which is meant to be a distraction. The chaotic energies from 2023 were a part of a deep clearing and cleansing that needed to occur. These were necessary because there was a need for light. The light is truth and there is much to be gained from this truth. The energies were murky and convoluted. They were weighing the planet down. From here on stay committed to the path of the light. Cast away doubt and fear of the darkness. Release it from your consciousness, as well as, the consciousness of the Earth. Do not dwell on the past but welcome in the future. This is how you are creating the New Earth. By doing this you are still welcoming in your future self with your many gifts and abilities.You are powerful and strong. You were designed and are qualified to do everything that is required of you. We are holding you to it. You will continue to masterfully bring the transformation of the Earth into alignment with the divine plan.”
We are truly walking into a new world because this new year of 2024 does not feel like any previous year. It feels as if we have closed the door on the past and that it no longer exists. That is quite an accomplishment. We had a busy 2023. We had ups and downs, successes and things that didn’t pan out. We had truths that could’ve made our eyeballs fall out after seeing them. We got to see more transparently who was real and who was not. We saw how desperate the dark forces are by their attacks on some of the Masters like St. Germain, and Djwal Khul, along with misconstrued information from sources like the Bible and other important texts. The handwriting is on the wall. Where there is substance it stays and where there is falsity it washes away. The people who brought these lies are also fading. It almost feels like a destruction derby and in someways, it is.
What makes you happy during these bizarre times? This is an important question to ask oneself. What is real? Nature holds salvation for us if we allow ourselves to get out there. When the soul needs replenishment looking at a beautiful tree, sunset, the sky, flowers, animals, and the magic of growth and renewal, can bring healing. What nature requires of us is to receive what it is giving and to take in the consciousness that comes with the gifts. Nature has much to show us.
Time after time nature is there for us, just like our Creator. All of creation likes to be appreciated and admired. This is true with nature. It feels our gazes and hears our comments. The birds and the animals acknowledge us as we begin to acknowledge them. They know us by our energy and our frequency. They know us by our light and our sound, and how we walk on the planet. When we respect the Earth and all of creation, we receive that respect back. There is dignity in consciousness. This catapults us into higher frequencies. From this experience more gifts are given.
Some of you may have been feeling disappointed because certain events happened but are still yet to be completed. This seems to be where 2024 feels almost like a void. It is unclear even for psychics to predict. In Chinese New Year’s this is the Year of the Dragon. The swish of a dragon’s tail can bring rapid change. Here’s a link for channel Michelle Fielding’s YouTube 14 minute message on “2024 The Year the Dragon.”
On a very positive personal note, there were many bright sides to 2023. It was mind-boggling to be able to capture a picture of the first City of Light on the planet over the San Francisco Bay area on October 14, 2023. Picture
Perhaps you have noticed your enhanced self awareness? This also applies to the ascension process as we extricate ourselves from memories of the past, and that also includes past lives. Our physical bodies are assisting us in releasing painful memories. When they come up we get to deal with them and release them. What is important is that we listen to our bodies, our emotions and that we attend to them.
It was also a gift to dream about a Portal of Bliss with a friend and to photograph it the next day in my backyard.
I am also deeply grateful for our Ground Crew in Action weekly Zoom Light Activations with Lumina. About 10 of us gather weekly to use this powerful energy where it is needed on the planet and elsewhere. We have been doing this since April 2023.
Lumina is responsible for the luminescence of creation. I am honored to be able to speak with this beautiful being and to share her with you. I’m also grateful to share many of the other Masters like Apollo, Mother Mary, St. Germain, Djwal Khul, Kuthumi and beloved Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. It is also a joy to share the energies of Mount Shasta and Telos, the Lemurian City the resides in the fifth dimension one mile under the mountain. I have a special connection with Adama, the high priest of Telos.
Walking into the New Year
By Valerie Donner
I’m walking into the warmth
Of a new year.
Where will it take me?
Will I be far or near?
It feels like an open heart
With history untold.
Where will it take me?
What will it hold?
This open gateway
Is yet to be seen.
It’s like a new revelation,
Golden and fit for a queen.
There’s music playing,
Beauty and art around.
This new year
Is heavenly bound.
Magic and miracles
Are everywhere present.
They light up the world
And are luminescent.
There’s stories to be told,
Transformation to occur.
It’s going to be fast and easy
Like a kitten’s purr.
The stars will shine
In the skies above.
We’re creating Heaven on Earth
That’s full of love.
Stand ready, dear ones,
Be strong and aware.
The 2024 energy
Will be beyond compare.
Thank you for being open
Like this gateway of the year.
The Creator is happy
With your presence here.
Transmission from Mira from the Pleiadian high Council January 4, 2023 Through Valerie Donner
Greetings: I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I greet you today with high hopes, vision and prayer, for the ground crew 2024 mission on planet Earth. We are pleased to be of assistance and the excitement is building. We have achieved so much already with your assistance. Most of you know, that I spend full-time working with the Earth Council overseeing our part in the ascension process for the Earth.
We greet you today with all of our love in our hearts. We commend you for the progress you made in 2023. It is remarkable. Even though we do not celebrate time the way that you do, we honor what you do as a part of your process. We are privileged to be doing this work with such special beings as the ground crew.
From what we can tell, 2024 will be a big splash of the year. By this we mean, there will be profound change that will make massive improvements on the planet. You will be treated to many surprises that will improve your lives and the lives of everyone on the planet. You will have a huge influx of abundance that will make everyone’s lives easier. You will have clarity of your purpose and reason for being on the Earth at this time. You will reclaim your mastery and your gifts and abilities will be put to good use. They will be needed by many, so you will see yourselves becoming teachers and healers of those who need to know and heal from what has happened.
We understand what a treacherous journey it has been for our beloved light beings. You did not remember what you were getting into when you incarnated on the Earth. This is particularly true for this incarnation. Now everything is moving faster and faster, at full speed like you may have noticed. What is needed to be done is clear and you will be guided every step of the way. We are with you and we are surrounded with your galactic family, the Light Alliance, and many precious ones incarnated on the Earth for this special assignment. You know what it is. It has been quite a project.
We understand what a treacherous journey it has been for our beloved light beings. You did not remember what you were getting into when you incarnated on the Earth. This is particularly true for this incarnation. Now everything is moving faster and faster, at full speed like you may have noticed. What is needed to be done is clear and you will be guided every step of the way. We are with you and we are surrounded with your galactic family, the Light Alliance, and many precious ones incarnated on the Earth for this special assignment. You know what it is. It has been quite a project.
The Earth is progressing well. She is excited about her transformation and her healing. She is deserving because it is time for her ascension. She has suffered for many reasons. She cares for her children and for all that has happened to our wonderful beings of light. Fortunately, you are resilient. You will have remarkable healings and so will the Earth. We guarantee this to be a fact.
You have a whole new beginning in store for you this year. All of creation is watching what is happening on the Earth. You are big players in the rising consciousness of creation. That is why you are here now and why we are with you. We stand here with guidance, love, admiration, and unity. We are close to our celebration and our reunion with you. Let the love flow!
I am Mira in loving service to the Earth’s ascension and the progress of higher consciousness.
Valerie’s Zoom Call Transmissions for January 2024
The Master Dwal Khul, Thursday, January 4, from 5:00PM to 6:30PM Pacific Time. DK, as he is known, is the Master who came to me over 25 years ago to teach me to channel. He represents strength and is becoming increasingly helpful to us in these transmissions. He was the last Master to walk on the Earth and is an expert in healing, initiations, and the Seven Rays. He was considered the most knowledgeable of the Masters. We love him.
Mother Mary and Saint Germain, Thursday, January 11 from 5:00 to 6:30 PM Pacific Time. In my work with Mother Mary over the years St. Germain usually comes with her. Mary represents the divine feminine energy. She gifts us with information and healing. We call St. Germain “Mr. Wonderful.” He always has something important to tell us and he usually makes us laugh. He is one of the Founding Fathers of America. We love them both.
Mira, from the Pleiadian High Council, Thursday, January 18 from 5:00 to 6:30 PM Pacific Time. Our beloved Mira has much to share with us in these transmissions. She likes to offer us to visit her ship for a few minutes on these calls. We go there in our etheric bodies. We have lovely experiences with her.
My classes are recorded. They are experiential. They are $33 each and are payable to me at: vdonner99@gmail.com through PayPal. If any of you would like to receive a recording of the call, you can email me at the same email address and pay the $33 for the class. Please email me if you would like to attend and I will send you the link for the call. Personal questions are allowed.
Valerie’s Work
I am a spiritual counselor, energy healer, reader, channel, and teacher. I work deeply at the heart and soul level so I feel things, see things and information comes. I work with your guides and angels, your team, as well as my team, which includes the energies of the Christ, Mother Mary, St. Germain, Djwal Khul, and Kuthumi, and the Archangels Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael and Michael. I am doing light activations with Lumina who is responsible for the luminescence of creation. I am also very good at getting the emotional reasons behind illness. I have been doing this work for 25 years. I’ve been meditating twice daily for over 40 years. I also worked in the corporate world as an healthcare executive, so I understand what it’s like to be in the corporate world.
My rates are: $35 for 15 minutes, $70 for 30 minutes, $105 for 45 minutes and $140 for an hour. I may be reached at: 925-287-8976 or email: VDonner99@gmail.com
In Conclusion
We are working diligently with the light to change the Earth. Our energy has been and will continue to be, of great importance to the ascension of the planet and elsewhere. We have been put to the task and we are victorious. We will have many reasons to celebrate this year in 2024.
We have everyone helping us to take the next steps. We just need to stand strong and tall and do what is put before us. A spiritual connection in our hearts with Source is what will lead the way. The truth is being revealed.
Thank you for being a part of the ground crew. Have a most wonderful 2024! I love you!
In the light,