Straight From The Heart
December 4, 2023
Dear Ground Crew:
Here’s the latest from Apollo: “Greetings, I am Apollo. I greet you today with a blast of light to fill every cell in your body and to remind you of who you are as a beautiful divine being. Your divinity means everything. This is how Source works through you, through creation. It is of paramount importance now that you go within and ask to connect more with your future self. The future self plays a significant role in the ascension process. As you connect to your future self, you will be able to filter through truth just like you filter your coffee in the morning. The truth is stored within your cellular structure. It is ignited by the truth in your heart and by the light that is coming to your pineal gland into your light body. Your frequencies are rising beyond imagination. This means that your bodies are now a living expressing of your wholeness. You light up like a battery that has been charged to the fullest. It’s up to you to use this battery well. It is best you place yourself in this awareness and pay attention to where you are going and what you are doing. This is what consciousness is about. The consciousness needs to rise like the sun every morning, whether you can see it or not. This is how you accomplish what you came to do as your future self. So please be careful on what you place in your awareness. The destructive influences would like to show you ugliness to scare you away from beauty and love. Please do not let them do this. Stand for truth so you can be the pillar of light as a part of the blueprint for Earth’s ascension. You are the new role models for the New Earth. You are made in the image and likeness of God. It is time to step into that likeness.”
How are you doing, ground crew? You may be feeling a little off or displaced with these intense energies. They are off the charts! So much is happening now right before our eyes wherever we go and even in our own backyards. There is beauty popping out everywhere. You are beginning to see colors like never before. Magic and miracles are happening everywhere. Unprecedented events like the aurora borealis is becoming visible in northern parts of the United States confirming rising consciousness.
Look at this, as you continue to make your ascension. Increasing beauty is coming to you along with your expanded ability to see it. The other evening I dreamed that one of my friends and opened a Portal of Bliss. I felt the bliss all night long. We both felt that bliss the next day. On that day in my own backyard I was taking a picture of the sun. These two pictures show a portal in my backyard.
Another friend of mine just sent me some photos where she is traveling by the Great Lakes. She says there are portals everywhere. This might be something you want to look into where you live. Use your phone and see what comes up.
This beauty is coming to us because we are in the fifth dimension and higher. We are beginning to live in a world of wonder. We starting to see things we couldn’t see before and our technology is assisting us. Can you imagine how much better it is going to be?
When we focus on what is good, beautiful and true, we are filled with greater light. The fear-based media and some alternative news, tend to push some of the old third dimensional pictures that no longer apply. Focusing on the light will result in what we came here to do. It is a matter of making a conscious choice every day in every way.
Perhaps you have noticed your enhanced self awareness? This also applies to the ascension process as we extricate ourselves from memories of the past, and that also includes past lives. Our physical bodies are assisting us in releasing painful memories. When they come up we get to deal with them and release them. What is important is that we listen to our bodies, our emotions and that we attend to them.
Anytime we get called to do something nice for ourselves like take a beautiful walk, make a nice meal, talk to like-minded friends, listen to some beautiful music, or singing and dancing, we are bringing joy and higher consciousness energies to ourselves. This is important because it helps us to experience bliss, which is how we will be living in the fifth dimension and higher. We will be in joyful celebration as we live in harmony, love, peace, compassion, cooperation, beauty and gratitude. We will be with our like-minded friends and our galactic families. We have a wonderful future.
On a global scale NESARA and GESARA were finalized on November 5, 2023. This is when we change our whole financial system which will bring abundance to all of us, along with freedom. Here’s the link: Phil Godleski. Most of you probably already know about NESARA and GESARA because we have heard about this for years. It is in process.
Recently, I became aware of a golden planet called Christara. This is a planet of great abundance. The queen of abundance resides there and along with many goddesses of abundance. This is abundance that we can access right now. You might want to consider meditating on this beautiful planet. Feel the energy and breathe it in. Ask for your access to the abundance from Christara. Here’s a picture of what the goddess of abundance might look like.
It also appears that main stream media personalities who have pushed lies and been paid for it, along with committing crimes against humanity, are starting to be arrested. It looks like they are shaking in their main stream news fake booties. They never thought they would be culpable. This applies also to the elite. It’s looking like pretty soon they will be obsolete.
DecemberThe Take Down
Through Valerie Donner
The takedown is happening.
It’s really real.
The fake news will be no more
And they will have no way to appeal.
It’s done and it’s over.
They’ve completed crimes and they’ve lost.
They’ve done bad things to humanity
At a horrible cost.
When people find out how much
They’ve been fooled,
There will be no escape
For those who have ruled.
The take down is happening.
It is meant to be.
Taking advantage of others
Is an atrocity.
There will be no more service to self.
We are changing to service to others.
Love, beauty and truth
Will be all that matters.
We will not miss
Those brazen ones.
They are going places
Where it won’t be fun.
Good riddance to the rubbish.
We are bringing in the truth and the light.
The dark forces are being taken down
We have won the fight!
Transmission from Mira from the Pleiadian high Council December 4th, 2023 Through Valerie Donner
Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian high Council. I am still working full-time with the Earth Council. Our Council is extremely busy right now. Much has been activated to bring forth the light and higher consciousness on the Earth. We are dealing with the multi dimensional world, the inner world, and the underworld, for all are being addressed simultaneously. There is plenty of work to do.
We thank the ground crew for all of their hard work. You have been holding the light for many incarnations and particularly this one. Everything is stirred up because it can no longer have a hold on the Earth as in the past. These energies will go where they can be dealt with most appropriately.
What we are doing is well organized and well thought out. We do this process with every ascension and the Earth is no exception. The Earth, however, is one of the most contaminated planets we have ever assisted. This is due to the assemblage of those beings who have been controlling the Earth for eons of time. They are being removed and will no longer be allowed to ever come to the Earth again. Many are being dis-created.This happens when beings are so dark they are beyond redemption.
The Earth and all of life on the Earth are in great need of healing. I am pleased to inform you that every aspect of the New Earth, where you will be living in the Golden Age, will be healing. You will live in gratitude and abundance. Your hearts will sing and you will be in bliss and happiness. What you are accustomed to seeing in the old third dimensional material world is over. Please take a few deep breaths as you absorb what I am saying. It is the truth and it is real.
You will walk lightly on the New Earth for you will be light filled. Your steps will be gentle and your illumination will be great. What you have experienced in the past is over and will be offset with such love and abundance you will feel like singing and dancing constantly. You will help others and they will help you. Your creativity and generosity will flow from your hearts. What you create and give with love will be acknowledged by the Creator. Angels will wrap their wings around you and the light will be reflected in every thought, word and deed.
The animals will have a lot to tell you for they too have had quite a journey on the Earth. Did you know they are Masters in disguise? There will be a beautiful exchange between you and the animals. The plants and the minerals will also be activated and participating consciously in your lives. The waters will be cleansed and will be respected. They will magically assist you with your bodies with your healing, as well as, the growth of your plants, flowers and trees. This is all a perfect package of love.
We thank you for your light and your patience that it has taken to hold your light on this Earth and to brave everything you’ve had to experience. You are deeply honored in all of creation. You are loved and respected beyond compare. You are to be revered and admired throughout eternity. In the future you will be able to go places where you will be able to tell some of the stories of what it was like to live on the Earth and to assist the ascension.
I am Mira and I love you. I am so grateful to be with you now as we take back the Earth.
Valerie’s Zoom Call Transmissions for December
The Master Djwal Khul, Tuesday, December 5, from 5:00PM Pacific Time to 6:30PM. We are receiving some beautiful transmissions from this great master who was also known as the Tibetan. He was responsible for the Alice Bailey channelings of the Theosophical Society. DK, as he is also known, is an expert on healing, the initiations, the Seven Rays, and was one of the most learned masters to come to the Earth. He came to me many years ago and taught me how to channel. He is helpful to all of us.
Mother Mary and the Master St. Germain, Thursday, December 14, from 5 PM Pacific time to 6:30 PM. Mother Mary represents the Divine feminine energy and is a steady source of healing for all of us and for the Earth. “Mr. Wonderful,” as we call him, St. Germain, is involved with the ascension of the Earth and especially with freedom.He has been an overseer of constitution of the United States. He always has something special to tell us and he is usually quite funny.
Mira from the Pleiadian high Council, Thursday, December 21, from 5PM Pacific time to 6:30 PM. Our beloved Mira is sharing the most beautiful light energy with us at this time. She often takes us in our etheric bodies to her ship, where we have some amazing experiences.
These classes are $33 each. I’m also recording them now and that is $33 for the recording. You may ask a personal question. Please use PayPal to pay me the $33 at: vdonner99@gmail.com I will send you the link.
Christmas Discounted Sessions with Valerie Donner
This year my gifts and abilities have accelerated due to my work with Lumina, who is responsible for the luminescence of creation. My work has become even more powerful. So when you have a session with me you are also receiving a light activation from Lumina. My future self comes to assist you with whatever you need. It could be spiritual counseling, reading, energy healing or clearing, or a teaching. The energies work in a variety of ways to give you what you need at the time.
Since we are moving in to 2024, I am going to discount my rates of $140 for a session by $24, so a session would be $126 until December 31, 2023. A 30 minute session would be $70 less $12 making it $58. If you are interested in scheduling an appointment with me you may call me at 925-287-8976 or email me at: valeriedonner@protonmail.com
In Conclusion
We are fortunate to be living in these times of amazing change with magic and miracles. This is what we came here to do and what we have been waiting for. There is new beauty with every glance, if one simply takes the time to notice. New energies and empathy, along with intense emotions, can be overwhelming but they are getting our attention. Beauty and wonder rain upon us. This is just the beginning of living in the 5th dimension and higher.
Have a miraculous Holiday Season. Be in the oneness of these special times. Keep your heart open and partake in the abundance and beauty of the light.
If any of you feel called to gift us with a special donation at this time you may use PayPal: vdonner99@gmail.com Thank you to all those who have contributed to the website. You are greatly appreciated.
Love and all good things to you!
In the light,